Hey friends!
First, let me apologize that my review is late and likely a bit disorganized. Life has been a bit hectic the last week or so, but the news today that Chuck will likely get a season 5 did a lot to cheer up an otherwise exhausting few days. Here’s hoping we get the official announcement by tomorrow so we can get the party started!
With one more episode to go until the season (and most likely NOT series) finale, this episode once again had a lot of story to tell in a small amount of time. As penultimate episodes of Chuck seasons go, it wasn’t one of my favorites, but there was still a lot of good stuff to talk about. We started out with a sweet scene of Chuck and Sarah cuddling in bed, savoring the fact that they had the day off from espionage. Their enjoyment was short-lived, of course, as Sarah had make the comment that “nothing can go wrong” which of course meant that everything soon did!
I was left wondering whether Mama B was working on her own to steal the Norseman, or under General Beckman’s orders. Either way, the lack of back-up seemed ill-advised. Luckily, our A Team shows up to save the day, leading to one of two plot holes this week that bugged me. The team had Vivian and Riley at gunpoint, yet instead of capturing them, they just left them and ran away. The dialogue suggested that they were worried about attracting the guards’ attention, but it seems unlikely that local hired thugs would really put up much of a fight if their bosses were being paraded out surrounded by heavy fire power. Of course, if they had captured or killed Vivian and Riley then, we wouldn’t have a plot for the rest of this episode or next week’s episode.
Riley and Vivian’s relationship is intriguing. Apparently, despite occasional moments of confidence, Vivian is still quite uncertain about her new persona and role in Volkoff Industries. Riley seems to have taken her under his wing and is gently trying to school her in the ways of malevolence. After he used the Norseman to kill everyone except the dumb MI6 agent and Morgan, he went around to point out how the men he killed deserved it. It’s kind of ironic that he justified killing a bunch of other super criminals by telling Vivian all the bad things they’d done when he killed them just so he and Vivian could have the deadliest weapon ever invented for themselves. The whole scene kind of reminded me of how Casey and Sarah often end up doing Chuck’s dirty work for him.
The scene in Castle between Chuck, Mama B, and Sarah did a nice job of showing that everything did not magically become perfect in the Bartowski family after Mama B returned to Chuck and Ellie’s lives. As would be expected, there are still a lot of things that have not been said and worked through from their 20 years apart and recent revelations. In addition to those lingering issues, there is also the “normal” tension between Sarah and her soon-to-be mother-in-law, made that much more intense due to their line of work and Sarah’s own mother issues. It was nice that Mama B’s toast at the rehearsal dinner was so heartfelt and acknowledged Chuck’s choices in his life as it worked on mending bridges with Sarah. I also liked that while it sounded like a pretty normal wedding toast, it had deeper meaning when you take Chuck and Sarah’s lives as well as their relationship with Mama B into account.
To discuss the other plot hole I alluded to previously, I have a hard time believing that Beckman would be desperate enough to send Morgan into Volkoff headquarters pretending to be an Italian arms dealer. Surely they have another bearded agent or a makeup artist that could have provided a better solution for a critical mission? All that said, I did enjoy the heart-to-heart between Casey and Morgan when Casey explained that he promised Alex to protect Morgan and was worried about letting her down. I also loved Chuck getting Morgan psyched up to face Vivian by humming the Darth Vader theme. This was one of many Star Wars references in this episode, even without counting Vivian’s Anakin-esque trip to the dark side. Casey’s blind sniping, while implausible, was entertaining, and led to the quick line at the rehearsal dinner about how Morgan had injured his arm playing Wii tennis. Very reminiscent of the lies Chuck used to tell to cover his spy activities.
As is often the case, Jeffster and Big Mike were rather gratuitous in this episode. I think Lester’s wedding video may have to take the top slot on my “most outrageous Jeffster moments” list. It takes a lot to top some of their previous shenanigans, but Lester gyrating with a metallic heart over his crotch definitely takes the cake. I’m not sure how Ellie ended up with a copy of Jeff’s version, but I was quite surprised that it actually ended up to be sweet and romantic. It’s nice when they humanize Jeff a bit. The montage was also fitting for highlighting how much Sarah means to Chuck and how happy they are and setting the stage for that happiness to be shattered.
The last scene in Russia contrasted Chuck and Sarah’s way of handling conflicts. Sarah shoots Riley to protect Chuck while he, in typical Chuck fashion, tries to talk it all out with Vivian, telling her about Agent X’s identity and apparently knocking her from her perch on the fence between good and evil firmly down into the dirt on the evil side. We’ve seen Chuck manage to talk down villains in the past in similar fashion, but sadly, this time, his action makes the situation much worse. The joy of their rehearsal dinner is shattered when Vivian tries to punish Chuck by taking away the one thing that means most to him – Sarah.
Obviously Sarah is going to somehow survive, but how? Luckily we will know in just a few more days!
Other thoughts and memorable quotes:
1,250 hours of Sarah-related footage!
Does it really snow in Volkoff’s part of Russia every day, year-round?
Chuck’s lie to get them into the mine – so close to the truth!
C.A.T. squad still off staging a coop (Libya?)
