SPOILERS: Who Is Team Bartowski’s Greatest Enemy?

EW.com’s Spoiler Room has a little more intel on the “something terrible” coming our way in the final episodes of Chuck season 4 which has been generating so much angst and speculation:

I would like to see some more Community or Chuck spoilers. — Becca
Sure thing! Would you like spies with that? On the night before Chuck and Sarah’s rehearsal dinner, something terrible will happen to someone we love (an incredibly important member of Operation Bartowski), and it will force the team to confront their greatest enemy: the CIA. “Chuck’s team will find themselves facing a CIA agent who’s tougher than Bentley, Beckman, and Shaw combined,” executive producer Chris Fedak teases.

The agent in question is the Eraser mentioned previously, so that piece of the puzzle we know. We have a new clue about the timing of this event, though: the night before the rehearsal dinner. After four years, we have a pretty good bead on the pacing for this show, so expect this to happen in episode 4.23, “Chuck vs. the Last Details” with the aftermath carrying over into the finale, 4.24 “Chuck vs. the Cliffhanger”.


If I had to put money on it, I’d say Sarah is the one “something terrible” happens to, that something puts her in the hospital at the end of 4.23 and into 4.24, and that’s why she’s wearing a hospital gown in this set photo. Remember that scenes are shot out of sequence, meaning that filming of the hospital scenes at the end of the shooting week for 4.24 doesn’t mean those are the final scenes of the episode. Instead, I speculate that they’re toward the beginning and that Sarah is recovered enough by the end for the wedding to take place and some new cliffhanger to cause us to gasp and plead for a fifth season.

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  1. Someone we love and incredibly important member of team B can be CHUCK?? Be cause everybody loves chuck and in one of last episodes Ellie mentioned that

  2. Could this be the enigmatic Agent X? “The Eraser”? Are they one and the same? GAH! I can’t take it!

  3. As long as it’s not the death of Morgan or Casey, I’ll be okay. Killing off any more loved ones after Stephen (and to a lesser extent, Bryce) would seem to be too much for a generally light-hearted show.

    Except… wouldn’t Morgan’s death at the hands of the CIA set up next season as Team Bartowski vs the CIA? Casey gets justice for Morgan both as his partner and as Alex’s dad. Ellie, who’ll no doubt learn Chuck’s a spy again in the days ahead, would let him avenge Morgan’s death just as he did their dad’s.

    By the way, I caught an editing mistake in the breakfast scene we all loved last week: Early in the scene Morgan is seen carrying two glasses of OJ to the table. The camera cuts to Chuck for his line, then cuts back to Morgan & Casey at the table and the apron’s gone, and stays gone for the rest of the scene. There was no time for him to take it off.

    • Um… obviously, I meant to type that he was wearing te apron when approaching the table!

  4. Mel!!! I noticed Sarah wearing the hospital gown too! I was woderig why she was wearing that I thought maybe it had something to do with a pregnancy but that isn’t plauseble anymore….It’s definantly Sarah!

  5. Yeah, I just made a post in the other thread, but I agree on how it could be Sarah. As you suggest, having it happen in 4.23 and then lead into 4.24 would be make for a nice cliffhanger, though it’d tick off a lot of the “Charah” fans out there, and all that.

    In the end, though.. and into 4.24, I think we’ll find out it’s not nearly as ‘serious’ as we’re led to believe, ala Casey. He recovered fairly quick, after all. Plus in that cast shot, it looks like everyone’s in casual wear (for the most part), so it looks like we’ll have a big ‘everyone gathers’ scene with them all rushing to the hospital to make sure Sarah’s okay. I don’t think the S4 “vs the Cliffhanger” cliffhanger will actually relate to Sarah’s health or our main characters. I speculate it’ll be something to do with the spy mumbojumbo, like Chuck’s mom being introduced, and all that.

  6. My guess is Ellie. I think that she gets too close to discovering something that they don’t want known.

  7. The wedding will happen. They talked about it (maybe not happening) too much so I bet it’s nothing.

    About Sarah’s gown, remember that she already wore one in episode 108 to catch Payne.

    If they are facing CIA and their secrets, as Casey (and Beckman) is NSA, it’s either related with Sarah or Chuck.

