SPOILERS: Chuck Episode 4.17 Title, New Characters (UPDATED)

I missed this last week during my flu fog; thanks to Nick_Scryer for the head’s up! According to SpoilerTV, Chuck episode 4.17 is titled “Chuck vs. the First Bank of Evil.” Best. Title. Ever!

They’re casting at least two guest stars for this episode: Riley, a powerful lawyer in his 50’s who may be a recurring character, and Henry VIII. Pretty sure the latter is an actor/impersonator but his presence leads me to think we’re staying in England for a while longer as the Vivian arc plays out. Is the lawyer also connected to her? And could the title of the episode be a callback to when we first met Volkoff?

Updated 01.24.11: I have a little more intel on this episode. The First Bank of Evil is a “powerful and corrupt bank” protected by Asian mercenaries and run by Mr. Aleixo, a sinister-looking Asian bank manager.

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  1. Maybe it’s a bank that gives loans to villains, like the Evil Bank from Despicable Me. …But probably not.

  2. Coolio! I wish for the life of me I could think of suitable gentlemen for these parts. Thoughts?

    • no just mystery

      • For the Lawyer I had a few names come to mind – John Hurt, Jeremy Irons or Terrance Stamp. Maybe a little older than mid 50’s, but that’s who I thought of.

        For the Henry VIII character, I’ve got nothing.

  3. Once again, here is the list of Season four titles that we know of so far:

    4.01 Chuck Vs. the Anniversary
    4.02 Chuck Vs. the Suitcase
    4.03 Chuck Vs. the Cubic Z
    4.04 Chuck Vs. the Coup d’etat
    4.05 Chuck Vs. the Couch Lock
    4.06 Chuck Vs. the Aisle of Terror
    4.07 Chuck Vs. the First Fight
    4.08 Chuck Vs. the Fear of Death
    4.09 Chuck Vs. Phase Three
    4.10 Chuck Vs. the Leftovers
    4.11 Chuck Vs. the Balcony
    4.12 Chuck Vs. the Gobbler
    4.13 Chuck Vs. the Push Mix
    4.14 Chuck Vs. the Seduction Impossible
    4.15 Chuck Vs. the Cat Squad
    4.16 Chuck Vs. the First Mate
    4.17 Chuck Vs. the First Bank of Evil

    • Thank you for this list! This helps me keep this season straight. I wish there was a spot on this site that had a list of all of the episodes, a short synopsis, and who guest starred. Is it here and I am not seeing it?

  4. i get a sneaky feeling that its going to be full circle for chuck as now he has to develope this girl as an asset just as sarah did with chuck 4 years ago,and yes I belive that the proposal will have happened by now and this will make sarah jealous and a bit nuts as she,s discovered her old self or is that a bit to much plot,who knows but i belive tears are on the way

  5. the title of 4.16 was changed to ” Chuck vs the Masquerade “

    • Can you site your source for me?

      • Matt Mitovich in the comments section of the Yvonne interview with TVLINE

        “They were shooting Episode 16, “Chuck vs the Masquerade,” when I visited Yvonne, Zach, Josh, Adam and “others” on location last week.
        Comment by Matt Webb Mitovich – January 23, 2011 03:51 PM PST ”


  6. Hm.. I have thoughts on the episode titles so I’ll list here.

    4.12/4.13, we already know it’s Double Agent Sarah time, and Baby Awesome, along with ‘epic ten minutes at the end’, which some think it won’t be the proposal. I’m sorda on that fence too.

    With 4.14, I think it’ll be a “Chuck gets jealous because Sarah has to seduce someone”, while the next episode, “Cat Squad” may be an episode where Sarah gets jealous in turn… maybe? That was my thought anyway. Maybe that could be a moment Chuck can pick out to propose.

    As far as “First Mate”, I remember when people thought it’d be a ‘best man’ for the wedding sort of episode and who knows, it could still possibly be true.

    So yeah.. that’s my thoughts. >.>

    • Scratch off my “First Mate” thoughts. D: Ah well. Worth a shot!

    • ive been thinking about the proposal and i think it’ll happen by 4.13 cuz it was meant to be the season finale so yea i dnt knw hope not tho:)