She Said: Chuck 4.15, Chuck vs the CAT Squad

How fitting that on Valentine’s Day, this week’s theme seemed to be relationships (with a secondary theme of trust). We saw Sarah struggle with rekindling a relationship from her past lost due to lack of trust while building trust in her relationship with Ellie. Morgan continued in his realization that Alex is “the one” while fending off Carina’s advances. Meanwhile, Chuck and Sarah struggled with Chuck’s constant need to try to fix things, assuming that Sarah wants everything that is important to him in terms of friends and family.

I am excited that we finally got some great Sarah-Ellie scenes! It looks like we’ll be seeing more of these two together if this episode is any indication, which should make many fans happy. Ellie has long seemed like the obvious one for Sarah to talk to when she doesn’t want to talk to Chuck about something and it was great to see Sarah confide in her just a bit about her family at the end of the episode. While Chuck has lots of people to talk to about his feelings, Sarah’s long been emotionally isolated. It’s been almost a year since Ellie found out the truth about Sarah, yet it took this long to finally get to the point that seemed inevitable – Ellie as Sarah’s confidant and friend. I think it is yet another demonstration of how far Sarah has come in her transition towards more of a normal life since she met Chuck.

The CAT squad was a great peek into Sarah’s former life. We knew that Carina and Sarah went way back, but it was fun to get some more details on their pasts. The addition of Amy and Zondra added some interesting dynamics. Anyone who thought that last week’s female villain was just played for laughs should have appreciated Amy as this week’s villain – evil and dead serious, but hiding her true self beneath a perky innocent veneer for years while watching her team and supposed friends literally come to blows accusing each other of being the traitor. One of my favorite lines of the whole episode is when Zondra and Sarah realize that she was the traitor a few minutes too late and confront her and her response is “yeah…well I paid for it…wearing stupid sexed-up costumes to fight world crime”.

This brings me to one of the things that I love most about Chuck – it’s delightfully self-awareness. Even as the show gleefully delves into many classic cultural and entertainment stereotypes (hot leggy blonds, socially inept computer nerds, gratuitous cat fights, scantily clad babes), it also loves to switch it up (Chuck is the sensitive one, Sara the rational one, the geeks get the hot girls, although Chuck always tries to be the hero, Sarah often is the one doing the saving) as well as directly comment on the ridiculousness of it all sometimes. Witness Amy’s comment about wearing the “sexed-up” costumes and Chuck’s comment last week about how unprofessional it is to have personal conversations during missions even as he constantly does it. It’s these small in-jokes that help make Chuck so much fun and allow me to suspend my disbelief when necessary.

Speaking of humor, Morgan and Carina together in this episode was comedic genius. It was so much fun to watch Morgan get so hot under the collar trying to fend off her advances when the last two times they met, he was doing everything he could to make advances at her. There are few actors that can pull off bumbling discomfort like Josh Gomez. These scenes also begged another question – were flannel shirts on sale at Underpants, Etc. this week?

Although I really liked that Zondra ended up bringing Amy down with the cord from a straightening iron at the end (way to be resourceful!), I have to say that I kind of wished that Chuck would have gotten his chance to prove what makes him so special to Sarah (and all of us fans) to Carina and Zondra. He used Buy More props expertly to overpower Gaez, but then in the end let Amy get the best of him and had to be rescued. Yes, Chuck is a gentlemen, but it seems like he should make exceptions when a woman with a loaded gun tells him that she’d have fun hurting him.

The writers did redeem themselves to me in the end, though. I can’t think of a better way to wrap up the episode, after Chuck’s plans had all backfired publicly and Sarah had told Chuck off for screwing things up, than the poignant scene between Chuck and Sarah before the engagement party. For a couple that tends to not communicate very well, this brief conversation communicated a lot more than the mere words: “No Chuck, please, don’t ever stop helping me”. Awwwww…

Some of my favorite lines:
“Here’s her phone, email, and facebook alias….we’re friends… Restricted… I can’t post on her wall or view her pictures”
“Carina was the mellow one”
“John, she desires my… physical person” “And I’m hunting unicorns…”
“Is anyone really that perky?” – Apparently only evil girls…
“I’m helping…look at all the bad guys I tranqued”

And other fun bits:
Morgan thinking the helicopter was a UFO
Sarah hungover and disheveled – that was quite a bachelorette party (with Gorbachev!?)
Morgan waking up with Carina in his bed
The fiery death of Sarah’s car – time to get something less conspicuous (how did no one ever wonder how a girl working at the Weinerlicious or Orange Orange drove a Porshe?)
Knock-out face powder

Sorry, got a little verbose today – I’m blaming the holiday. ;)  Time for me to go now, though – I have a sudden overwhelming desire to sign up for some kick-boxing lessons! Now it’s your turn – what did you think of the episode?

