Chuck Season 4 DVD Available for Pre-Order

Amazon just enabled the ability to pre-order Chuck season 4 on DVD and Blu-ray. No release date is noted, of course, but we expect it to be late August/early September. Click here to pre-order your copy.

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  1. LOL just ordered, love my season 1,2 and 3 dvds 🙂

  2. MyNameIsJeffNImLost

    Blu Ray is at

  3. interesting choice for the cover of season 4.

  4. Just pre-ordred the blu-ray edition 😀 !!! Can’t wait!!! Now, all i need is a chuckS5 … 😀

  5. Sweet pre ordered too! This seems kind of early though, not that im complaining. Hey Mel I got 40 K fans now, for my next episode Im going to talk about Chuck, like a mini Chuck commercial.

  6. Aww man! I just purchased a season pass on ITUNES. I should of held out a wee bit longer but I had to free up some DVR space. I wonder what the actual cover will look like??

  7. Maybe enough orders will show someone we are interested enough to deserve a season 5–I ordered one set of dvd’s and one set of Blu-ray.