A Fistful of Fakeouts – Episode 4.07: Chuck Vs The First Fight

Written by Lauren LeFranc & Rafe Judkins

Directed by Allan Kroeker

Well played Chuck showrunners. Not only did you throw a curve ball at us, diverting us from the obvious Dalton as the baddie casting connection, with Timothy Dalton playing a frumpy MI6 Handler by the name of Tuttle; you simultaneously deked us out about the title and how it would play out in the episode.

Well played.

Move over Dream Job, I now have a favorite new episode. All things Chuck just work so much better when the spine of the show is based on a compelling spy story. The humor flows more naturally and feels funnier, the nerd references have more pop, the relationships gain more emotional weight, character motivations are often in conflict with the spy story creating extra layers of tension, and the weaknesses of the show diminish; if not vanish altogether. Conversely when the spine of the show is based on the relationship between Chuck and Sarah those very same elements rarely work together as well. The reason for that bears further examination.

It is oft quoted that the Chuck and Sarah relationship is the heart of the show. (I like to think that heart also includes all the relationships of which, indisputably, the Chuck and Sarah is the major one.) But to paraphrase the original Star Trek episode, ‘The Trouble with Tribbles,’ ‘Too much of anything, even love, is not a good thing.’ Those loveable but prolific tribbles soon inhabited every corner of the screen distracting the characters from the real threat. After three Chuck episodes in a row(4.02 – 4.04) that focused on Chuck and Sarah, even the most die hard relationship fans were ready for a change of pace. That is because the spy stories ended up being generic and not emotionally engaging for the principal characters and by extension, the audience. There was no sense of danger. No tension.

When the spy mission is the spine of the story, comments about the show firing on all cylinders or being a balanced episode are often seen. Why is that? It is because all the characters are on equal footing in such episodes. When the episode is based on a relationship issue between Chuck and Sarah the only characters directly involved are, obviously, Chuck and Sarah. This focus creates an imbalance or barrier between the leads and the other characters. The other characters are hobbled from the get go. They can either only be involved in the main storyline from an indirect vantage point or the episode must contain a separate storyline for them. Which dilutes both storylines.

Things go even better when all the elements that go into making a show come together to create something that is greater than the individual sum of the parts. It is rather magical. Always hoped for. Occasionally happens. Can never be manufactured. Casting the right person for a part and having that person not only handle the role but go beyond what was envisioned is every show’s hope. Timothy Dalton as Tuttle, aka Volkoff, is one of those moments.

Dalton brings such an energy, such a glee, such a joy of life to the screen that it synergistically affects the other actors around him. Dalton’s scenes with Zac Levi were so much fun to watch. As his reveal at the end of the episode. Amazing. Also amazing is what a little change in wardrobe, hair style, and body language can bring to an actor. Scott Bakula had the same transformative moment in Season Two’s Dream Job when he went from being PapaB to Orion. Tuttle becomes Volkoff and those preconceived images the audience had of Dalton because of his Bond heritage served that reveal moment well. Too bad the Tuttle character has been lost so quickly but par for the course on a show where plot elements are often burnt through so rapidly. Tuttle was a lot of fun.

Episode Flashes: Add your own in the comments.

