Friday Five: Favorite Sarah Walker Moments

This week’s Friday Five is brought to you by the Sarah Walker Fan Girls. Surprising no one, the subject of their list is…Sarah Walker. When you’re done reading and commenting, head over to the SWFG website to check out their podcasts, reviews, and all things Sarah Walker.

When Mel asked us if we wanted to contribute to this week’s Friday Five, I warned her it would be very Sarah Walker centered. Our group name pretty much guaranteed it. I asked some of our members to name their favorite SW moment, and it’s a testament to our different personalities that we each get something unique from this character. As a result, each member named something different. ~Kris

Kieu: “5 Against 1” Tic Tac, Season 3

It encapsulates everything I love about Sarah. She finds herself strapped to the bottom of a car, surrounded by enemy agents, and outnumbered. Even with the odds stacked against her, 5 against 1, she still emerges from her position kicking ass. I love that scene not only for the amounts of ass she kicked, but for the reason she finds herself in that situation. She’s there for her partners, against orders from Beckman, she stands by Casey and Chuck.

Angie: “I fell in love with you after you fixed my phone and before you started defusing bombs with computer viruses.” The Other Guy, Season 3

It was hard choosing a favorite Sarah moment but I’d have to go with the scene in “Chuck vs. The Other Guy” when she finally tells Chuck she loves him. It was the first time she admitted it to him and to see her so vulnerable and open was an amazing moment for her as well as the audience. After three long seasons, to see them come together was such a huge moment for everybody who had been so invested in this couple.

Shari: Bo Staff fight, Three Words, Season 3

One of my favorite Sarah moments is from “Chuck vs. The Three Words.” It was the first time she and Chuck reconnected after he turned her down in the train station in Prague. Sarah is training him in using the bo staff. She’s hurt and angry and all her emotions are bubbling to the surface, something that we hadn’t seen very much from Sarah in the past. We had seen her kicking ass, being a controlled spy, hiding her feelings, or feeling sad. But pissed because she’d been scorned? Not yet. At that moment, you really felt her disappointment and anger, and it all came because she felt her love had been rejected; her dream of running away to normalcy had been dashed.

Kris: Thai Fight Scene, Phase Three, Season 4

This would have been hard before Phase Three, but after that it was easy. I watch Sarah because she’s an amazingly strong character, with a strong sense of what’s right, and an amazing sense of loyalty. Her rampage to find the man she loves, defying orders, and doing it alone in order to avoid implicating her friends, was a sight to behold. When those first guitar riffs of “Woman” by Wolfmother starts, the thought that this show was making all my Sarah Walker dreams come true popped into my head. I got goose bumps. Every punch, jab, and kick lands with such power. Each of them seemed delivered with the hope that this punch, this jab and this kick would bring her closer to saving Chuck. Once this woman loves you, she’s gonna give it all she’s got.

Kate: “Lisa, my middle name is Lisa” The Wookie, Season 1

After the hundreds of Sarah Walker moments we have seen on this show it is really hard to pick just one. So, for mine, I am going old school, and by old school I mean season 1. My favorite scene is the end of “Chuck vs. the Wookie.”

No olives. It was the first real thing Chuck new about Sarah, she hates olives. So Chuck knocks a couple of times on her door before Sarah opens it (looking stunning I might add…GFSW – that’s Gay For Sarah Walker if you didn’t know) and lets him in. Chuck revels in his newly-realized trivia to Sarah. They go to her bed where they both sit and Chuck pleads to Sarah just to know one more REAL detail about her. Sarah doesn’t budge. Chuck continues to plead but eventually gives up and walks to get the pizza (no olives) ready… Sarah looks down…

“Lisa, my middle name is Lisa”, she whispers

For me, this is the moment we truly saw that Chuck affected Sarah. That she was truly and honestly falling for this lovable geek. We saw a real side to her that wasn’t all spy, she was human. She was relatable. This is also the moment I fell in love with Sarah Walker. She had this life that she had been leading but she wanted to be normal. Sarah Walker started off as this mysterious character that was all about her job but at this moment we realized that there was so much more to her. Lisa was just the start of the Sarah Walker we know and love now.

