PHOTOS: Chuck Episode 4.10

NBC just released three additional promo stills for “Chuck vs. the Leftovers”, airing Monday, November 29. Take a look:

Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski star in Chuck vs. the Leftovers
Is anyone else flashing back to "Santa Claus"?
Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski embrace in Chuck vs. the Leftovers
Ryan McPartlin and Zachary Levi star in Chuck vs. the Leftovers
Devon thinks something is not awesome, but Chuck is happy...what's going on here?
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  1. I want to flash back to “Santa Claus,” but I can’t.

    • I can when she shot the fulcrum agent

      • I know that…I just can’t flash.

      • I thought shooting the unarmed Fulcrum agent to protect Chuck was great in the old Christmas episode.–the agent basically stated Chuck was as good as dead so Sarah took care of business. Shawn Connery, the real James Bond, did the same thing in one of his moviews and I thought it was great then.

        Sarah upped her game in 4.09 and did a great job carrying the episode, anxious to see how the gang does in 4.10–hope it keeps us happy during the break. We need to put a push on to get more viewers, perhaps this is the time to show your friends some of the better episodes you have on the dvd’s

      • How long is the break?

      • Sam–Not sure but I think for most if not all of the month of December–someone may want to correct me on this.

      • It looks like the break may be the whole of December with Chuck returning with Episode 11 on January 10th.

      • Thanks this really helped me think this through more! 🙂

      • I don’t know that’s really what I have been wondering. We don’t actually really know that there is A break but… It does cut off the part where it usually has a short preview of the next episode. Yeah I don’t know either.

      • Chuck returns January 17

  2. I think that is a force smile not a real one.

  3. In the last pic Chuck looks like he could be telling Awesome something as he fakes a smile.

  4. Looks to me like Chuck is telling Devon “Don’t freak out” I’m interested in how Sarah goes from aiming her gun with no mercy in her eyes to being wrapped in Chuck’s arms. Not complaining mind you, I adore both sides of her. 🙂

  5. I’m wondering if Sarah hugging Chuck could be because he flashed to save her? In the promo it showed Volkoff pointing a gun at Sarah so maybe he flashed on kung fu to knock him out. Seems like whenever her life is at risk, he’ll flash, maybe that’s the trigger :-). Love the last picture, it’s one of those “this is NOT awesome” pictures

  6. Wearing the Govenor!

  7. That pic of chuck and Sarah is so cute(:

  8. I have a big theory about this one. You know how in the promo that aired after Phase 3 cut off right when Volkoff raised the gun at Sarah? I would be very surprised if what Beckman said near the end of Phase 3 about the Intersect being lost for good is true. I think the promo cut off there because he flashes and they didn’t want to give that away. We know from the Aisle of Terror that Sarah getting shot/killed is one of his worst fears, and we know from the Fear of Death that the psychological rock has something to do with her. I think the Intersect’s going to be reactivated in the same way it was first activated in the end of the Ring: someone points a gun at Sarah, therefore putting her life in danger, and Chuck flashes on kung fu for the first time. I think the reason he couldn’t flash at all in the Fear of Death was because Sarah wasn’t at his side, so her life was never threatened. I could be wrong, but it all makes perfect sense with what we know so far. And the timing of this episode also makes sense for reactivating it with Mama B returning and the title of the Leftovers. Anyway, we’ll see next Monday.

    • Like your theory of what will activate the Intersect again. It would also be rather interesting if Ellie and/or Devon now have their own Intersects.

      • If you noticed, Tricia Helfer was in the preview to this episode. If you recall, she replaced Sarah as Chuck’s handler for one episode and was the source of Awesome’s alleged infidelity (she was the CIA agent/ stripper at his bachelor party) This may be why Awesome is “freaking out.”

      • In the episode on November 29th Chuck look’s in to that computer Ellie and Devon were trying to figure out. He gets the intersect back. So exciting. But i assume there’s a break because there was no sneak peek of the next episode. Do you know how long the break will be.

  9. I must say i am really liking the way this season is shaping out, I think chuck now knows that Sarah loves him no matter what and wants to be with him for who he really is and not for the intersect. I really love that scene of chuck and Sarah hugging. The way chuck is holding Sarah just looks like he would do anything to protect her, with or without the intersect. Loving all these charah scenes:)

    • Damn yeah…i think that with all the spy-stuff lately, especially in Fear of death and First Fight the charah was put off a lot. True their relationship was not in top form but still a little more sharing and concerns from Sarah in Fear of Death might have been better. Still all i wanted i saw in Phase Three…totally awesome and i think i see a wedding soon… yeehaaa 😀 !

