Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski Win Teen Choice Awards

Chuck stars Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski were honored at the Teen Choice Awards last night, winning Choice Actor: Action and Choice Actress: Action respectively. There is hope for America’s youth after all!

The two also presented during the show. Be sure to tune in when the Teen Choice Awards air tonight, August 9, on FOX to see them take the stage. And check out the photos in our Gallery.

Yvonne Strahovski at the Teen Choice Awards
Yvonne walks the carpet at the Teen Choice Awards
Zachary Levi at the Teen Choice Awards
Zac practices looking yellow
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  1. Gratz to both of you 🙂 Your the best.

  2. Woohoo! Brilliant. I’m so excited that we as a Chuck community were able to band together for a cause, even as small as this one. Imagine what we can do for those bigger causes! And also, congrats to Yvonne and Zac, both brilliant as an actor and actress. They completely deserve this.

    • Couldn’t had said it better!

      Congratz to two of the best actors. Combined with Adam Baldwin and Joshua Gomez they’ve succeeded to make the best show ever.

      Go Chuck!

  3. “There is hope for America’s youth after all!” hauhauahuaha
    you got that right!

  4. Without the great performances, not only from these two, but the whole Chuck cast, this show wouldn’t work. All those little charming bits in between actions sequences and the heart-warming stuff, Zach and Yvonne are brilliant and they make the whole show tick. They make ANY show/film they’re in tick.

    Fully deserved.

  5. Congratulations to Zach and Yvonne! You are both super actors and fully deserve this honor and many more. Looking forward to season 4! 🙂

  6. I voted every single day! Unfortunately we didn’t get best action series award but we definnitely have the best action actors! 🙂
    Next year Chuck should be nominated also as best drama and of course best comedy! When they broadcast it tonight I hope someone will post the videos from this!

    • i agree with you bout (for nxt year) the best comedy but i dont agree for best drama cuz the show doesnt have alot of drama in it but it does have alot of comedy wich fits into CHUCKKKK!!! Btw i am so excited to see them tonite (on tv) *tears *tears and sSOOOOO happy that they WONNN ! and i also thought that they SHOULD”VE won the best action series toooo!:):):):):):)

      • Okay, I can’t agree on the point that Chuck doesn’t have a lot of drama. Just think baout the the first 13 episodes of Season 3 and some relationship storylines in general. 🙁

    • OH and also for nxt year they should be nominated for breakout star and also for action and comedy!!!

      • While I agree that they should/deserve more acknowledgment for their great work there is one small flaw with what you said, Jade. Unfortunately, cause the show has been on for three seasons now the cast cannot be nominated for “breakout” awards. Technically they are too “old” in terms of status.

  7. Congratulations to Zach and Yvonne! You are both super actors and you totally deserve this honor and many more. Looking forward to season 4! 🙂

  8. Sorry for the double post. I had been checking this site for the photos and saw that my comment had disappeared, so I rewrote it, but now it is here twice. Oh, well, you can’t have too many congratulations, can you! LOL! 🙂

  9. YES!!!! I was really campaigning for them (asking all the teens I know – cousins, friends kids – to vote for them), but I was really skeptical.

    Way to go. That is definately mainstream. I just hope that more viewers will tune in.

    I am sooo happy for them. They deserved it, specially after the emmy snubbing.

  10. Congratulations on winning in a popular vote, Yvonne and Zac!

  11. so happy that both won!!! and they were so cute!!!

  12. THIS is incredible news. Goes to show that there are enough folks out there who have taste!

  13. There is hope for America’s youth after all!


    I voted everyday hehe I’m so happy for both!

  14. i know they will win!!! congrats to the greatest CIA agent ever made after the turners. 🙂

  15. I know I would dissapoint Yvonne big time so mo point!

  16. Congrats to them both! About time this show and its actors got some recognition!! Yay Zach and Yvonne!!!

  17. Congratulations to Zach and Yvonne! I think they should both be better recognized as the amazing actors that they are.


  18. im sooooo happy for Zach and Yvonne,dey wer great and dey really deserve dis.Best of luck for da upcommin season,cant wait.I love u Zach u rock.

  19. I think Yvonne should hire a stylist. She is always well dressed and looking great, but she could look even better. Just take a look at Lea Michele’s (Glee) dress at the Teen Choice Awards. That was a stunning dress.
    After all, you have to dress for the job you want, not the job you have, and I really think she has it all to make it big in Hollywood as a film star also.

    • I actually liked the dress. My complaint is the hair. On “Chuck” they’ve fixed her up with various hairstyles, and they’ve all looked great. On the awards show she just had it pulled back as if she was playing tennis at a Ken-Mar event.