    On that picture, we can’t see Morgan’s clothes. Why is he in the back even though he’s the shortest one? Maybe he saw too much and has to be silenced. He’s always sniffing around.

  8. If you go back and watch last night’s show, Sarah’s dad alludes to her not letting her guard down (scene with Awesome) and being hurt. It is going to Chuck that is going to be in danger. Chuck and Sarah can’t make the wedding so would be cool if Morgan and Alex are the ones that get married (all the people, and they need a bride and groom). Morgan beats Chuck to the altar or could it be Casey and Kathleen. Next season will open with the Sarah and Chuck wedding.

  9. The creators of the show have repeatedly indicated their love for Morgan, the only way he dies is if they have plans for Morgan to come back in his own show.

  10. I worry about how this season ends–I do not have a good feeling about getting a season 5. Feel free to give me some hope.

  11. I think chuck will lose his memory in final episode and S5 will open with chuck’s S1 situation no memory no spy stuff

    • No memory, just the spy stuff would be awesome. Chuck would be only the computer in his brain. I’d like to see Chuck’s dark side.

  12. We should remember that Vivian has declared she must eliminate “Agent X” who is an enemy of Volkoff Industries. I would bet that as Vivian goes after Ellie (aka: Agent X) that Sarah steps in to protect her and lands in the hospital. In all these years, Sarah has never been shot … something to think about. Definitely need a Season 5 even if it’s only 13 Episodes.

  13. It oozes sarcasm honestly. I think it’s Morgan.

  14. The clue saying its a member or Operation Bartowski – it has to be Chuck, Sarah, Casey or Morgan. Since we have seen a set photo of Sarah in a hospital gown, my guess is it will be her.

    It would be kind of interesting to see Chuck on the warpath to take down the man who did this to Sarah (a reverse of the Phase 3); although I’m not sure we will get that.

    Then again perhaps Casey will tear the perpetrator up “limb from limb from limb”.

    I still don’t think we will see a death though. The original spoiler says “death is a possiblity” not that there would be a death. If someone is seriously hurt, their death is possible, but they can also recover from their injuries. I mean Casey fell from a highrise just 8 episodes ago.

  15. Blow up the photo — Sarah’s got an IV in her arm. So, it’s more than a “she’s preggers” thing.

    Wouldn’t surprise me that she’s badly hurt/possibly unable to walk; Chuck et al. fight the CIA guy, and at the end, while Sarah and Chuck are together (hopefully married, because “it’s about damn time”), they are both ticked off at the CIA and hence “quitting the spy life.” Remember, they’re running Honeymooners this next week: I’m expecting there’s a reason other than it was a great episode, and it’s to set up a “quitting the spy life” theme.

  16. My theory is that Ellie finds out Chuck is the Intersect and/or downloads the Orion computer’s Intersect. For whatever reason, the Eraser has to “deal with” Ellie (whatever that may entail), and Sarah is hurt while trying to protect Ellie from the Eraser.

  17. I don’t think they’d have Chuck and Sarah “quit the spy life”. While a fifth season is doubtful at best at this point, they wrote the episode as if they were continuing. Also, if anything, Honeymooners is a demonstration of the fact that they can’t quit the spy life (or the CIA). It showed that being spies is part of their nature, and even running away doesn’t change that. (It also showed that without the resources and backup of the CIA they tend to make a mess of it.)

  18. Well I know the enemy is the Eraser dude. And I’m betting that because its before or during (whatever) rehearsal and because of the photo of the cast with Yvonne wearing one of those gosh awful hospital gowns, that the person we love that gets hurt is Sarah. But no worries. She won’t die…….or will she. Muhaaaaaaaa *cough* Though seriously. I’m 98% positive that its going to be Sarah and that Chuck and Sarah won’t get their dream wedding and will be forced to wed in the hospital kind of like Mission Impossible 3.

  19. My theory is that the CIA do something to Chuck based on information Ellie works out, that unleashes AgentX (AKA dangerous Chuck) and completes Beckman’s statement that the world needs to be protected from Chuck. It is feasible that “dangerous Chuck” hurts Sarah and therefore Team Bartowski have to take on the enemy(CIA) to undo the changes to Chuck. This is where the Eraser comes in… Can’t wait for it regardless of what happens, this show is just too awesome!

