CNN 4.15 – Chuck Vs The C.A.T. Squad

Welcome back gang!

Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of CNN 4.15 – Chuck Vs The C.A.T. Squad


Thanks to my fellow podcasters Jan, Karen, and Joe.

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  1. Just have one thing to say. Running the Charlie’s Angels intro was DOPE!

  2. I enjoyed Karen in her husky voice. I hope you invite Kris to participate again she provided an interesting take on Sarah character and is fun to listen too.

    I agree the two weak points for me was the sparing scene. I thought could better used in mission scenario and Casey/Amy scene was OH Brother moment

    I don’t mind Chuck not hitting a girl kinda of his MO along with non-lethal action. He did flash on using the broken CD pieces. Thought interesting Japan CD he broke.

    When Chuck pushes Sarah beyond comfort zone get’s defensive and angry with him Wooten used it Fear of Death kind of a carry over from 2.04 What saved it for me was Ellie telling him his actions were wrong and assured him Sarah will get over it. He kind ignores Sarah warnings and proceeds thinking deep down she wants this but Ellie tells him same thing he realizes the issue more.

    Episode concept was good just execution really off in places (Wooten curse?) What I will say is that he does provide some good emotional interaction and in this episode he did several times and that is similar to what Ali provide

    Thanks for sharing

  3. CHUck week march 7-14 get all your friends to watch chuck

  4. Lou,
    Who wrote this episode?!! Come on already!! This season there has hardly been any good scenes with Chuck! We’re not going to make it to a season 5 if this isn’t fixed. I agree with you Lou pn all the contrivances in this episode. And I’m tired of not seeing Chuck grow into a better spy than the bumbling one he is. The fight scene with Sarah and Zondra just seemed thrown in there. Enough is enough. That’s the third Sarah fight scene this year. I miss seeing Casey in action. Last week we had one of my all time favorite episodes. Now we go to probably one of my worst mostly because of the Chuck and Sarah out of character scenes. I didn’t mind the Morgan storyline, although poor use of Karina. This has been such a weird season!!