No Chuck Tonight; What Will You Do Instead?

With February sweeps* behind us, the television landscape gets a little bleak for the next few weeks. Many series air reruns or are pre-empted for other shows, including Chuck. The next new episode, “Chuck vs. the A-Team”, airs Monday, March 14 followed by “Chuck vs. the Muuurder” on March 21, then it looks like we’ll have another couple of weeks without Chuck as NBC saves episodes to air during May sweeps. As fans of delicious television, these breaks in airing new episodes are annoying, but the reality is that it shows NBC’s confidence in Chuck that they want to keep new episodes on the air during these crucial ratings months.

So, with no Chuck tonight (NBC is re-launching The Event), what will you do instead? Here are some ideas:

*“Sweeps” months are 4-week periods during which individual show ratings as well as overall network ratings are used to determine ad rates for the following quarter. Networks schedule their best programming during these months in hopes of drawing their highest audiences. Sweeps months are February, May, July and November.

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  1. I’ll be working on Phase Three of #Emmy4Yvonne. Voting for Chuck and plan on re-watching the Pilot followed by Chuck VS The First Bank of Evil. I love to see how far they all have come especially one Sarah Walker. It has been a great ride even with a detour I could have done without. Too bad only 3 eps are up on and my On Demand.

  2. Watching The Event. The return of Simon (Ian Anthony Dale) is about the only reason I could be okay with no Chuck tonight. 🙂

  3. Tonight is doubly bleak in that I can’t watch “Castle” because our local ABC affliliate is locked in a fight to the death with our Dish TV provider, and has blacked out the channel! God help me if our local NBC gets in the same pickle. I was going to watch my old season 2 DVDs but I like your idea better about watching “Chuck” at Watching my DVDs takes place in total anonymity, but watching an ep on gets their attention. It screams “I’m disappointed as heck, and I’m not going to take it anymore; any more than this week, at any rate”. Treat them to the gentle indignation of Chucksters by visiting their site.

  4. I’m going to go steal a car , rough up a few prostitutes and shake down a couple of liquor stores …. on grand theft auto 🙂

  5. Doctor Bob –Looks like Castle is a rerun so you could see it on HULU–It is the one where his book is being made into a movie and the actress tags along. Bummer

  6. Without CHUCK, no TV tonight. Working on the “Ash Wednesday” homily instead – and not-so-patiently waiting for CHUCK’s return NEXT Monday!

  7. No CHUCK tonight!?!? I think I am not going to watch the EVENT. Yeah! Thats what I am going to do tonight. Not support the show that made it so their is no CHUCK tonight. Yup! Thats exactly what I am going to do. Who’s with me?

    • It’s not The Event’s fault that there are more Mondays left in the TV season than there are episodes of Chuck. We’ll get 24 episodes of our show, but there are about 35 weeks in the TV season, so of course there will be weeks when Chuck doesn’t air.

      • If I actually liked The Event, I would watch it. However, after watching the premiere, I did not care for it. As bad as The Cape was, I would rather watch it than The Event.

        The fact that it is replacing Chuck tonight isn’t why I’m not watching. I just don’t like the show.

      • Ah the good old days. Back in the 50’s TV worked on a 39-13 basis. 39 new eps each
        Season, 13 weeks off in the summer. A show like ” Leave it to Beaver ” would air new
        eps for 39 consecutive weeks!

  8. chuckfanfromBarbados

    TVLine has a poll: Renew Our Show
    CHUCK Vs. Human Target
    so far Chuck is winning

  9. The truth? Put on The Event, not really watch but if by the grace of whatever diety you please, there is a promo for Chuck I have to see it!

  10. A bunch of us over at the NBC Chuck boards will be rewatching Vs The Honeymooners tonight at 8 PM.

  11. Cry. No, just kidding although I am a little down there is no Chuck tonight. I’ll probably watch my awesome husband play Guitar Hero (it’s like a nightly concert) and catch up with White Collar on the DVR, last night was catch up with Justified. Always playing catch up with shows. Chuck is the only show I absolutely must watch on the night it airs, that is non-negotiable.

  12. C’MON GUYS! 50%-49% Chuck winning isn’t good enough and isn’t a secured win! I don’t want to lose to supernatural again, so keep the voting up!!!

  13. Don’t shoot me but I’ll be watching The Event =P