Chuck Season Premiere: An Advance Review

The subtitle for this review should be: Chuck = WIN!

Linda Hamilton guest stars in the season premiere of Chuck on NBCWithin the first half of the episode, it had vaulted to my top 5 favorite Chuck episodes. By the end, it was in the top 3. Remember the lightheartedness and the chemistry (between all of the leads) that first hooked you on Chuck? It’s back, but deeper and richer thanks to the past 3 seasons. In fact, the entire episode feels richer and deeper; it’s confident and ambitious and intimate all at once. There are some moments that made me shout with laughter and a couple of incredibly poignant moments as well. Gosh, I hope I’m not overselling this!

NBC only sent out the season premiere for review, so these comments are only for “Chuck vs. the Anniversary.” First things first, Chuck and Sarah are indeed together. Very much so. Yes, there are some lies of omission, but it looks like TPTB heard the fan complaints about lies between these two and chose to address those complaints head on. It’s another “teaching moment” that serves as a transition for Chuck and Sarah.

Speaking of lies, we get just one small scene with Ellie, but his sister is on Chuck’s mind throughout. He is trying to make the best of his circumstances, carrying out his father’s wishes and honoring his commitments to others. He does end up back on the government’s payroll by the end of the episode, but he’s not thrilled about it because he takes his promise to Ellie very seriously. I’m not sure I like how he left things with her, but that’s the only part of this episode that was less than a 10 (or an 11 out of 10) for me.

The Chuck/Morgan bromance returns in full force and is a joy to watch. Their mission to search the globe for Mama B yields an amusing montage, some pretty funny inside jokes, and a surprisingly mature attitude from Morgan who is doing his best to be Alfred to Chuck’s Batman. This is also where guest star Harry Dean Stanton appears. I recently began watching Big Love, in which Stanton plays Morman-in-Charge Roman Grant, and got a kick out of his role here.

Adam Baldwin & Yvonne Strahovski star in the season premiere of Chuck on NBCWe can’t forget Casey. He grunts his annoyance about Chuck & Sarah’s coupleness, but when push comes to shove, he cares deeply for these two. He lets fly a few well-placed quips, gets to play with guns, and even has a terrific dramatic moment that I won’t soon forget.

The story arc provides Sarah with some non-Chuck action (not THAT kind of action) that I appreciated. As much as I love her and Chuck together, it’s wonderful to see Sarah outside of that relationship on occasion. Her partnership with Casey has always been a favorite of mine, and we’re treated to plenty of it here. She has some fun in this episode, as well. In fact, in everything she does, she seems to be having more fun. There is a lightness about her character that has been a long time coming. Instead of confused, hurt, miserable Sarah, we have confident, secure, happy Sarah.

The search for Mama B is complicated, as it should be. I suspect that following this episode, our forum will light up with fans finding clues and putting together speculations. There is a wealth of mythology being drawn on and being built. Also, Linda Hamilton IS Mary Elizabeth Bartowski. It’s casting genius again.

Some bulletpoints:

  • Composer Tim Jones has outdone himself with the music here. A couple of music cues had me chortling with glee.
  • The new Buy More has Morgan drooling. So does Greta.
  • The only change in the opening credits is the addition of Bonita Friedericy as a regular, and her appearance here (which has been pretty much revealed in sneak peeks) has me chomping at the bit for more.
  • The anniversary is one several fans guessed a while ago.
  • Pay attention when Chuck is getting dressed in his room.
  • Sexting proves to be both hilarious and an important plot device. Man, I love this show.
  • I think Volkoff Industries is going to be an actual threat this season. Dolph Lundgren was perfect as our introduction to the organization: menacing but still within the context of the show.
  • Devon, Big Mike, Jeff & Lester do not appear in the premiere.

Chuck returns Monday, September 20 at 8/7c on NBC.

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  1. Only 4 days left! It’s gonna be so great, the previews were AWESOME! 🙂

  2. I am dyeing to see the show Monday can’t come soon enough. Thanks for the review the show sounds like it will be an awesome premier 🙂

  3. oh boy…what means sexting??

    seems a big deal in many comments i read about chuck new season, but i never heard this word in english before….

    any body can translate to portuguese, please??

    • Sexting is sex + texting. Sort of like phone sex, but via text. It’s not explicit here, barely even PG-rated, but it is a very funny and important part of the story.

    • Sexting is having sex through texting. Like sending sexy comments to each other. lol i cant wait to see how this goes over(hopefully between Chuck and Sarah cuz they never really said who would be doing the sexting.)