Mel here: What a wonderful collection of moments. Sarah Walker really is a multi-facted character, isn’t she? I’ve been trying to choose my absolute favorite Sarah Walker moment, too, and it is difficult. Right now, as I’m typing this, I think it’s in Phase Three when she’s missing Chuck and worried about him. She lays down on their bed and starts to cry. That was a powerful moment, showing us vulnerability, helplessness, and love, followed by her discovery of the proposal map and a renewed determination to find her man.

Now the question goes to you, Chucksters. What is your ONE favorite Sarah Walker moment?

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  1. The “Do you believe in love” entrance at the Buy More in season 2….pure hotness!

  2. Re: The bo staff fight —

    What really struck me most about that whole situation was the risk that Sarah took, not just professionally but emotionally, when she asked him to run away with her. This was the first time (I think) that she ever expressed interest in *being* with him, and I was just struck by the emotional limb she went out on in order to do this. She’d be giving up everything she knew — her identity, really, which was being a spy — which would have to have been a scary prospect for her. She was ready to step (or more like “leap”) out of her comfort zone for him.

    And what does he do to her when she’s in her most vulnerable state? He walks away. He says “no”…to a woman who probably has never heard “no” from a man ever before and, for the first time, actually cares. And she doesn’t understand at all why.

    Rejection is probably the worst thing one could do to someone who has never worn their heart on their sleeve before…and for good reason. It was very appropriate for her to need a whole season (at least, when originally planned) to recover from that.

    …That’s why I never got mad about the whole Shaw thing. Of course she’d want to try and move on…It’s the only way to get rid of the hurt. And the hurt is how we know she loves him.

    • …Sorry, I meant to say that all those things I just talked about were what I saw behind Sarah’s eyes in that scene. Yvonne just nailed it, conveying all those emotions at once.

      And when he said, “I don’t want to hurt you” and she replied “Don’t worry, you can’t,” what I heard was “Don’t worry, you can’t anymore.” Meaning, she’d learned her lesson: You wear your heart on your sleeve, you open yourself up to hurt. Exactly what she was afraid of, and it’s exactly what happened — at the hand of the person she thought least likely to do it. So, she closed herself off to him. As she had done for everyone else in her life.

      • I have to agree with you on this one, it took her this long to finally show the true emotion she feels for chuck, and she was about to give up her life for the first guy that she has truly loved thinking he cant hurt her and he does, even though not intentionally i believe, and i thinks its better that they didn’t get together at that moment aqs we woudlnt have got to see the great scenes later on in the season in Chuck vs the other guy when sarah tells chuck she fell for him a long time ago. And when she shes too chuck “Dont worry, you cant” i thought5 that should have been “Dont worry, you did” as i think that woudl have just made that scene jump to the next level and chuck would have seen the true pain that sarah was felling.

      • Very cruel asking us to pick a favourite scene, as so many people have said already it’s an impossible task. Still if I had to pick one, it would be the Phase 3, when Sarah is in their bedroom and she smells Chuck’s shirt, very powerfull emotional scene.

  3. I thinks its really difficult to be able to pick my favourite sarah walker moment as there has been so many awesome scenes as she is a trully talented actress that has proved to us over and over that she can play emotions from either side of the spectrum from controlled spy, angry and kick ass al the way to teary, desperate, loving and shear determination to find her man. The scene at the end of the Phase 3 which by far is Yvonne’s key episode i can watch over and over and still get emotional over it and thats when sarah tells chuck shes here, she’s come to rescue him and she has so much she wants to tell him, this scene i believe is so moving, and powerful, the tears coming down her face and the relief in her voice at finding chuck is truly amazing. however as much as i love that scene i am going to have to side with “MEL” “which your posts are awesome by the way :)” and that’s when shes lying on the bed, and about to smell chucks shirt for his scent just so she feels he is still near her and she hasn’t lost him yet. This scene we really get to see how vulnerable she now is, and how much she really needs chuck, and the backing music of “Miss friday” really pulls that scene off, truly great episode all together 🙂

    • i TOTALLY agree with you. best sarah walker seen ever. it makes me so emotional when i watch it and i just fall in love with the whole chuck and sarah thing. i watch it every night before i sleep 😀

  4. MyNameIsJeffNImLost

    Five of my top six or seven are already on the list. However number 1 has to be the Cheeseburger/recruit flashback scene in Cougars.