      • Thanks gotta agree with watta you said that there relationship was kinda put on hold and we don’t relaly see any of the emotional feelings being shared between sarah and chuck however the few scenes in the fear of death and the phase 3 really does show the emotion especially from sarah, I do hope to se3e a weeding soon, however io am wondering what can be better than proposing on the beach where they watched the sun rise at the end of episode 1, season 1, that would be a real romantic moment.

  10. Im so loving all these charah moments, the ways hes holding her its as if he saying ill protect you no matter what. Aces charles Aces 🙂

  11. some guy named john

    maybe chuck just needs to take the watch off to flash… just thinking here.

    • That’s my thought as well. the gov is controlling his neural network and protecting it too well. Everytime he’s gotten a new upload he’s passed out or been close to passing out, so of course the gov wouldn’t allow that to happen. I hope mom realizes this after tonight and tells him to take off the watch.
      Of course my last guess about the Aisle of Terror was wrong so don’t take what I’m saying too seriously.

    • Pulling for Sarah!

      I think Sarah’s life in danger with a gun pointed at her (in the promo) is what causes Chuck to flash. It’s got to be tied to Sarah. I want to know what was on that computer!

      • I agree 100% we all now know that’s chucks worst fear is to loose sarah, and the first time he flashed at the end of season two when he got the 2.0 was because Sarah was in danger, and shooting shaw when he was about to kill Sarah, i to also believe that the intersect will reactivate itself when Sarah comes into danger, when he sees Sarah may be hurt or in danger he will flash and save the day. and i think that scene may be when volkoff aims the gun at Sarah. who knows but roll on the Leftover’s

  12. I guess the big question is, where is Mama B in this scene?

  13. Ellie flashes and saves the day! That’s what happens when she see Chuck’s life threatened since that laptop put an intersect in her head. I mean, c’mon, obviously guys!

  14. but to reactivate the intersect it must be when Sarah is in danger

  15. Wow i really liked what Tyler said..

    I agree of Sarah in danger being Chuck worst fear and i hope the scene of Volkoff aiming that gun at Sarah Chuck flash! maybe that’s explain the hug picture. Also my theory of what Ellie and Devon saw in the computer its something special for Ellie, i doubt it can be an intersect 2.0 because she’s pregnant, maybe its a completely different intersect, will be very cool seeing Ellie flash though.

    Also, i will love to see Sarah wearing the bracelet that Chuck gave it to her on Chuck vs Santa Claus on season 2, the one Papa B gave to Mama B when chuck was born, love that Chuck/Sarah moment. I’m curios on how Mama B reacts when she see’s that Sarah have it, i think that would make her know how important is Sarah for Chuck. Loving this season of CHUCK! let me know what you guys think of this.

    sorry for my english

  16. Hey, girls, help me out–Sarah’s style of hug in the picture–the two arms up over the shoulder–is this a normal thing for a shorter girl with a taller guy as opposed to a around the waist or chest hug? It seems like it would mostly likely be used for a hug initiated by the woman to pull herself up for a kiss or–since her lips are near his ear–a whispered message. Chuck certainly seems to have a blank look on his face as if he is focused on listening rather than watching.

    • i have to be honest, JARoud, i dont think ive ever hugged anyone like that, and im short so everyone is taller than me. it looks like it would be uncomfortable. i guess we will see on monday what kind of hug it is. Cant wait!

  17. So what is the thing with break? Is there going to be a break? If there is going to be, when? If it is a full month break it is going to suck :D. I can not leave whole mounth without Chuck.

    About that computer whick Ellie and Awesome saw, it can not be a intersect because she didn’t went into a “sucking info out of that mode” like Chuck goes when he sees intersect pictures. I don’t believe that there is intersect on that computer.

    That last picture where is Awesome and Chuck, is probably because Mama B and Volkoff is in the house. I don’t really care about this situation, I would only wanna see more Casey action. Of course I can’t say is there any in this episode but these pictures + promom, there wasn’t Casey. I just don’t like Mama B because if she really is working for Volkoff and almost killed Chuck, in my opinion it just doesn’t fit in there.

    More Chuck and Sarah! <3 Maybe wedding, something that just shows how much Sarah loves Chuck, like we saw in Fear of Death.

      so don’t comment saying stuff like that. please not trying to be mean at all.

  18. I am missing Morgan in the 4.10 spoilers- perhaps he will do something heroic. In one of the spoilers (not the stills) it shows Sarah and Chuck looking at each other in a manner that used to mean make your move the intersect is ready–that is hard to imagine. If Ellie is exposed to the intersect it would probably only include information–like Chuck’s Dad’s files–his version of the intersect did not include self defense programs.
    Keep the opinions flowing, it is a big part of the fun–hope December goes fast.

  19. Was the 2nd picture cut from “Chuck vs. the Leftovers” ?

  20. don’t you think that this intersect which chuck upload from his dad computer is diffrent?I think this intersect is more powerfull.