    • Just to add to my own theory, I think the language from the following quote is instructive: “Chuck’s team will find themselves facing a CIA agent who’s tougher than Bentley, Beckman, and Shaw combined” is interesting. That has to be Chuck right, as since Intersect 2 Chuck has always had the potential to be the super spy to end them all they just haven’t been able to unlock it. This then fits with Chuck’s team having to deal with Chuck while trying to save him.

      However maybe i’m just reading way too much into this.

      • I think Ellie is Agent X already… Somehow Sarah will get hurt by her, and it will be up to chuck and the team to undo the Agent X programming. or risk Ellie abandoning her child like her mother had to do to her. I also think we will find out that Agent X is ORIONS suto cover story, meaning that Agent X is ever changing and dieing, like in the helicopter, Like Orion said “I’ve had to die many times”. Meaning that Agent X, his baby project has died in his place, and now that he’s not around… He can’t help Ellie get it out and cue the mamma B save somehow…who also by the way knew how to disable chucks intersect and knows more than we think.

      • I think that Bryce larkin had the fighting and gymnastic part of the intersect, and that him and Jill and maybe someone else(not chuck) will end up being in a team of ORION’s Allstars. The only reason I say that is because if you go back to the thanksgiving episode where bryce larkin interupted thanksgiving and kissed sarah. A-he did some wierd gymnastic fall from above chucks door. b- after kissing sarah, she commented “so you still have it”. So that maybe there were other parts besides fighting and gymnastics to the body control part of the intersect. Maybe Sarah kept a secret for Bryce and thats why she feels for chuck. Maybe the origional intersect projects were only temperary until chuck who could absorb it all or until the technology came to download it into normal people like Shaw or The Buy More Robots.lol

  20. I think your right. About the sequence of the scenes. And the fact that they are all in casual wear makes it seem like that it could possibly be in the beginning of the scene. If you remember Josh Gomez posted a picture of Mekenna a few weeks back and Mark also posted a pic and it definitely looked like some kinda party so maybe that is also in the epsiode.

    But I do agree with your whole theory on who it is and how it all happens!!

  21. My Prediction = Sarah will end up hurt and unconscious in the hospital the when she wakes up we realize the Eraser wiped her memories thus ending the episode with Chuck saying “thank god your alright” with a quick response from Sarah “who are you”

    • I don’t think they meant Eraser literaally. That would pull up some, if there are any fans, ala Bones thing. And EVERY fan was pissed at that! Trust me! I feel like Agent X anyone who is a harm to the US government and or team bartowski, or volkoff industries. For this I think Agent X is Chuck because Ellie has the Orion Computer and Chuck takes it protect her, but that ends up being the reverse effect. She unlocks something which Chuck sees he can’t control his actions because, does anyone remember, correct me if I’m wrong, how they said that the intersect, if placed in the wrong person, causes them to go crazy? Chuck downloads sumthin and without knowing what he did to himself, continues with his life and then the “Eraser” comes. The Eraser injures Sarah who was trying to rescue Ellie, because Ellie followed chuck and has to get saved. This unlocks Chuck’s Dark side (and morgan makes a comment about star wars :P) Sarah stops chucks evilness and the next season, which happens from some divine intervention, revolves around the real Agent X and The Eraser and possibly the final wedding and Vivian.
      Just speculation I really need to fuel my imagination!

    • If that’s the end, I hope the producers are ready for the pitchforks, because that would be damn close to the most infuriating ending possible.

  22. Haha oh man, I had no idea that cast pic at the hospital existed till I came across it via the link in this story … And now I kinda wish I had never seen it cause now I’m DYING to know what the heck is going to happen!!!! No pun intended of course, with the “dying” thing. 😉 I’m sure they’d never kill off Sarah. As a matter of fact I’m pretty sure they’d kill off Chuck himself before they’d kill off Sarah ha ha.

    Anyway … crap as usual it looks like they have so much going on in the final few eps here and I dunno how the heck they are gonna resolve all this so fast!! And normally that wouldn’t worry me too much, but this time it does because it seems like our chances of getting a 5th season are getting lower and lower by the second!! :’-( Boo hoooo.

    • They don’t have to resolve that much.

