Zachary Levi Sings in Disney’s ‘Tangled’

Zachary Levi voices Flynn opposite Mandy Moore’s Rapunzel in Disney’s new animated film, Tangled. Hear the two sing a duet from the soundtrack:

Dude. Goosebumps. Tangled opens in theaters on November 24.

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  1. Very pretty. Nice pipes, Zac. And good to see (hear?) Mandy Moore. I’ve always enjoyed her films. Oh, and, everybody, vote!

  2. Beautiful! When you’ve got such an actor and director as Zach, it’s only natural he becomes a triple threat in his career with a voice like that. He has got to be the most honest, true-to-himself and dedicated person I have ever witnessed. I would give anything to shake his hand and tell him that in person some day. Have great day everyone!

  3. Zach should go for the EGOT!

  4. Zach can really pull it off – just like in “Terrified” with Katharine McPhee. Mandy Moore has such a beautiful voice as well. I’m not much into the animated movies, but this one I’ll definitely go see!

    P.S. As of Noon on Monday, I’m hearing we’re in SECOND PLACE in the “Make the Cover of TV Guid Contest.” VOTE, VOTE, VOTE everybody. And make sure you hit “submit” when you vote – just don’t hit “enter.” Only hitting “submit” will count your vote.

    So vote like crazy. The rest of today and tonight are all we have. Let’s pull through for CHUCK like we always have before!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!

  5. OMG! Zac has done it again… he conquered Idol (‘Terrified’ with K McPhee) this time it’s Disney (with Mandy Moore)

  6. He is sooooooooooo amazing!!! Ahhh!! I love him! He gets better and better each day(: he has done it again! I LOVE ZAC LEVI!

  7. … Is it only me, or did that NOT sound like Zach?? Doesn’t seem to be his voice…

  8. WOW! auh-mazing

  9. just realized….. Disney Animated films usually get an Oscar Nom for Best Song. That means our Zac could be singing AT THE OSCARS – wow!!

  10. Archangelz ReborneezZz

    whoa….Zach is awesome,always loved music of Mandy Moore 😀