  • Sarah distracted by MamaB during briefing with Beckman
  • ‘calm’ Chuck
  • Phalanx computer and triangular? discs
  • Chuck ‘waltzes in’ by Tom, Jerry, Casey & other agents to see MamaB in the Castle
  • Sarah turns a high heel spike into a weapon, Morgan pays the price
  • ‘Morgan, please don’t touch my chest.’
  • ‘I’m sorry. The code one more time.’
  • Morgan, unlike Chuck, confronts Casey about their ‘First Fight’
  • ‘Do I get to parachute out of a plane on a horse?’
  • Subtle, undercover Morgan dropping ear piece into glass of water
  • Tuttle and the plastic fork, ‘I’d like to apologize for addressing you in a harsh tone.’
  • ‘Had my first sexual experience while watching Lawrence of Arabia.’ Tuttle cracks under threat of torture
  • ‘Oh cool! A tiny weapons standoff!’
  • Close quarters plane fight and another big guy prove too much for the Intersect.
  • Tuttle’s ‘Here! Catch!’ knife throw
  • Morgan brokers a deal with MamaB. ‘I haven’t had a decent Rice Krispie square since..’
  • Tuttle teases Chuck about only have one parachute
  • ‘Thrilling! Reminds me of that episode of Alias. I loved that show!’
  • Sheep truck bonding
  • Ellie and MamaB meet and talk, Sarah listens
  • MamaB tells Ellie about the car that matches the one in the paper
  • The Indestructible Woman! Scars and beauty marks!
  • Sarah’s exasperated, ‘Is there anybody you didn’t tell about our fight?’
  • Morgan accepts Casey ‘apology’
  • Sarah a bit behind on social media with a ‘Friendsters’ shoutout
  • ‘Fighting with you is exhausting.’
  • Chuck and Sarah fight through their ‘First Fight’
  • Tuttle is shot!
  • MamaB zaps Chuck with some form of Intersect update via a PSP!
  • ‘There is no Tuttle, Charles.’ Volkoff unveiled!
  • Chuck cannot flash. No more Intersect or?
  • PapaB narrates letter left for Ellie
  • Ellie ends up with a present not only from PapaB but Orion too

Linda Hamilton continues to thrive as MamaB. Her stern exterior is broken by the most unexpected moments. Morgan showing up in the Castle detention cell to plead with MamaB is one of those great beats. MamaB talking to Ellie about their family history is another as she ends the scene brushing Ellie’s hair behind her ear. What is so great about the scene is that Casey and Sarah, in their own way, get to show they are part of the Bartowski family too. Casey’s subdued and regretful interruption that it is time to for MamaB to go along with Sarah’s reactions as she sits in the background and gets to hear a recounting of family history that is so relevant for her, are quiet moments that show how much ‘family’ there is with these characters.

This episode also demonstrated that bringing Morgan into the spy world is the right choice. Morgan’s struggle with the earpiece and glass of water was very funny. The Morgan/Casey ‘First Fight’ was carried out with aplomb; like the Chuck and Sarah fight; and resolved ‘in mission’, in ways that befitted both groups of characters. And Ellie! Ahhh Ellie. Is this a sign of things to come? Is Ellie really going to play a role in the spy world or will she simply carry a baton for a short bit? I hope the right answer is the first choice. Each time we get a glimpse of Sarah Lancaster’s acting ability it becomes ever more painful when she sinks back down into the background again. With Chuck in Intersect limbo could Ellie’s neuroscience abilities along with the Orion laptop left in the car become the story tool to unlock Chuck? The sharing and familial bonding that could occur in such a storyline gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Imagine how it would play out if Ellie was actively involved in those moments!

'The name is Volkoff. Alexei Volkoff.' Chuck finally has a menacing adversary.

Laura Lefranc and Rafe Judkins continue to demonstrate their skill in handling not just the characters but their ability to interweave previous events from the show into their most current writing assignment. They also have the comedy down pat and this time really shone with the mission storyline.

Chuck and Sarah could be facing their toughest challenge yet. Hanging on to their personal and professional lifes in a world where Chuck can no longer access or has the Intersect.

Chuck the show, and Chuck the character, finally has an adversary to take note of in Volkoff.

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  1. Great review, Lou, Thanks. And Lauren and Rafe, thank you for a most entertaining and thrilling hour of television.

  2. A few nagging thoughts – coming from this wonderfully entertaining episode… hmmm… how relevant is the Buy More? This was one of the best episodes – [certainly compared to season 3]- but there was no Jeff or Lester or Big Mike or Alex ???
    So what combination of elements work in the show now?
    EP 4.007 was Team Bartowski [ Chuck, Sarah, Casey, Morgan, Beckman, Castle]
    along with MB, Volkoff, Ellie, and Devon….
    Was there any possible way of including any of the other cast?
    Can only ‘less important’ stories include only certain ‘other’ cast members now?
    Is it possible to have a great Chuck episode that prominently features the Buy More?
    What would we need to have in a story or plot to include or effectively incorporate all the cast? or is that no longer possible at this point in the adventure?
    – Hopefully we find out next week!