  5. I have to give up with picking my favorite Sarah scenes. There are so many of them, that to pick just a few is not fair to the other scenes 🙂 Honestly, I love all of Sarah scenes.Yvonne portrays Sarah character in a fabulous way. It is one of the best sides of the “Chuck”. Go Sarah!

  6. As old as it gets: Chuck vs the Pilot: Sarah dancing and offing baddies without Chuck realizing it.

    • What I love most about that scene is the look on Chuck’s face. He’s like “Holy crap I can’t believe this is happening to me. SHE’S SO HOTOMGG”

  7. I’m not really sure why, but my favorite scene is in Chuck vs. the Suburbs when Sarah is cooking for Chuck and she says “What can I say, I’m versatile”.
    It’s just great. 🙂

    Sarah kicking ass in Phase Three of course is also one hell of a great Sarah Walker moment!

  8. Agree with you Mel that the Phase Three scene of her missing Chuck is my favorite. I do really love the Three Words training scene. All the listed fav. Sarah Walker scenes are all incredible.

  9. “Take off your watch…because it’s all a lie” from the end of First kill.

    The moment Sarah completely chose Chuck over her duty, her orders, everything. She was willing to face the repercussions of treason to help Chuck. She showed in the moment that he was more important to her than anything else in her life. Gotta love it.

    • Have to agree.

      Then of course, she blew everybody away in Phase Three with her beyond emotional plea to bring Chuck back from unconsciousness and near obscurity/death.

  10. So many great scenes that it would be impossible to pick just one–I enjoyed the scene where she is lying on the bed just prior to her finding out about the possible proposal and I particularly liked the scene with Sarah and Chuck laying together at the end of the Honeymoon Train with the music playing and the cuddling.

  11. God there are so many as Sarah Walker is the most interesting and my favorite character on the show. And no one brings her to life like Yvonne Strahovski. She truly is a brilliant actress.

    I will bring up 3 scenes not mentioned here.

    1. Chuck VS the DeLorean the scene in her hotel room where Chuck tells her her father’s sins are his and not hers. The emotion from her and the revelation of just how special Chuck is to her and for her was brilliant. A vulnerable little girl that was in need of comfort and reassurance.

    2. Chuck VS The American Hero. The scene where she asks Chuck why he is helping Shaw is a very significant scene for her. It establishes what a true hero is on a personal level. That someone would put their personal safety and future at risk to do what is right for the person they love. It then opens her up for the change that happens when he finally tells her directly that he loves her.

    3. Chuck VS. The Lethal Weapon fountain scene. Sarah has very little dialog but yet Yvonne says so much non-verbally about her true feelings and desires.

    Sarah Walker is the best character on the show IMO and played by an amazing actress.

  12. Basically ALL of Phase Three. The ass kicking sure but the emotional beats were out of this world too. Finding out Chuck had a proposal plan to begging him to wake up telling him she wanted to spend her life with him. And lest I forget the enhanced interrogation, “This man that I’m looking for, he loves me. He wants to marry me.” So scary and romantic at the same time. All hail the giant blonde she male!

  13. from Chuck vs. Phase Three (not necessarily my fav Sarah scene, but worthy of mention. One line says it all..

    “Anyone else want to be my boyfriend?”

    I loved how she delivered that line.

  14. I agree with Mel . It’s my favorite Sarah scene too. It’s so touching! Yvonne Strahovski is amazing.

  15. Too many to choose from, so many factors to consider: The emotional scenes, the ass-kickin ones, and of course, all the smokin hot ones! “Your still my Chuck” was a big moment for me, as was the entire Phase 3 episode of course. Also, in S2 vs. the Ring, when Bryce asks Sarah if she is coming with him and she looks to the hills and shakes her head no- what a powerful moment without saying a word. MEL- you are killing me with all these “pick your top 5’s” lately. Keep it up!!!

