Vote Chuck For Best TV Show of 2010 at E!Online

E!Online is running their annual “Best Of…” poll, and Chuck is in the running for Best Show of 2010. Head over and vote in the opening round ASAP, then be prepared to vote again when the shortlist is revealed on Tuesday.

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  1. Will Do!!! 2010 was “Chuck’s” best year so far! They deserve this.

  2. Done done it! If you didn’t vote, get Chuck’ed!

  3. DONE, al vote for chuck, by far has been a great year for chuck, and has really topped it up for the great chuck vs the phase three epiode. and all you fellow chucksters remember to vote for yvonee for emmy on, she completely deserves it

  4. I voted for CHUCK! I got some dead people in Chicago to vote for him, too. Hey, it worked for JFK.

  5. voted for chuck! done and done!

  6. Next round guys we can do this!

  7. I hope everyone really puts some effort into this–I feel like we kind of let the show down with coming in second place for the TV Guide cover. I am concerned that if we do not keep good things happening for our show we will not get a season 5. Let’s suck it up and get Chuck to #1—we also need to stimulate an increase in viewers–after seeing episode 4.09 for about the tenth time I really feel the show deserves another season.

  8. we’re behind in the second round against castle ;S