    • 4.007 bond reference and did u notice in chuck versus the couch lock there was a bond reference when caseys old team pulled out the gold bars he said holy goldfinger did anyone else catch that

    • I think that the Buy Morons have reached their ‘sell by’ date. I can still see a need for Big Mike as he keeps Morgan grounded and their scenes are always funny, but the rest of them are just weird and creepy and they don’t bring anything to an episode. If anything they make an episode less enjoyable when they are in it. That is no disrespect to the actors, I just think that the Buy Moron characters have reached their full potential and there is nowhere else to go with them.

  3. I agree that this is a great episode, but disagree with the designation of Chuck and Sarah’s relationship being some kind of yoke that is a burden. It is because of that relationship that the characters have grown. It is the relationship on which the other relationships are built. As far as the others being on unequal footing, that’s true. The show is called ‘Chuck’ for a reason. Obviously, the spy stuff is part and parcel of the show, but that doesn’t make it only a spy show.

    • Pulling for Sarah!

      I agree with you about the Chuck/Sarah relationship. Both characters have grown considerably because of the relationship. Casey, Morgan, Ellie and Awesome have always been the support cast. How Chuck handles the “missing” intersect will be interesting. Will he be overcome with self-doubt? Does he think that because he can’t “flash” his relationship with Sarah is in jeopardy because he feels like less of a man?

      Having to wait 2 weeks is torture!

      • Yeah he might feel that without the intersect his mojo has disappeared and now his job and relationship with Sarah is jeopardized. Though from season 3 finale we got to know that Sarah has fallen for a regular guy and the fact Chuck is was not a spy anymore did not bother her. So Chuck must not be bothered seriously about his relationship with Sarah because she will always love him. And i disagree that C+S relationship is not the heart of the show. Personally, i am always deeply concerned how their relationship goes given their current situation and their relationship is what i am mostly interested of.

        Anyway, from the trailer of Chuck 4.08 it can be seen that the intersect is still there for some reason. Maybe not it has to unlocked somehow and thats why all the crazy tortures will Chuck endure while Sarah thinks that its ridiculous. So it will be a fun episode for sure and more C+S moments will be shown.

      • I am not sure if anyone picked up on it in a prevous story line but Chuck was implanted with the intersect when he was very young (and as far as I am aware it was never removed). I think that the intersect removal tool (aka PSP) was designed to remove the old intersect. I guess the one thing I am wondering (and it kinda makes sense based on the preview of the next show) if the intersect removal tool was designed to remove the old intersect and if there were two intersect’s implanted are the held in a seperate space? I guess from my perspective, removing the old intersect might have causes the new one to stop functioning for a time and maybe the next episode will be about restarting the new one (intersect 2.0).

        Its going to be tough waiting that two week until the next show but I’ve got some ep on the DVR to rewatch.


    • Where did I say the relationship was a burden?

      What I said was the show works better when everything is in balance, including the relationship. And the best way to achieve that is by having solid spy stories from which to drive the story line.

      Yes Chuck, like most successful shows, is about relationships and family but driven by an unifying story line.

      • The tone of the review implied that it is a yoke which burdens the show, and I don’t agree with that. All other parts of the show exists only because of the Relationship. Don’t forget that Chuck was a depressed young man who was going nowhere until Sarah came into his life. And because of her, he wanted to become a spy. As for Sarah, she never had a normal life, but she believes that she can have that now that she is with Chuck. That is what is driving the show, not anything else. Eliminate the Relationship storyline from each and every episode since S1 and you will see I’m right. So I disagree with you, because it is the unifying storyline.
        On another topic, as the former owner of a ’67 Pony, did anyone else’s heart beat faster when that ’68 was revealed. What a beauty!

      • I cannot speak to your perceptions and that is not what I am saying.

        The show works best when everything is in balance including the relationship hence why reviews around the internet say this episode is firing on all cylinders.