      I mean Agent X and taking down Vivian are the two main things. The wedding (assuming it happens) can be a 2 minute scene which won’t take up much time. The identity of Agent X is probably the cliffhanger going into an unlikely (sadly) season 5 so in reality all they really need to do is take down Volkoff.

      • I guess so … I’m just trying to wrap my head around how they can put one of their main characters in the hospital at the end of 4.23 and then wrap everything up enough to end the entire series with 4.24 (maybe this “horrible thing” will go down a bit earlier though … in 4.22?). But I know the writers’ hope when writing these eps was that it would be a season finale and not a series finale. If this was just a season finale it wouldn’t make me so nervous. I think the bottom line for me is that I am pretty sure the various dramatic twists and turns in the final eps will really leave me wanting more, and I will be extra sad to know that it’s very likely that we won’t get any more. 🙁

        Btw I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Sarah’s only in the hospital as a cover for a mission, and Fedak and Co. allowed that pic to be taken (they HAD to know it would be leaked as a spoiler) just to throw us all off. BUT they do say something terrible will happened to SOMEONE we love … oh the suspense …

  23. Highly dangerous mystery agent? Bryce Larkin!

  24. it should be taken into consideration that ever since Graham died there hasn’t been any CIA leadership involvement in what was supposed to be a joint operation. Beckman has been directing the whole thing even though Sarah is CIA; Beckman is the only one that agreed to their relationship, maybe the CIA has decided they don’t like the fact that their best agent broke the cardinal rule. enter the eraser.
    just a thought

  25. Am I the only one that’s crazy-evil enough to think that the “greatest enemy” play might be about Mama B? We know she’s working for the CIA again (still). We know she tried to “erase” the intersect before – which, to my memory, we never got an adequate response to, and was only “fixed” by the laptop that was randomly in a car. We know she survived years in Volkoff’s organization, point to someone that could be “tougher than Bentley, Beckman, and Shaw combined.” Not only that, it’s kinda crazy to think they’re going to introduce a brand-new big baddie with all the existing threads to bring together (Vivian, Mama B, Agent X, Ellie & laptop, wedding, etc).

    • I agree 100%, just the thought of introducing a new baddie is doing my head in since they still have so many issue to resolve, especially as we might not see a season 5 🙁 . So maybe they know that they are getting renewed as solving all this in 3 episode (most probably 2) is going to be veryyy rushed, which will be reallyy dissappointing if it is the end of the best show ever :\'( …. But guys lets all stay positive!!! Long Live CHUCK! 😉 ^.^

  26. Hi All,

    I was watching Season 3 Episode 2 – Chuck versus The Three Words and I think I see the seed for Agent X (which I think is Chuck without emotion) Watch the scene where Sarah is training Chuck with the Bow and is expressing her anger at being hurt, telling him to ‘hide’ his emotions deep down inside because the will get him killed. In Versus Agent X maybe we learn that Chuck needs his emotions to keep the Intersect 2.0 running correctly (think of Versus the A – Team and the Gretas and how the 2.0 affected them). The last Minute Details and Chiffhanger is Team B and Beckman trying to ‘repair’ Chuck against the CIA’s wishes, hence why Sarah gets hurt?

    What do People Think?

  27. My current prognosis (subject to whimsical change) is that the Eraser doesn’t kill; he instead removes memories; that he goes after Ellie for learning about the Agent X files, that Sarah steps in to save Ellie during the Bachelorette Party, and that as a result Sarah loses her memory. I hope to God that what I’ve described isn’t the way the season ends, and instead the last episode is recovery, followed by wedding. Could be that the repairer involves Volkov, wittingly or not, perhaps as part of showing how he felt about “Frost.”

  28. It would help if Chuck would just kill the bad guys and do away with problems permanently–Sarah would have to understand–maybe she could pick up the pace of doing away with the bad guys permanently if she does not want Chuck to do it.

  29. Team Bartowski’s Greatest Enemy? That’s an easy one, it’s Dancing With The Stars!

  30. Bob says You are right! In the real world it is Dancing with the Stars. Seeing Sarah in a hospital gown makes me think Sarah is the one that gets hurt–almost eliminated, however we all know that if Sarah gets eliminated it will be along with the whole cast in the form of no season 5.