Aaaand we’re back! When last we saw them, Chuck and Sarah were reeling from the revelation that Tuttle = Volkoff, the destruction of the Bartowski family home, and the (possible) loss of the Intersect from Chuck’s brain. Meanwhile, Ellie and Awesome were driving off in Papa B’s Mustang with a mysterious electronic box under the seat. So what’s next?
CHUCK FEARS THAT A MAJOR LOSS MAY END HIS SPY CAREER—AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SARAH – ROB RIGGLE, SUMMER GLAU AND RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN GUEST STAR – Afraid that his latest setback is driving a wedge between him and Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck (Zachary Levi) resolves to prove himself by going on a dangerous mission with the overeager Agent Rye (guest star Rob Riggle). Meanwhile, Morgan (Joshua Gomez) and Casey (Adam Baldwin) scramble as the “Buy Morons†attempt to uncover the true identity of Greta (guest star Summer Glau). Vik Sahay, Scott Krinsky and Bonita Friedericy also star.
“Chuck vs. the Fear of Death” airs tonight at 8/7c on NBC. Need to kill time until tonight? Re-watch “Chuck vs. the First Fight”, watch to Chuck vs. the Podcast and listen to the CNN podcast discussing the episode, check out a lot of promo stills of guest star Summer Glau interacting with the Buy More, and watch the sneak peek below. Don’t forget to join us for our live chat at 7:45/6:45c.
WOOO, cant wait untill this evening, finally the wait is over. However i still dont know why chuck thinks that something is driving a wedge between him and sarah as the only thing i think he means and that is loosing the intersect, howeevr i dont think loosing the intersect will split sarah away from chuck, as it was the ordinary chuck that she fell for and not the super spy 2.0 chuck. and i think its time chuck realised that. however thets wait till tonight and find out 🙂
Star Trek!
Star Trek, really?
hahaha Can’t wait until tonight (:
Its gonna be goooooooooood!
I’m excited for the Firefly reunion for Adam and Summer. Chuck night is my favorite night of the week. 😀
I actually saw a promo for tonight’s Chuck during last night’s NBC football telecast!
Chuck afraid of losing Sarah again? Please we heard enough of this in season 3. The guy has got to learn to be more secure in his relationship with Sarah especially after all they have been through!
I have to agree with you.. There is no point in messing things up all the time…
iIts kinda getting to the point where sarah has to ask him to trust her. The intersect has probably become part of how Chuck identifies himself so to lose that could be pretty justifiably serious to him.
Awwhhhhh!!!! Tonights episode rocked!!! It was amazing! I absolutely cannot wait until next week(: so excited! Whoever gets in sarahs way is gonna be sorry they messed with her! She will save her chuck no matter what!
I have to totally agree with you, anyway takes away her chuck and they are seriously going to regret getting to meet Sarah. i so cannot wait until next week, and I would love it if just as Sarah is about to save chuck he flashes and saves the day. or even better iof he saves the day without flashing and proving to Sarah and Casey he can be a spy without the intersect. Is it me or did that last scene from 40:30secs in where Sarah tells Casey its her fault is the best scene from season 4 so far. really does provide how much Sarah has changed and loves chuck. WOOT WOOT episode 9…:)
Another good episode of Chuck and I agree with many people that chuck will not get his skills back as easy as over coming mental block (spoiler thought: I slow moed the playing of the device that caused chucks problems and noticed a couple of odd symbols and the letters D-AATL as if there is a coded failsafe built into the devices programming, just a thought). Its possible that it will come down to Chuck’s greatest asset “his feelings” after all
The rock isn’t Sarah. That’s just twisted and goofy. The key to removing it won’t be Chuck getting rid of or over her. It will be HER being in danger. His fear isn’t for himself (As we saw on the Halloween episode.) It’s of loosing her. I bet he’s going to be shown, or hallucinate her in danger and have the mother of all flashes.
….. Huh. We WERE shown his greatest fear just two episodes ago. I didn’t even notice until I was typing out this theory. That’s some nice foreshadowing there Chuck writers.
…. or you guys suck if you don’t go with this. Either one.
Anyone else disappointed with Summer Glau being Gretta? I don’t believe it was a good use of her talents. Sure making her an assassin and all was kool, but I had hoped for something more for her.
Once again The Col. does not disappoint though. Gotta love the lines:
“I wake up with my trigger finger. . .twitching. It’s itchy. . .literally it itches!”
I really hope they don’t revisit the whole chuck-sarah dilemma that went on in season 3…even parts of 1 and 2. They’re together, leave them there. But definite maturity in all characters, I went back and watched a few of the old episodes and man it’s like day and night in so many ways. Great episode, hope they show some real butt kicking next week.