A pair of organizations are offering Chuck goodies to raise money for charity.
Ken-Mar Rescue will hold a silent auction at their Wine, Cheese & Chocolate Extravaganza on November 13. This event will feature Yvonne Strahovski and Julia Ling, plus you can bid on a basket of Chuck goodies including season 3 on DVD, black t-shirt, orange shoe laces, and signed photos of the cast. You can also bid on signed Chuck posters. Tickets to the event are still available via their website.
ZacharyLeviFan.com is hosting a fundraiser for Operation Smile, Zachary Levi’s charity of choice. Donate through their Crowdrise page and you’re entered to win a prize pack that includes all 3 seasons of Chuck on DVD, Nerd Machine shirts, Buy More items, and more. Visit their site for details and to donate.