      • Sorry, its taken me a couple of days to respond but that’s the way it goes. Your response to me, proves that I am right. You want everyone to be on equal footing, and I don’t think that is the intent of the show. It can’t exist that way because it is not an ensemble show, which are never truly about the whole cast anyway.
        Chuck is about a young man who is thrust into a world that he never dreamed about. He is only willing to see where it takes him because he is in love the woman who is indirectly responsible for him being in that world. Without that basic building block, you have no show.
        The Buymore, the family members, Jeffster, Castle, and General Beckman, would not exist without that building block. You contradict yourself when you say that this episode is firing on all cylinders because everything is in balance; if that statement were true, where was the BuyMore in this episode?

  4. Great review Lou, although I have enjoyed all of the episodes this season, couchlock and First Fight are definitely at the top of my list of favourites for this season.

    I found 2 through 4 a lot of fun, too though.

    I tend to group my favourite Chuck episodes into two lists – the funniest episodes and the all-time favourite episodes. Sometimes episodes make it to near the top of both lists, but not always. For example, Tango is in my list of funniest episodes, but is a fair ways down on my all-time favourites list as it just does not have the impact.

    First Fight is one of those episodes that makes it near the top of both lists for me.

    I do also have a list of bad Chuck episodes (ones I will likely never watch again), but for me that list is very small (Mask).

    • Me too – especially 4.04 because it was so well written.

      An episode like this one with a kick ass spy story was significantly more entertaining for me because it had a palpable sense of danger that the 4.02 – 4.04 episodes did not due to their weak spy stories.

    • Yeah… basically i will never watch the episodes where Shaw is still the ‘good’ guy. I hated that guy. But at 3.13 everything wents to its proper order 🙂

    • For me, any episode on Disc 2 from Season 3 is unviewable for me. For me, the viewing really started with vs The Fake Beard.

  5. Just another scene where Linda Hamilton aka MamaB was so friggin awesome:

    MamaB and Chuck in the interrogation room.

    “Do you want to talk about it?”

    Too funny.

  6. I agree Lou, when the spy story is strong everything just clicks! To me watching Chuck is like reading a great saga inwhich each episode is a new chapter that needs to move the story or great deeds of Chuck Bartowski forward. The spy story allows the legend of Chuck to move forward while the relationship parts of the story add depth and endears me to the characters. Watching Chuck complete his missions (especially the hard ones) making tough choices based on his love and devotion to Sara, friends and family is what keeps me comming back each week! I love that Volkoff can become a character that we love to hate, finally a villan that we can take seriously!

  7. I totally agree with you Lou, about the ‘Tuttle’ character being so short-lived. He WAS a lot of fun indeed. Loved the interaction between him and Chuck….very funny stuff. Can’t help but wonder how much longer we may have been able to enjoy the ‘Tuttle’ character, if it was already known that Chuck would have a full 24 episode season at the beginning of the season. Imagine the impact upon the reveal of Volkoff after,say, 2-3 episodes instead of half of one episode.
    I am becoming more and more impressed with Linda Hamilton as Mary Bartowski, especially the scene between her and Ellie; brought tears to my eyes. I wish Ellie was in more of the episodes. She and Devon are such a believeable couple to me and add so much to the show….Ellie with her strength and emotions and then there is Devon with his “Awesomeness”, don’t know how else to befittingly describe him.
    This show continues to thrill, especially after episodes like this one.

    • I didn’t like Tuttle as much as the rest of you. I had trouble believing that MamaB’s handler would be such a bumbler. I think my opinion was colored by the fact that I was half scared that they were going to drop a bombshell that he was Chuck’s real dad. I fell for the the plot twist in the end hook, line, and sinker! I need to watch this one again, for sure.

      Liz B., I love Ellie and Awesome, too. Awesome is so sweet and tender when he talks to Ellie. It is one of the most delightful romances that I have ever seen on TV.

      Linda Hamilton rocks as MamaB. What an outstanding episode!