  16. I love Sarah Walker Moments there so many of them. I am like Mel there too many choose from.

  17. For kick butt scenes for me its a tie between the Tic Tac fight already mentioned, and the Phase 3 fight.

    For most emotional scene for me its a tie between the scene at Dr Dreyfus’s house in Tooth and the scene in Phase 3 when they rescue Chuck and they switch between dream Sarah/Real Sarah trying to wake up Chuck.

    For most humourous scene

    Cougar’s resteraunt scene, Hard Salami wienerlicious scene with Lester, and Charlesesez “I made an oopsy” scene.
    With honourable mentions to the short but hilarious Living Dead “We never talk” scene with Morgan down in Castle, and the argument over her removing the guns in the couch when Otto and is pussycat show up in Role Models.
    I noticed they were back in leftovers – I guess her and Chuck came to an understanding on that.

    Romantic/Heartwarming scenes – way too many to mention, but the first one that comes into mind was Chuck giving her the Charm bracelet in Santa Clause.

    Plus all the other scenes mentioned so far have been great too.

    As you can see, I can’t even pick a top ten so forget about picking just one.

  18. Any scene with Yvonne Strahovski in it. She has been truly amazing. What she can convey with her facial expressions alone is incredible. Sometime in the not too distant future we’ll be seeing her nominated for an Emmy or an Oscar. Yvonne, you are fabulous!

  19. What an impossibility to come with just five. So, I will just add to the list:
    Episode Chuck vs. Best Friend.
    When Sarah thinks Chuck gets blown up with the nerd herder car. She was trying to hold back her emotions, but when she saw that he was ok, the tears couldn’t be stopped.

    • Again in Anniversary -when you hear the screams and the gunfire over the radio – she was devistated. Then when Chuck gets on the radio that tear of relief.

      Although we all knew he was fine – Otherwise S4 would have been a really short season.

      • Before “Best Friend” we see it in “First Date” after Mr Colt drops Chuck from the roof.Unlike the viewer Sarah doesn’t know that Casey caught him and you can see how devastated Sarah is at losing Chuck.It then sets up one of the best fight scenes ever as she fights a man more then twice her size.It also sets up the great scene of relief when Chuck appears with the swat team alive.

      • I know there had to be a fight scene with Mr. Colt. However, to really be believeable, Sarah Walker would have shot Mr Colt as soon as he let go of Chuck.

        Mr Colt would have been dead, before Chuck was.

  20. One of my favorites is recently when morgan is waiting behind the door and she whips off her shoe and holds it at his neck. 😀 its the little things. <3

  21. So many good choices and wonderful comments, I agree with everybody.

    There is one scene that I go back to time & again, end of the pilot, on the beach, Sarah gives Chuck the little shoulder bump. Subtle, simple, charming.

  22. The fountain scene in Break-up would have been my second answer.

    She went through about 5 different emotions in that scene. Most of it was probably uncharted territory for Sarah at the time. I love that at the end of Chuck’s speech, she just says they should go in and gets up. There’s no bitterness just acceptance and sadness. It’s heartbreaking, and it is probably the scene that made me such a SW fangirl.

    It probably falls more in the category of “Favorite Yvonne Moment” rather than Sarah Walker though.