      • Yep, you are right about the hair. Couldn’t look more plain. Not ugly, just not “WOW”. And she can indeed cause a WOW effect.

        Please Yvonne, hire a stylist and look more fabulous.

        ps.: remember when Katherine Heigl was “just” a TV star and started getting attention for being extremely well dressed? Well, she got noticed, and then came the movie parts, and well, even though I think she sucks, she became a movie star. I am not saying it is just because of her style, I am saying it helps.

      • And I thought I was the only one who thought Heigl was blah!

  20. Congratulations to both Zac and Yvonne for winning the Teen Choice Award, and it definitely is good to see that there is indeed hope for today’s young people! 😀

  21. Is there a prissier looking (and I want to say something else)person
    than Zac Levi on the planet????????????

  22. So very awesome! but what time does it air. I can’t miss this.

  23. Congratulations to Zac and Yvonne well deserved

    Zac is just awesome and Yvonne is beautiful great actor/actress great work!

  24. Congratulations to them both! Am I the only one who sees Yvonne’s mole moving in (File) 14 and 16. Dirt on the lens? Haha.

  25. Chuck is a great show. Congratulations to both Zac and Yvonne. I hope that the more awards they win the more chance of a motion picture.

  26. ultimatechucklover

    That so great you guys totally are the right people for this award YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. These awards couldn’t be more deserved. Zac and Yvonne. The best duo on TV!

  28. Gratz guys!!!! you both deserved it!!! voted each day for you guys =)

  29. Congrats to both Zac and Yvonne. I hope it is the beginning of many awards to come.

    I am a little surprised though, I thought most of the Chuck fans were older.

    I guess it just proves that you can love Chuck at any age.

  30. Congrats to them both! They definitely deserve it! And they were so fun on the show.


  32. Congrats Zac & Yvonne you deserve the best! YaHoooooo

  33. Amalia Kartika(Indonesia)

    congrats to zach and yvonne, you guys deserve it… yeaaayyy…. but to bad, Chuck didnt win…

  34. Awesome! They really deserve it.

  35. Yees! You diserve it so much! All my friends here in sweden who has watch Chuck LOVE it. It’s definitly the best show ever. And i remember the girl who talk to yvonne on swedish “kommer sakna dig kompis” wich means “Gonna miss you my friend”.

    I am so exited to se the next season. (sorry for bad english) Hugs from sweden

  36. woohoo! this is great, my favorite tv couple, yeah… thanks to all who voted! thanks TCA! I LLLOOOVVVEEE it!

  37. Xavier Desrochers

    Freaking nice, am very happy for that! Chuck is FTW!

  38. Well done Zach and Yvonne. You two deserve it. Congrats!!! 🙂 Not to mention you both look hot. 😉 Love you guys.

  39. Congratulations Zach and Yvonne! You deserve all the recognition and awards for bringing us two characters who we’ve come to love as “real people.” And thanks also for NOT being the kind of “stars” that we so often read about who get into trouble or embarrass themselves in one way or another.

    “CHUCK” has truly been a joy and a gift these past three seasons. Let’s hope for a couple more – and then for Zach and Yvonne’s continued success as they will eventually move on to other projects.

    You’re both THE BEST and deserve all the praise that is being directed your way.

    Can’t wait for the Season 4 premiere!!

    And THANKS, for keeping all of us Chuckaholics up to date with the lates “CHUCK” news!! YOU have always been and continue to ROCK!!

  40. Please go to Television Without Pity – Tubey Awards to vote for Chuck and the casts!

    • Congratulations! You both deserve to finally get an award. I DVR’d the show and watched the parts I wanted to see, but didn’t see the award part for the action-series/actor/actress. Did I miss it? I saw Zac and Yvonne presentin and them thanking everyone for choosing them as Best Action/actor/actress and then went back to see the award presentation, but couldn’t find it.

      • I know. I haven’t seen coverage of their awards acceptance anywhere, though I’ve looked high and low. Was it not aired?

  41. Hi, I’m from the Philippines and we sooooooooo loooove CHUCK..
    Can’t wait to see Season 4..

  42. You are the best Chuck and I super admire you Sarah!!!

  43. Competition is going to get nothing but tougher for viewers in season 4—they will need all the help we can give them–I know some of us got upset for a lot of last season but it turned out well and F&S have (hopefully) learned their lesson. Try to get some of the old fans back and try to generate some new ones.


    i love yvonne’s dress!
    and zach’s outfit sucks 😛 LOL

  46. For them to be starting season 4 this coming September just proves that they are accomplished actors/actresses. Some series don’t even get to complete their first season because no one watches them. Just look at Christian Slater and his series. I heard his series was cut off right after the first episode, and he was already a well-known actor.