Alex drinking out of a handgun mug at Casey’s place
Sarah and her lack of Star Wars knowledge
“Why did you say that? Don’t you watch movies?” – Chuck to Sarah
What did you guys think? Tell me in the comments!
the part where mama B went without backup also struck me as weird, although she may be going with her initial method of dealing with alexei volkoff 20 years ago. as to how relevant or useful that reference is to the current mission is also something to think about, if ever that was the case. honestly, i don’t care much about anything else, i’m happy just to be able to watch an episode week after week after week!
the chuck and sarah cuddling was nice, as was the sense of pride in sarah’s “impressive, isn’t it?” to Awesome after chuck saved morgan. can’t wait for the season finale! and of course, looking forward to the 5th season… and the next, and the next, and the next…
I agree with you Cay about Riley surviving two potential appointments with death before finally being taken out by Sarah. The fact that he got away at Mother Winterbottom’s home and again in the mine was too much to believe. Casey, at least the Casey we know and love, would have taken him out without a second thought. Certainly Team Bartowski should have figured out that Riley was the one playing Vivian and that without him, she might have given up her dance with the dark side.
The fact that Papa B. and now Chuck were both responsible for creating two of the world’s most wanted criminals from the same family should be a wake up call for Chuck and the rest of his family, yet that really hasn’t been played up, at least yet. Hopefully Chuck can fix his blunder sooner than his father was able to.
I didn’t catch it either time I’ve watched so far, but I actually thought that both Mama B and Sarah shot Riley to protect Chuck. If that were the case, I thought it was a sweet moment of bonding between them (in a weird way that would only be sweet on Chuck, of course :)).
My only other comment about this episode is that I was just so shocked at the ending. It really never even crossed my mind that Sarah would have been the target of Vivian’s device. What a shocking and sad scene. I dreamt about it that night and haven’t stopped thinking about it since. Somehow this show always seems to do that to me! 🙂 I cannot wait until Monday and my fingers are crossed that the Season 5 buzz is true.
Recall that Chuck and Casey found out in the mine that Vivian was planning on selling the Norseman. I felt they left Vivian and Riley behind so they could steal the weapon later.
I normally watch the show twice on Monday evenings … this week I just couldn’t bring myself to watch Sarah get hurt twice at the end. Will wait for the last episode next Monday and maybe re-watch it then.
Nice review good points thanks for sharing
Nice review. It’s certainly not my favourite penultimate episode either; in fact it’s probably the weakest. I think we have got used to the penultimate episode building to the finale but this seemed lacking or maybe hurried. There were still some lovely moments that would have been even better had they been fleshed out. I loved the tension between Sarah and MamaB; even Casey knew when to get out. lol. I don’t know why people aren’t convinced about the 20 year mission; MamaB is a rubbish spy! But, to be fair, I don’t recall anyone saying she was great. Maybe they could play on that more; she more convincing as an incompetent spy. 🙂
Loved the Star Wars references and the ‘Bond, James Bond’ MI6 agent. I always wondered why the villains didn’t just shoot Bond when he walked in and started talking like that.
Looking forward to the finale and S5. At the end of the day I love Chuck for what it is; I don’t hate it for what it’s not.
I couldn’t have said it better! 🙂
Thank you, you’re welcome. 😉
Sometimes it seems that people get so bogged down in what they don’t like, they forget to enjoy what they do like. It’s refreshing to hear from someone who recognises the shows weaknesses but accepts them as part of the show and can still enjoy the episode.
GBecks must have referred to Mama B as a “great spy” in some episode somewhere. That would explain a lot. 😀
I think the Norman devise should have played Rebecca blacks Friday that torture would be much worse
Awesome ep and even more awesome news that CHUCK will (??) get a season five. 🙂
Thank you.
Oops! Didn’t mean to post that here. :{
I still want to know where Vivian got Sarah’s DNA. However, my bigger issue is this: Am I really the only one who still doesn’t trust Mama B? Even if she did know (still not sure whether she did know, even after that scene in castle) about Agent X and was trying to help Volkoff lose that identity, 20 years on a mission? Her story throughout just doesn’t add up. Maybe she really is just a lousy spy or maybe she’s playing the CIA just like she may have/have not played Volkoff. I hope the finale settles the question of her true alliances. One corner of my mind keeps wondering what an awesome big bad she would make for a season 5.
I would like to know where Vivian got Sarah’s DNA. However, I’m wondering if I’m the only one who still doesn’t really trust Mama B. I mean, she spent 20 years playing (or not?) Volkoff, it’s entirely plausible that she can do the same with the CIA now that Chuck rescued/exposed her. There just seem to be too many holes in her story. The more I find out, the less I trust her. Wouldn’t she just be the most awesome big bad for season 5?
Hey, it was a good episode. I am just glad that we get a season 5. It is too bad that it will be the last one but at least we get some closure.
And then there was the T2 visual reference, with Mama B doing chin-ups on her cot while being held prisoner . . .
Sarah not knowing about Star Wars,LOL. Like MomB reaching out to Sarah to make peace. She knows what’s best for Chuck. Love Terminator prison cell workout by MomB. Wow, Casey worried about Morgan because of Alex. Boy, he has changed.