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  1. A great episode…harkening back to Season 2 in feel.

    One Morgan line that also sticks with me….the chances of 2 women from my relationships actually connecting is almost statistically impossible…and of course Alex’s smirk of agreement.

    What a great, fun show…we are truly lucky to get to watch it every week!

  2. I have to agree that it would have been nice if Chuck was able to show how special he is by stopping Amy too, but I was alright with that. I would have liked to see Sarah at least fight back against Amy when they were in the dojo. Sarah kind of just sat there and took it. It coud have been an awesome battle of Sarah trying to defend herself from the bow staff. Carina and Morgan were definitely hilarious and provided most of the comic relief. I’m not sure how you can fly to Vegas and then Miami and back before noon, but they’re spies after all.

    • they got the magical plane from the gobbler
      chuck not finishing off amy shows that yes he has become a spy but it hasn’t destroyed him personally as he is still a gentleman and wont hit a girl

    • Actually…you can with the time change…but it would have to be a quick drink and dance with Gorby. 🙂

    • Don’t assume it was noon the next day and you’ll be fine.

  3. I also agree, I was a little dissapotinted they cast Chuck so completely inept this week. Especially in front of Sarah’s Cats. Because we all know, no matter how much he trips over his feet and messes things up, in the end he can really kick some butt. But he gets other chances to shine so I’m ok with the decision. I also agree with everything you said up there. Chuck is such a clever show with all of its little jokes and flip flops. I adore this show and count down the days until monday. I concur- we are very lucky to be able to watch such a wonderful show week after week!

  4. As expected from a Wootton episode, the concept was good, but the execution was off in places (I would say that I watched it without looking at the credits first, and then studied the credits on the first rewatch).

    Amy being the rotten kitty was transparent (apparently everybody except Chuck was genre-blind this episode), but that’s not what I’m quite bothered about. I wasn’t too happy about Chuck motioning a tranq pistol to his head while talking to Sarah and leaning on a plate glass ceiling. Though, it was good to see the Chuck that used unconventional solutions, like breaking disks for makeshift shurikens.

    Two more things to be glad for are two, I repeat, two Sarah-Ellie scenes (at last!) and Morgan completely resisting Carina’s charms (way to go, little man!).

    I’d say the problem with Gaez would be similar to the problem with The Belgian: underutilized big-name guest star. Maybe they can crash the wedding much later in the season?

    Last, but certainly not the least: hung-over Sarah is hilarious. I guess what happens in Vegas… well, you know the rest. And if I may be shallow, she looked really fine in the white dress she wore in Rio.

    In short, still better than most of TV land, but sub-par with respect to other Chuck episodes.

    • chuckfanfromBarbados

      yes, hung over Sarah was funny, did anyone else notice how big those ear rings that she slept in were?

  5. I really liked the episode and has already been pointed out I wish Chuck had taken Amy down with no support but it was OK that the cats got her in the end.
    The only things I did not really like was Sarah not really supporting Chuck having such a go at Chuck in front of the CATS and then angrily cutting the rope I know she was in Mission Mode and angry at Gaez getting away but when she calmed down she should have Apologised for overreacting.
    Yes I did love the talk before the party and the your perfect line but still I think she should have said Sorry. She had the perfect opening when she told him not to apologise.

    • I was more concerned about Chuck getting cut by the glass shards from the broken ceiling when Sarah angrily cut him down…

      • @kon. I was also concerned for Chuck. Sarah was really pissed. lol Poor guy. He trys so hard. Guess that why we ladies love him so much.

  6. It was only a matter of time for the Porsche. She will soon be a wife and presumably a mom, and is going to need something appropriate to drive. It was much more spectacular TV to watch it explode than it would have been to watch her trade it in at a car dealership.

  7. The last two eps have had that same season 2 feel to them. Funny yet it had heart. Then again you can pretty much say the same about every CHUCK ep. The fact that the show can be both funny yet have heart behind its jokes makes it so special and is the reason this show leaves us all (or at least me) with a goofy smile on face after each ep.
    Now, back to this ep. I thought it was great. No! AWESOME!!!!!! Funniest line, maybe the funniest Casey and Morgan moment ever: “John, she desires my… physical person” “And I’m hunting unicorns…” rofl OMFG
    Yeah to Sarah and Ellie bonding and whoever thought of Carina as being the “mellow” one. lol Oh! RIP Sarah’s porche. Way to blow up ur girlfriends car Chuck. At least it wasn’t Casey’s Crown Vic. I’ve lost count of how many times his car has been blown up throughout the series. lol

  8. I’ve got to chime in, here with my two bits, since it has yet to be mentioned. I thoroughly enjoyed the small moment we got between Chuck and Casey in the van. I LOVE that their friendship has grown to a level that Casey trusts Chuck enough to share personal stuff with him. Sure, it’s not much, but at the same time, it’s so huge for their friendship that he does it (and without being harassed into it). The more we get of Casey as a real, human being, the more I just love him. Sure he’s great as the show’s resident bad-ass, AND his one-liners are hilarious, but what truly makes him great is knowing that there is a real guy hidden away in there.