  8. Everytime I see the sentenence “Chuck might be de-intersected” or in this case something similar to that.. I die a little bit inside… I’m kinda worried that the whole “cannot flash” thing will mess up the Chuck/Sarah relationship .. I mean he’s certainly not “season 1 Chuck” anymore with that, I mean he doesn’t scream like a little girl while facing danger. But who knows maybe if the intersect is gone, he’ll revert back? Hopefully not since that would just impair the characters development over the last couple of seasons..

    But I thought of another possibility and that is that Chuck finally start to use his other skill-set.. He’s after all an engineer.. Why doesn’t he do cool “Orion-like” stuff? Maybe he’s not as smart but still.. That would be a fresh new angle.. Chuck using his smarts a little bit more, and the intersect less/not at all.

    Back to the episode.. This is certainly one of my favorites or maybe my overall favorite episode… Only one that even comes close is Chuck vs the Ring since that episode was the one which really upped the stakes… (according to me anyway).

    • We’ve already seen he can make devices like those tranquilizing gloves he used in “Suitcase”. I for one hope that if he does lose the Intersect, he should be honing the rest of the skills a spy would need.

    • Great comment MesutB since it gave me the thought that Chuck’s character might become the 2nd orion. How about that? With that computer under the seats he might develop his engineering skill set and be as helpful as he was with the intersect. The intersect might still be there but with lessened powers. I think that will be a great character development since we started seeing rarely chuck do anything cool with computers. Lately he kicks ass a lot but Sarah and Casey are there to do that too. Morgan can be this season’s “stay in the car” guy 😀 and chuck will be the field “cable guy” 🙂

    • But the whole show is based around the fact that chuck is the intersect, if he lost the intersect it would take away what makes the show different to every other spy related show.

    • BTW, I thought Chuck was a computer programmer/software designer, not and engineer. I agree with you regarding Chuck using his other skill sets and not relying so heavily on the intersect as the basis for his spy credibility. I have commented on this before. In season one when he did not have skill flashes, he used his wits to improvise his way out of situations. He has zero confidence when the intersect is gone and that is the Chuck that makes me uncomfortable. I hope Chuck becomes confident enough in his non-intersect abilities to see the intersect as the icing on the cake of his spy talent. Not the exclusive source of it.

  9. The opinion of the article is very respectable but I don’t totally agree. We all know that without the relationship of Chuck and Sarah the serie would already be dead long ago. The hard part is making this relationship continue and that the public does not get bored. It is the work of the writers.

    • Which I pointed out. What makes the relationship work better, and everything else, is when they are all tied to an unifying force. In the case of Chuck that happens to be well thought out spy missions.

      • I totally agree. My favorite episodes are when the whole team is working together, especially now with Morgan. Let the relationship stuff happen around the missions.

  10. Since the end of Season 3 with a couple of ‘throwaway’ lines, I’ve suspected that Ellie might also get the/an Intersect. Even if only briefly.

    Agreed on pretty much everything you wrote. This was an excellent episode.

  11. I apsolutely loved this episode and although I love Chuck and Sarah but they do need to break up episodes that are centred around the relationship with other stories be they mission based or developing other characters.
    The relationships between the characters on the show are in my opinion are what makes this show great. I mean i like spy shows like 24 and Spooks but they only have that one dimension.
    Your other point re the buy more is to say that I have never been a big fan but i really cant see the point i mean Sarah does not have a cover anymore why do Chuck and Casey need one. The buy more scenes have been really tired and there really is no point to them now so i wish that they had not bought it back this season. The best episodes to me have always had very little or no buy more.
    I really miss the Orange Orange outfit

    • Dude, if Chuck and Sarah break up this would kill the show even if it is for 1-2 episodes. Basically their relationship was the center of the 1st three seasons and if they are still will be/wont be then it will get annoying. I rather think that a C+S wedding will be nice to see this season!

      • Don’t think he means “break up” in the sense they are no longer a couple. He means “break up” as in not having Chuck/Sarah centric episodes back to back to back. I think he means intersperse a string of spy centric stories with the occasional Chuck/Sarah relationship centric episode.

    • I think the only use for the Buymore now would be to make Jefster part of the spy team. I’m not sure how I feel about that…

  12. Even though the wriiters DID kill Papa B, I can’t really believe they’d break Chuck’s & Ellie’s hearts by making their mom turn out to be a true traitor.

