Ryan McPartlin Reveals When Baby Awesome Is Born

In an interview with Zap2It, Ryan McPartlin revealed that he’ll be a TV dad by the end of January. More specifically, Baby Awesome is born in the episode they finished shooting before going on their holiday production hiatus – episode 4.14 “Chuck vs. the Seduction Impossible”. He won’t tell us the baby’s name, though.

“I can’t divulge it,” he says. “I’m sure the baby will have a cool nickname. We haven’t gotten to that. There’s still plenty of room to discuss what the baby’s nickname will be.”

Ryan did reveal who is on the babysitter shortlist, and it ain’t Morgan:

“It’s a tossup between John Casey [Adam Baldwin] and Sarah Walker [Yvonne Strahovski],” McPartlin says. “Because I know they take orders very well and they’d be able to protect the children and do everything to the best that I tell them to do, exactly how I’d tell them to do it. But maybe I’d lean towards Sarah Walker because she’s got more of a heart than John Casey.”

Read the full interview at Zap2It.com.

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  1. Hmm. Did you notice how in the interview segment about the baby sitter Ryan said, “….. protect THE CHILDREN ……” CHILDREN? Plural?? Are we talking TWINS here???

    But the babysitter would HAVE TO BE Sarah – to help get her in the “what’s it like to be a mom” mode. Casey already has a daughter, and even though he was absent from her life, he still has SOME “daddy” experience with grow up Alex. So I’d lean toward Sarah as the baby sitter.

  2. Are you sure it’s not in episode 13, Chuck vs. the Push Mix? If Chuck returns Jan 17th with ep.11, by Jan 31st we’d only be at ep.13 right? Just want to make sure I don’t miss anything!

  3. *zoink*.
    yeah, the baby was planned to come out in ep13 but they changed it due to the extra 11 we got.

    i also remember that it’s going to be a girl. don’t know why they didn’t talk about that? is it too spoliery? xD

    i’ve also heard rumors about there being twins but i can’t give my word on that. although, i’m about 50% sure we’ll see twins. MAYBE. not sure. ;D

    i can’t wait for Chuck and Sarah to babysit. i’m sure Sarah will keep her distanse and find excuses to NOT be there but eventually, she will turn “soft”. At which point, i’d love to see some romance between Chuck and Sarah and maybe even a real proposal of some sorts. i really want to see a proposal this year (ok, next year but this season). i’ll keep my fingers crossed.

    • Seems like the preliminary work has been done and I would think we would get a proposal this season (no, guarantee on a season 5 yet) Sarah would be a fun babysitter–she could let her facial expressions run wild. We could have a fantastic last few moments of her and the baby–it could also serve to pump up the relationship between Sarah and Ellie.

      • I like your idea Strahovskifever Sarah baby sit.As for the proposal thing in the last CNN (Chuck vs the leftovers) with Lou and the gang they are predicting “the proposal” will be be this coming episode EP11 Chuck vs the balcony. I too am hoping it will be in this EPI,then the wedding be on season 5.???

    • “i can’t wait for Chuck and Sarah to babysit. i’m sure Sarah will keep her distanse and find excuses to NOT be there but eventually, she will turn “soft”. At which point, i’d love to see some romance between Chuck and Sarah and maybe even a real proposal of some sorts. i really want to see a proposal this year (ok, next year but this season). i’ll keep my fingers crossed”

      This is something everybody is excited to see. Sarah babysit,for the proposal thing as mentioned in the last CNN Lou and company said that they predict “the proposal” will be this coming episode 11 Chuck vs the balcony. m also hoping for that and a wedding on season 5??..

  4. As for names ff the baby, or one of the babies, is a boy how about AJ (Awesome Junior)? As for a baby sitter I can see both Sarah and Casey getting their turns which should generate plenty of laughs.

  5. Here’s what I’m looking forward to, Sarah and or Casey being driven to madness by the over bearing neurotic intrusions of Daddy Awesome. 😀