  23. Many great moments shared here by others, and I to agree very difficult to cut it down to 5. So I’ll just give my top one. Chuck vs Santa Claus…Sarah executes the Fulcrum agent at the Christmas tree farm. Admittedly an odd choice but it’s my favorite for 2 reasons. 1st..This in my opinion anyways, is really one of the first times we just how far Sarah would go to “keep” Chuck. Granted at this point they were not “together” but clearly she cares a great deal about him and the flurry of emotions she goes though in that brief couple of seconds while the music is playing and the Fulcrum agent raises his hands and puts them behind his head, while smiling at her. Finally we see the look of hate in her eyes and she pulls the trigger. Still remains one of the most powerful scenes in ANY show I’ve ever seen. 2nd…This scene it think really setup many things for the rest of the series….End of season 2 when she left Chuck to find his dad, season 3 when she was willing to give up everything and be with him, and of course Phase 3 where she is will to burn every bridge she has ever had to get him back. I don’t think that any of those things would have been as powerful as they were without the starting point of Santa Claus. That, for me at least was the first glimpse of the true love and dedication that she feels for Chuck and willingness to go “all in” so to speak regardless of the consequences.

    • Sorry minor edit here….Should be left *WITH Chuck to find his dad…was typing quick and didnt have much time to proof read…my bad all

      • Apparently NBC is going to replay Chuck Vs The Santa Clause Monday Dec 20th at 10 pm.

        Even though most of us have this episode on DVD/Blu Ray lets do our best to tune in and watch when it airs.

        That is such a great Chuck episode, I hope we will turn a few more people into Chuckaholics.

  24. I love the heartwarming stuff, the kickass stuff, etc. But because her comedic moments are so rare, they stick out in my mind:
    (1) Lester goes to the Wienerlicious and asks her on a date after Chuck dumps her in “the Hard Salami”. She pounces like a cat of prey onto the lunch counter and poor Lester just about wets himself. My understanding is that much of what made the final cut was largely improvised by Yvonne and Vik.
    (2) The entire ditzy Mrs Charles routine from “the Honeymooners”. Hi y’all. I was in y’all’s room. Priceless.
    (3) The “Chuck is like a Duck” speech in “Tom Sawyer”. Not a gut buster but charming nonetheless.
    (4)Her seduction of Manoosh in the “Nacho Sampler”. Unlike her straight-forward snuggle ups with Cole Barker and Lon Kirk, this one was played for laughs.
    (5) The spat with Chuck in front of the “Role Models”, the Turners, about her moving the guns out of the compartment under the couch. “You actually listened to me?” “I can’t quite believe it myself!” I wish all their tiffs were so amusing.

    • I also found the scene in Sophia’s hotel room during suitcase quite amusing.
      Chuck: “Hmm”
      Sarah “what Chuck”
      Chuck “its not a spy thing”

      That look on her face was priceless.

  25. So many to choose from, but I think my favorite is from “Chuck vs. Santa Claus” from Season 2 – the “bracelet scene.” Just the look on Sarah’s face when she realizes the meaning of the gift. This is a woman who has had “lovers” in her life (i.e., Bryce), but don’t every think she’s had someone that she really LOVED or who really LOVED her – like a “boyfriend.” There are probably at least 20 other “Sarah Scenes” nearly as good – and all credited to Yvonne’s amazing acting talent and ability to express so many different emotions – but this will remain my favorite.

  26. My personal favorite Sarah Walker moments would be:

    1st: During their 1st date when Sarah was dancing at the same them kicking some agents buts.(season 1)

    2nd: Each time Sarah kick some buts.

    3rd: When FINALLY Sarah admitted that she has fallen for Chuck and she said “I fell in love with you after you fixed my phone and before you started defusing bombs with computer viruses.”(season 3, chuck vs the other guy)

    4th: When Sarah FINALLY said “I LOVE YOU” to Chuck.

    5th: Every Sarah Walker SCENE in the season 4 episode Chuck vs Phase Three!!!

    but honestly there are so many Sarah moments and each moment of is AWESOME!

  27. I’m cooking for you, ah , the breakfast while playing house. I can watch that over & over. Something about it tells me Sarah & Chuck see the future

  28. in Chuck vs. the Wookie. i thing chuck hear sarah say lisa….look at Chuck Versus the Predator when chuck put TRON poster , behind a poster written sarah walker middle name is lisa

  29. Maybe for this topic, instead of the Friday 5 we need the Friday 500.

  30. It’s short and fleeting, but I was laughing at the jealous looks Sarah was giving when Chuck was staring at Sofia’s surveillance photos, as well as her “she’s not that hot” raised eyebrow in “Suitcase”.

