MadTV Turns Chuck Into a Duck

MadTV on Comedy Central recently parodied Chuck with an animated short called “Duck”, complete with hot blonde spy/girlfriend and grunting tough guy partner.

Thanks to Ladybug_Lloyd for the head’s up!

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  1. LOL, that is too funny!

  2. I don’t wanna say, but this parody had a better plot than some recent episodes… 🙂

  3. Duck and his appearances are pretty cool!

  4. It had a great “South Park” feel to it. With Bryce Larkin, no less! And pretending to date? When did they put this thing together…during season 1? You know you’ve made it when people are willing to take the time and effort to parody you, and who think that there are enough folks out there who’ll get the joke. Pretty damn cute.

  5. Lol that was hilarious! It seems like some of the writers of MadTV are fans of Chuck. They made the same connection as Sarah did in Chuck vs Tom Sawyer when she tells Ellie, “You know, Chuck is like a duck.” LOL

  6. ………I have no words.

  7. This made me smile which must have seemed odd to the people around me as I was watching it on my iPhone whilst waiting on the platform to catch the train!! You know you’ve made it when people start to make spoofs of your TV show!

  8. Hahahaha! This is great! I love the will they/ wont they line!

  9. hahahaha this is great stuff…

  10. OMG they pretty much nailed it with this one!?! That was crazy funny. I almost wish I had a “Chuck Is Like A Duck” t-shirt or something.

  11. OMG!!! this was great, still laughing!!! they really nailed it!!!
    with all this exposure, the guy changing his name to captain awesome and now this parody of chuck, I have to say this is looking great for getting more Chuck!!!

    I love the “Chuck is like a Duck” t-shirt idea, NBC should def look into that!!!

    Can’t wait for january 17th

  12. i dont know but i feel like the only one who hates that his favourite TV show is turned into a parody…

  13. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!! I wonder what the writers of “Chuck” thought of it… See ya on the 27th!