    When Chuck first talked to her at the start of the episode Mama B made sure to tell Chuck not to tell Tuttle of their relationship.

    At the end when Volkoff was talking about Frost being a traitor and Orion being a fool, she cut Chuck off when he said “You told him about…” “She interjected, “my husband”. Volkoff asked Chuck how Orion got Chuck to help him.

    “Was he your mentor?”

    Chuck’s mom has succeeded in keeping Volkoff from knowing Chuck’s her son.

    P.S. Did you all realize my screen name is Chuck’s & Sarah’s middle names? We found out Sarah’s real first name last year, but in the first season one episode ended with Chuck pleading with her, “Can’t you tell me one thing about yourself? What’s your middle name?” She stonewalls him, he walks away frustrated, & she hangs her head, looks sad, and whispers to herself, “It’s Lisa. My middle name is Lisa”.

  13. did you really like the episode, or just use your bully pulpit as a chance to bash fans who love chuck and sarah episodes?

  14. Anyone else worried that the PSP device/intersect video on the NBC website is referred to as the “Reverse Intersect”

    • I’m not. Chuck will have the intersect. The only question is what Chuck does or what happens to unlock the “upgrade” version, for lack of a better term.

      Remember, MommaB told Chuck his dad didn’t want him to see the images on the device she held. If that device was a deintersecter, PapaB would have used it long ago.

      • She said that PapaB thought it would be too DANGEROUS for anyone to see it, if I am not mistaken. It makes me wonder if it upgraded his intersect and now he has the ability to kill. Maybe MamaB thinks he needs that ability to vanquish Volkoff.

      • Gosh I hope not. Chucks reluctance to kill is what makes him unique from Sara and Casey the spy. He’s not the cold killer.

      • I hope not too. Chuck with no remorse, is not “our Chuck”.

  15. One of my favorite episodes. Absolutely packed with a little of everything.

    I would also have likde to have seen another episode or two of Tuttle before the reveal. I really loved the Chuck and Tuttle interaction, loads of fun there.

    I wasn’t quite sure about Linda Hamilton as MamaB, but I’m totally sold now. She is amazing, just needed the material to let her shine through.

    Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but I’ve noticed MamaB has presented an interesting wrinkle in the Chuck and Sarah relationship, and their motivations over the last 2 episodes. Chuck wanted to believe in his mom more than anything, and Sarah loves Chuck and isn’t going let anyone hurt him–his mother included, leading to that awesome Mexican standoff, MamaB’s arrest, and this episode’s subsequent hijinks.

    But by the end of this episode, Chuck has to feel personally betrayed by his mother after he went out on the limb for her, and won’t go to bat for her like before. If anyone is going to believe in MamaB, it’s going to be Sarah. While we didn’t hear much of what was said, Sarah was witness to the MamaB and Ellie reunion and tell-all, and appeared teary-eyed by the end of it. If anyone can relate to sacrifice of leaving their family for the sake of the mission, the greater good, and their family’s safety, it’ll be Sarah.

    MamaB and Sarah are in the same business, they had that “take care of him/her” moment (similar to Chuck and Sarah’s dad) and giving them an escape, and Sarah has now put down roots and is firmly part of this larger family that she cares about. Bringing down Volkoff and returning MamaB to Chuck could become her personal mission–however unlikely the latter is of happening.

    • Agree.

      Chuck is now ready to throw his Mom into the Dark Lagoon. Yes, he must feel betrayed by her on so many levels now.

      However, Sarah, on the other hand, knows absolutely that MamaB does love both of her children, even if she doesn’t fully trust her yet. And when MamaB gave the razor blade to Sarah and whispered to her, “Take care of Chuck” it gives Sarah another reason to at least entertain the possibility of MamaB ultimately proving to be one of the good guys.

      • I hate to pick nits but Mama B whispers to Sarah “Protect him”. She obviously cares for Chuck and Ellie on some level. I wish we had heard more of her conversation with Ellie about her reason for leaving. Maybe Sarah being there will help later on.