    That “obnoxious Southern belle” Sarah pulled off in Arnaldo’s room in “Honeymooners” was pretty funny, but maybe it’s just me laughing at the ridiculously over-the-top accent Yvonne did

    That’s it for the funny ones. For the serious ones… quite a lot, especially in seasons two and three, so picking from those is difficult. For this season, obviously it’s the entirety of “Phase Three”: she ran through a whole gamut of emotions in searching for Chuck, and that made that cute smile she had when Chuck poked her nose in the final scenes of the episode so much sweeter.

  31. ALL HAIL THE GIANT BLONDE SHE-MALE!!!!! Need I say more?

  32. One of my favourites would have to be the scene in Chuck Vs. The Imported Hard Salami. She scares off Lester’s advances (which is hilarious), then immediately shows her vulnerability after breaking up with Chuck by calling Lou inside the Wienerlicious

  33. going off of the bo staff fight scene, one of my favorites would have to be the scene where she’s at the train station waiting for chuck and she tells him “this is real.” it made me tear up, not gonna lie, and her vulnerability and love for chuck in that scene still gives me shivers to this day.

    and then of course, chuck vs the imported hard salami, when her and chuck played tonsil hockey with one another 😉 and she was the one who initiated it for a very long 10 seconds

    • The “tonsil hockey” in “Seduction” is a very close second to that one in “Imported Hard Salami” for me. 😀

  34. basically, all Sarah scenes for me are pure AWESOME, mainly because Yvonne is a truly gifted actress. every scene shows off her incredible talent, and leaves you breathless for everything that it tells you about her thoughts and emotions. great job for the casting team for finding such a gem that is Yvonne Strahovski to play Sarah! as to my favorites, all sarah scenes are my favorite! even the one when she was expressing her resentment to Chuck’s telling everybody about their fight in Versus The First Fight. and, of course, the all-Sarah episode Phase Three. hurray, Yvonne!

  35. My favorite one Chuck vs the hard imported salami, that scene when they think that they’re going to die and she kissed Chuck, as a good bye kiss, because she didn’t want to die without kissing him. For me a classic moment in the show, and their first kiss ever! Just awesome. =)

    • I watched that scene so many times,over and over again ach 🙂

      • Well, the good news, we are alive and the bad news is that this is kind of an uncomfortable moment right now.:) so funny.

        Also: Shut up, you are sucking up all the air.

  36. As everyone else has said, there are so many Sarah moments it’s hard to pick a favorite.

    I think the first time I realized what a great actress Yvonne is was in “The Truth.” Chuck asks her, while she’s under influence of the truth serum, whether there can every be anything real between them. She pauses for a split second, takes a slight gulp, and they says “I’m sotty Chuck, but no.” Then we find out later, when she’s talking to Casey, that she has been trained to withstand truth serum. That gulp was obviously her restraining herself from blurting out the truth to Chuck. What a attention to detail!

    Of course Phase Three was an incredible display of Yvonne’s acting abilities, and it’s my favorite all time episode, but I think my favorite all time Sarah moment is in “The First Kill” when she’s been ordered by Gen. Beckman to fetch Chuck so DNI can put him into lockdown. After she tells Chuck that his father has been rescued and is in the castle, Chuck smiles in relief and tells her he was beginning to believe if he could trust her. You should see in her face that at that instant she realized she had to tell him the truth and flee with Chuck. Then when they’re in the car driving off to look for Chuck’s father, Chuck tells her she’s throwing away everything she worked for to do that for him, and She quietly responds, “I know…” Thst said it all about how much she loved him at that point, and set up her feelings of rejection and betrayal that she experienced in Season 3.

    • Sorry for the mistakes in the previous post. Of course “sotty” should read “sorry” and “beginning to believe if he could trust her” should read “beginning to wonder if he could trust her.”

  37. The best sarah’s scene is when, chuck decide to go to the hotel room, while she is with Cole. He thinks that she was in trouble, but when he opens the door. She already dominate Cole!
    This is awesome