Chuck Rewatch: “Chuck vs. the Honeymooners”

It’s a repeat week for Chuck, but what a repeat! “Chuck vs. the Honeymooners”, one of the series best episodes, airs tonight at 8/7c on NBC. Texas accents, train cars, and our favorite couple, together at last – it’s the episode fans had been waiting for since Chuck first saw Sarah. Join Happydayz for a live chat during the repeat, …

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Chuck vs. the Podcast 87: Daddy Issues

This week’s episode of Chuck, written by fan favorite writers Rafe Judkins and Lauren LeFranc, was Chuck at its best! We had comedy, action, Sarah’s hilarious impression of a Chuck intersect flash, and lots of tender moments dealing with both Sarah’s dad and also Casey’s revelation to Kathleen. Gray was absent this week as he started his William Shatner show …

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Tim Jones Posts “Charah’s Theme”

Chuck composer Tim Jones has been posting music cues on his Facebook page from time to time, including some that were cut from various episodes. Today he posted one that Chuck fans have been asking about for ages: “Charah’s Theme” or as it’s officially known, “A Question and an Answer”. Listen to it below. [soundcloud url=”″]

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SPOILERS: Official Synopsis for Chuck 4.23

Here we go… NBC just released the official synopsis for Chuck episode 4.23, “Chuck vs. the Final Details”. This is the second-to-last episode of the season, which is traditionally an excellent entry into the Chuck oeuvre. CHUCK AND SARAH RACE TO SAVE CHUCK’S MOM IN TIME FOR THEIR WEDDING DAY – LAUREN COHAN, MEKENNA MELVIN, RAY WISE AND LINDA HAMILTON …

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Chuck Fan Goes to Dinner with JEFFSTER!

Chuck fan Nancy Johnson and her daughter Juliann won a fan dinner with Chuck stars Vik Sahay and Scott Krinsky at a auction benefitting, the largest non-profit organization for youth. The mother-daughter Chuck fans from San Diego came up to Los Angeles and enjoyed meeting Sahay and Krinsky at 8 ½ Taverna in Studio City, where restaurant owner …

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In honor of Earth Day, I thought it would be fun to look at a collection of environmentally conscious PSAs (Public Service Announcements) from the cast of Chuck. The more you know! 1. Josh had junk in the trunk. And Zac. 2. Zac says to nip the drip 3. Zac encourages recycling electronics 4. Josh shares how he’s going green …

Read More » Gives We Give A Chuck Twitter Campaign a Shoutout

Were you part of Monday’s #NotANielsenFamily Twitter campaign, spearheaded by We Give a Chuck? The idea was to send Tweets to companies who advertised on Chuck during the hour, whether via product placement (Super Shuttle) or traditional commercial (Diet Pepsi, Stouffer’s). The response from the companies was terrific, and now has picked up the story: This week marked the …

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CNN 4.21 – Chuck Vs The Wedding Planner

Welcome back gang! Take a listen to our Audio Episode Review of CNN 4.20 – Chuck Vs The Family Volkoff —————————————————————————————————————————————————- —————————————————————————————————————————————————- Thanks to my fellow podcasters Jan, Karen, and Joe. Especially this week as I was unable to partake in the podcast. Special thanks to Karen for doing the techie stuff and getting the podcast up on the internet. …

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She Said: 4.21 Chuck vs the Wedding Planner

Chuck 4.21 : Chuck vs the Wedding Planner Well my friends, A lot of fan wishes were fulfilled this week. We not only got another big chunk of Sarah back story and the return of Gary Cole, but as an added bonus, I thought it was one of the funniest episodes of the season. After last week’s tension and mythology-heavy …

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Did Chuck Give Emmy 4 Yvonne a Shoutout Last Night?

Eagle-eyed Chuck fan Cabin 50B noticed something pretty cool during the scene when Team Walkerburtowski are setting up for the wedding reception in “Chuck vs. the Wedding Planner”: That’s Morgan carrying off some bat mitzvah candles that spell “Tammy”, but obscuring the first two letters. Add Sarah Walker to the scene and you’ve got… Emmy 4 Yvonne! Coincidence? Want more …

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Ratings News: Chuck vs. the Wedding Planner

Chuck vs. the Wedding Planner gave us some great background on Sarah Walker. Very cute and at times, bittersweet, we saw what it was like growing up with a con man for a dad. Gary Cole reprises his role as Jack Burton. And Kathleen finally finds out that not only is Casey still alive, but Alex’s news regarding his involvement …

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Sarah Imitates Chuck’s “Flash Face”

In an episode full of fun moments, an instant classic from “Chuck vs. the Wedding Planner” is Sarah trying to show Chuck what he looks like when he flashes. Thanks to bikini_girl3, we have that moment in gif form:

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SPOILERS: Who Is Team Bartowski’s Greatest Enemy?’s Spoiler Room has a little more intel on the “something terrible” coming our way in the final episodes of Chuck season 4 which has been generating so much angst and speculation: I would like to see some more Community or Chuck spoilers. — Becca Sure thing! Would you like spies with that? On the night before Chuck and Sarah’s …

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MUSIC: “Chuck vs. the Wedding Planner”

We’ve updated the Chuck season 4 Music page with songs from “Chuck vs. the Wedding Planner” and download links. FYI, that didn’t sound like Etta James to us, but according to the song sheet for the episode, it was her.

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