    I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I LOVE the character growth of John Casey throughout this series. He is absolutely my favorite, and HIS growth as a character makes Chuck’s character even more redeeming. Think about it: if Chuck could pull a guy like Casey out of his shell enough to make real connections with people, Chuck is even more of a great guy.

  9. chuckfanfromBarbados

    I’m sure a lot of plans were pleased that they got a clear view of the ring on Sarah’s finger. I saw it when she was being hooked up to the rope to the helicopter and before the engagement party

  10. Nice review good points I think there was a post in the forums that said a line was cut from the episode which had one of the Cat members commenting on Chuck abilities and Sarah giving additional praise

    If that’s true then I would of enjoyed hearing it

  11. I also loved how after Morgan’s CAT Squad daydream, he and Chuck walked past this shelf with Hello Kitty dolls.

  12. First, Casey had the Crown Vic blown up (though he got a new one in episode 3.13), now Sarah has her car blown up.

    I assume one of the NerdHerd-mobiles is next, then Morgan’s bicycle.

  13. Sorry gang, I have to disagree all the way around. Horrible episode, Morgan and Carina, yeah, right. She was being a witch,just to be a witch. And Sarah, everybody wants her to win an emmy, well, she lost it in this episode. I know that she is supposed to be terrified of dealing with her past but this was way too much. If this were a real life couple, I would tell Chuck to run. Sarah’s beautiful but she can’t trust anyone and there isn’t much hope for a relationship with no trust. That make up scene with no apology, there was no chemistry there whatsoever. None, it felt like they were introducing to CAT team just to make a spin-off. Sorry, lousy episode.

  14. Another great review Cay. I loved the episode as whole, it was definitely campy in a way that some of the episodes were from S1 and S2, but it was entertaining. I really liked Zondra, glad Amy turned out to be the traitor, ick! A few nits for me: 1. Chuck didn’t seem very upset that Sarah could have been blown up along with ye olde Porche. 2. Sarah blasting Chuck in front of the Cats..not good. 3. Casey being duped by the “primping” Amy. I was VERY pleased for the growth in the friendship between Ellie and Sarah, you are right Cay, this has been a long time coming, been hoping for this to evolve since S2. Yay! Ellie is the Maid of Honor. I also loved Chuck’s expression when he saw that exchange. The “talk” before the party and the subsequent peck on the lips were both a little weak, but Sarah admitting Chuck was right and “perfect” was gratifying.

  15. I liked the episode. The feeling that has been missing for me on episodes is back. The last 4 have been great. Everyone is saying chuck should have handled amy. I wanted the cats to take out amy and was happy with the outcome. Morgan and carrina. Funny… witty… comical. Hoping more episodes for carrina and zondra (the bitch)….my only problem… sarah seemed to sober up a bit too quickly when explaining the cats to chuck after getting out bed… don’t say it, spy booze tolerance?

  16. Cay,
    I must say I’m really enjoying your reviews. You have a very positive perspective. You concentrate on the things that are good in an episode rather than spend too much time nitpicking the things that didn’t work all that well.

    I have to admit that this wasn’t one of my favourites of the season, but only because they have just done some really amazing episodes this season, and lets face it Seduction Impossible is a tough act to follow.

    Regardless, I still enjoyed this episode from beginning to end, with my favourite line being “Carina was the mellow one”.
    I also enjoyed seeing Chuck flashing with ease and occassionally having that same constipated look he had with flashes in the earlier seasons (especially after the car bomb).

    One thing I noticed, Sarah’s blue workout clothes that she used to kick Zondra’s butt were the same ones she used to kick Casey’s butt at the beginning of Cubic Z.

    My advice to Team Bartowski would be whenever you see Sarah in her blue workout clothes, don’t agree to spar with her.

  17. I like when Chuck is told that the CAT missions are top secret. All he needs to do is tap the intersect and he can find out what they were. Also, the cats had to have watched him take out the badguys on the surveilance cameras. Finally, Chuck has to see the difference between a “girl” and a bad guy. It would be nice to see him take out a female bad guy like Sara takes out male bad guys.

    • I loved it in Honeymooners
      Chuck “I can’t hit a girl’
      Sarah “I can” and down goes the evil fake Canadian.

      Chuck is just going to have to ensure that when ever there is an evil villainess around, Sarah is there to take care of her.

  18. Does anyone know where Sarah’s engagement party dress is from? It was so pretty.