TV’s Top Couples, Round 2

Just a note to let you know that E! Online’s TV’s Top Couples poll has moved into round 2. Chuck and Sarah are now up against two people from One Tree Hill (I’ve never watched, so I don’t know who they are). Get that clicker finger going!

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  1. finally, i can use my trigger finger. it’s been itching for a while now.

  2. We’re against One Tree Hill? Dangit those guys are almost as obsessive as we are! But we never quit!

  3. When does this round end, do we know?

  4. I’m voting, voting, voting “Chicago-style!”

  5. What is happening? I’ve been voting constantly for 20 minutes and we are slipping! Where are you Chucksters? Vote! Vote! Vote!


    Chuck and Sarah are winning 57% YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. One again us chuck fans prevail, come on chuck fans continue to vote, sarah and chuck are the greatest.

    58.4% Chuck-Sarah (Zachary Levi & Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck
    41.6% Julian-Brooke (Austin Nichols & Sophia Bush), One Tree Hill

  8. Just been voting for our Sarah and Chuck for the last hour went from 57.9 to 58.4 boy are my fingers tired 😉

  9. GUYS. helppp.. VOTE! We’re slipping…come’on. It’s 50.8% Chuck-Sarah and 49.2% Julian-Brooke..

    We can do it 🙂

  10. Come on people, vote for Chuck and Sarah!!!! There is only 1% deference!!!! It’s 50,5% to 49,5%!!!!!! Are threy going to loose from One Tree Hill????

  11. We are slippiiiiiing!!!! 50,5% to 49,5%!!! Come on guys!!! We can do better than that!!!!!

  12. I’ve been voting for over an hour now. and it’s now:

    51.5% Chuck-Sarah (Zachary Levi & Yvonne Strahovski), Chuck
    48.5% Julian-Brooke (Austin Nichols & Sophia Bush), One Tree Hill

    but hey, that’s not an assurance that they’ll win this round. so we still need to vote as many times as we can. Chuck gotta win this! Come on guys! We can do it! 😀

  13. Things ARE NOT looking good. only 2% deference. We need to vote more!!!

  14. are onetreehill i love them and i love chuck. we are lucky it wasn’t lucas and peyton i would of voted for them if it was

  15. if it were peyton and lucas chuck would of lost my vote lols

  16. We are losing people…..

  17. What the hell happened? I voted till my fingers bled, and when I was done Chuck and Sarah had a lower percentage than when I started. (Yes I was voting for Chuck and Sarah). Who are the couple that beat them? Are they any good? I’ve never heard of them.

    • Same here…..seems the more I voted, their percentages went down, weird.
      So I guess I will vote for Castle and Beckett now, since I don’t know any of the other couples.
      Oh well, we all know how great a couple Chuck and Sarah are anyway.

      • I think that the whole process was botched from the start of round two, where “Chuck & Blair” were listed twice instead of one option being “Chuck & Sarah”. By the time they corrected it, enough possible votes could have been siphoned off to cost them the contest. On top of that, the running tabulation of results was flawed to the point where no one knew where their candidate really stood percentagewise. Kristin Dos Santos must be humiliated to have her name associated with such a bungling. I wonder if E! will be re-doing the round to compensate for their screw-ups.