    • Agree, Joe. I forgot that Sarah was privy to what MamaB and Ellie talked about. And good catch on the “take care of him/her” parallels. God, I love this show when it all intersects (pun very much intended)! I really can’t wait to hear the details of that conversation. What a tremendous episode!

  16. I really love this TV series “Chuck” I hope they will air more seasons & episodes. The love relationship between Chuck & Sarah is simply great! They are a very nice couple to watch so with Devon & Ellie characters. But the “intersect” should be given back to Chuck because it fits his character in this TV series. I really have a lot of fun watching the cast of “Chuck” specially the lead roles of the spy couple. Thanks for bringing this show to television. More power!

  17. Tom and Jerry agents, shout out to the cartoon? Phalanx (close knit or heavily armed body of people?) triangular discs (triangular relationship of some sort?). This was definitely one of the best written episodes of the season if not the series. Had me thinking, feeling and laughing on so many levels, which was great.

    I for one am glad that the Tuttle character lasted only for one episode. I’m afraid that Tuttle was a little too eerily similar to Papa B’s inept scientist persona that Chuck would have spilled too many secrets had Volkoff remained that character for any length of time.

    Blowing up Orion’s cave and hearing his voice reading the letter to Ellie had me missing Papa B. and hoping that there’s some outside chance that he is still alive. The bigger question for me is not the Intersect in Chuck’s head but rather the computer under the seat of the Mustang. From what little we saw it looked like one of Orion’s computers (a back up of all Papa B’s work or his intel on Volkoff and Frost?) or is it something that Mama B. developed and planted since she was the one to remind Ellie about the Mustang when they met? Fun stuff. Can’t wait to get more answers!

    • that computer definitely was an orion computer but what’s in it isn’t revealed yet and yes it would be nice if dad was still alive to reunite the family

  18. I hope that the writers don’t continue to use Morgan as the ‘go between’ with Chuck and Sarah because it’s starting to get really annoying. We all know that Chuck is far more intelligent than Morgan so seeing him take advice from someone like Morgan just makes him look stupid. Chuck and Sarah need to start talking to each other and not through Morgan or anyone else for that matter.

    • I agree Jas101. Morgan needs to focus on his own relationships and stop feeding Chuck relationship advice–which usually Chuck repeats to Sarah and it gets him in trouble. The show well done, I’m a big fan of Rafe and Lauren and how they write, especially the C&S scenes. My favoriate C&S action scene used to be in the Honeymooners, but now these same writers have given me a new fave…the “fight” scene within a fight scene at the bank was awesome, shows they are a great team. Yes, I am a “Shipper” and proud of it. Keep it coming writers. 🙂 The twist at the end of the ep was great. Dalton really pulled it off. I was sad to see the Orion base blown up, but glad to see that Mama B. was still protecting Chuck when she kept his identity from Volkoff and handed Sarah the razor blade. She’s very complex that one. The ending left me wondering if that device “his father never wanted him to see” was supposed to block the intersect or enhance it, something to ponder during the intermission. Great episode!

    • Here, here! I agree!

    • I thought about this too, but on the other side of that argument I think the Morgan go-between has resulted in some great comedic moments like the scene with Sarah this week and Chuck’s practice rant. Also it makes realistic sense- most couples I know have someone who serves the same role in real life, not to mention that Morgan has to live with them in addition to everything else.

  19. but did mamaB really remove the intersect think about what she said

  20. also if u look at the device it has embedded words in it when u have a really close look at it in slow mo i think it is possibly a backup of everything in the base that has overwritten the intersect which is why he seems to have lost it

    • Ooh I hadn’t thought about the device being another upload. Mama B said Orion never wanted Chuck to see it – but if it really was a device to remove the intersect – he could have simply used that to remove it when Chuck wanted it out so bad in Chuck vs. the Colonel. That would be a wonderful solution to the loss of Orion’s Cave, which was a terrible loss when you think about it. It could have given rise to so many stories for future episodes.

      I do agree that I think Sarah will be the one supporting MamaB moving forward and I do pray that Ellie will become more involved in the spy arena – after all, she is a Bartowski.