    • I can’t translate to portuguese, but I can put it into different words for you. I had the same question because I didn’t know what it was. Here’s a hint: it sounds like a compound word, right? So, divide it in half and see what you get. Answer: it is what it sounds like: sex texting. Or should I say, texting sex. Hope this helps.

  4. mel, sam,
    thank´s a lot for the help :))
    now i can laugh a bit more about that :))

  5. This review was treat to read and had me smiling through out especially the parts with Sasey (my pet name for Casey and Sarah) in their beautifully adorable partner/friend/brother/sister relationship.

    Casey being the man I love like no other is going to be awesome. Chuck/ Sarah will be darling I have no doubts now, and I’ve always been fond of Chuck/Morgan being the cute bromantic duo. I’m chomping at the bit here, please hurry up Monday. 😀

  6. i guess Ausiello read my doubt and post a video explaining my previous question 😉

  7. With all of the clips, reviews and notes, every clip I am chuckling at and the latest sexting clip I could not stop laughing.
    This is shaping up to be the best season ever.

  8. With all the promos and spoilers I’ve seen thus far, I was already jumping out of my skin waiting for Monday night. I was hoping things would not get much worse for me. Thanks a heap, Mel.

  9. Awww no jeffster or awesome what’s wrong with these people…aw super sad but oh well hopefully well see them soon can’t wait two more days!!!! About three but dic hahahha

  10. Great! You have me so worked up I am salivating!! Monday cannot get here fast enough!!

  11. I seriously cant wait another second for the season premiere. Chuck is epic and this season looks to be a killer of a season!!!! Cant wait

  12. You know I am totally with Mo Ryan on the Ellie situation that she brought up both in the last CTV podcast and in the article on chuck versus the ring part 2. Ellie always tells chuck what he should do with his life and at times it gets frustrating. Currently based on the clips he misses sarah, sarah misses him, casey misses chuck and it just seems that Ellie has made chuck put his life on hold and miss most of it because Ellie wants what Ellie wants. I am glad that he is back in the CIA or on the payroll, whatever, I just hope Ellie goes back to minding her own business and being pregnant. I hope that chuck just keeps on lying to her and her alone so we do not have to deal with her at all. Just a thought, I want my team b back together badly !

  13. I have a countdown that I made on a website somewhere that I watch while listening to “The Final Countdown” by Europe. I cannot wait for the new season, because “Chuck” means so much to me. VIVA LA NERD HERD!!!

    All the best,
    Indiana Buy-Moria Embassy and Biggest “Chuck” fan in all of Indiana
    All Chuck Fans in the Midwest say HEYY!!

  14. I shouldn’t have read this. I was having a hard enough time waiting for monday to come around before I read this. Now I don’t know if I will make it.

    Mel – top 3 huh? Wow this must be some great episode. I know the clips we have seen so far gave me the impression it would be a very good episode, but top 3? I might just be buying a subway sandwioh on Tuesday too.

  15. Hey Mel, do early reviews come out for the premiere or can they continue? Thanks in advance.

  16. Devon not in the premiere? What about that clip of him in the new Buy More? *confused*

    • I heard the premiere will focus on the main four of Team B as well as what goes on in the new Buy More, plus a little bit with Ellie.

      But I’m thinking the rest of the crew shows up during the next week or so.

  17. Is Mom B capping the bad guys in this show? Mel, you have made this epi. too good to be true. Hope this rivals the “Colonel” my fav

    • There was a time before Chuck when I never wanted my weekends to end, now my weekend can’t end fast enough.

    • Poor Chuck is surrounded! He’s got to deal every day with Ellie, Sarah, Diane and now Mama B??? No wonder Fulcrum and the Ring and Volkoff Industries don’t scare him! Compared to all those strong women, the other a Meh! 😉

  18. after reading this, i think i dreamt me watching an entire episode of chuck. i just can’t remember it anymore!

    but i will say this, it was a pretty damn good episode

  19. Today’s the day Chuck fans! WOOHOO!
    I’ll be Chucking it live from North Carolina! All my east coast fans, WHAT’S UP?!?!?!

  20. I’m thinking the pay attention when Chuck is dressing part is the fact that there are 3 Governer watches on one of those automatic watch winder things for watches that charge up through kinetic energy.

  21. The episode was awesome, but i was a little bit disappointed with the lack of action. However i can see that the comedy is back in full force and is great 🙂