      Can this “little show that could” continue improving each week? Wow – it has so far this season and I literally can’t say that there has been one bad episode so far this season. Thank you NBC for believing in this great show, and thanks to Schwartz and Fedak and their wonderful writing team for putting out awesome work!!

  21. THE FIGHT… i wish i could have that kind a fight with my husband… 🙂

  22. I love this episode…but I kinda miss the fun of seeing the kissing & making-up thing between Chuck & Sarah after their 1st fight!I’ve listened to this Rapunzel movie song entitled “Tangled.” It was a duet of Zachary Levi & Mandy Moore. Zachary Levi (Chuck) has a great singing voice. How about an episode of an undercover agent posing as a singer? He could sing to Sarah & make her fall for him all over again! Sigh!

  23. Yes was one of the best episodes, had to see it twice.
    I realy hope they dont kill off MammaB, I thingk it would kill off the link to the past and it adds to the “Family” tension.

  24. You know what I would like to see, I think that chuck and ellie are headed for a real heated discussion when she finds out he is still a spy and I hope that he snaps. I hope that he tells her that the cia messed up his chances of being a billionaire back in college, he had to keep a physical and emotional distance from the love of his life for 3 years because of the cia, he cannot get a job because of the cia and the president, that his life has been put through the drama mill and that ellie should just back off and let him try and make the best out of a situation that he cannot control. I think that kind of drama would feel genuine and it would not be contrived because he must feel that his life has been put on hold since college and he needs ellies support not her nagging and disapproval. I really feel that this show needs that moment where chuck vents and shows that he is human and that this situation does get to him, that he is making the best life he can with what he is given but it does get to him!

  25. On the assumption that mama b added information to chucks brain (i.e. another intersect of data based on orions complete lifes work) would that make the governor obsolete? I mean would chuck not need to build a govenor for the 2.0 and also orions intersect so that his brain does not fry? BTW if that is what happens, I think it is a smart move by the writers, because it means that chuck can flash on bad guys outside of the intersect and it can provide more story and mission, great thinking……….

  26. LOu, you are so right about the show-about the spy story being the spine of the show!! It was an awesome episode!! I think if the writers wouldn’t have put three shows together about Chuck and Sarah it wouldn’t have seemed like they were just focusing on their relationship. This show does work though with all the action and comedy too as well as the love relationship. One of my favorite part of the epidsodes was when Chuck tells Sarah that he doesn’t want her to protect him but to believe in him even when he may be wrong. It shows how much he has grown as a spy. The mythology is what makes the show work too. I miss the three of them being together: Casey Sarah and Chuck. They are so great together-I especially miss Chuck and Casey scenes. Again kudos to Chris Fedak for all his brain child of all the nerdy stuff. love this episode!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Hi Lou,

    You know one thing that I did notice in this last episode was that chucks mom was a lot colder to him then ellie. I have a feeling that mama b’s relationship with chuck will be the same as jack had with his dad in lost. His dad said in order to make jack the man he was the surgeon he needed to be he had to sacrifice certain elements when he raised him for his own destiny. Is that mama’s b’s role for chuck, does she have to sacrifice being a mom that chuck deserves so that she can prepare him for his ultimate destiny, it certainly sends chills down my spine. We always wanted chuck to be the super hero he always was meant to be, but who gives him that final push? it is not casey (red test saver), sarah (she loves him how he is, that is sweet and kind), ellie (she wants to protect him) or papa b (he never wanted chuck to be a spy in the first place. So that leaves mama b, is that her role for the season and series, to force chuck into the role that makes him the worlds saviour? if this is the way the season goes, then I agree we have just witnessed an episode that could ulimately change the landscape of the series and the fate of our beloved characters, I for one have high hopes for what lies ahead………..

  28. Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks!

  29. Re:Sheep truck bonding. The Sheep Truck is a cozy warm feeling, in the movie “American Werewolf in London”, all hell broke loose after the ride in the sheep truck.

  30. Did ’68 Mustangs come in gold stripes and blue seats? I loved this episode. I can’t wait to see how Chuck gets the Intersect back.