SPOILERS: Episode 3.01 Casting Call

The first casting call for Chuck‘s third season has gone out and it gives us a glimpse of what’s coming up in the season premiere. The episode is called “Chuck vs. the Pink Slip” and features at least three guest cast members. Javier is a muscular Latin assassin, Yuri is “the scariest of scary Russian spies”, and Gilles is an incredibly handsome Frenchman. Sounds like the international espionage community is out to get Team Bartowski!

Thanks to SpoilerTV for the casting call. Now speculate away!

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  1. This is so not helping me get over the fact that I have to wait what seems a bazillion years before new episodes of Chuck come back……

  2. Gilles is down as co-star while the other two are guest stars. Is that significant, as in is he going to be about for a few episodes?

  3. The “Pink Slip.” Hmmmm….wonder what that stands for?

  4. Chuck fan, with this show “Pink Slip” could mean many things, lol. It could be a pink slip as in – you’re fired. It could be Chuck having to fire someone. It could be a pink slip a woman wears. It could be a pink piece of paper vital to the safety of the planet. It could be a secret exposed about something pink. Haha some of tis all sounds ridiculous but with this show the title is rarely straight up literal. This is going to drive us all insane because we are gonna find out so much stuff- even purely non-spoilery- that will mess with us many months before the premier.

  5. Dammit as I’m asian.

  6. Based on the little bits of test script I read it sounds like Gilles might be the guy in the love triangle, which means it’s between him, Chuck and Sarah.

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  8. Pink slip will have parallels in the spy and real world. One sure connotation is the swansong of Emmett Millbarge.

  9. If Gilles is part of the love triangle I hope hes gay and starts hitting on Chuck. Imagine Chuck’s, Sarah’s, and Casey’s reaction to that. AH! Priceless!

  10. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions regarding Gilles and the love triangle involving Charah, F&S should know that they’re playing with fire, and if they won’t let Charah be together as soon as logically possible(within 2-3 episodes of coping
    with Bryce’s death and Chuck reuploading the Intersect),a large part of the audience(inclusing die hard viewers will definitely stop watching…since it is becoming ridiculous, and enough is enough…you can finds undreds if not thousands of similar reactions in the various Chuck sites. Better let F&S know now, in the Panel. hopefully there will be some fan with a big Cohones to let it out with no fear.

  11. I agree with Alexg. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. If F&S mess
    with tne viewers by teasing them on the Chuck/Sarah relationship to keep it
    from going forward and evolving as it should that will kill the show, period.

    People will simply stop watching, they don’t want another “Moonlighting” experience here. There will be no 22 episode order from NBC, no 4th season,
    and no grass roots effort to save the show this time if that happens.

    With the show not coming back until March, they have plenty of time to come up
    with good scripts and stories, budget cuts or no budget cuts withstanding.

    I hope F&S check this site from time to time to find out what the viewers
    are thinking before production fully gets underway simply to avoid a potential
    disaster here. Hopefully they won’t screw things up by disappointing loyal
    viewers who helped save the show and have to wait until March for the new
    season to begin. Let’s hope they make the right decisions.

  12. AWESOME Spoiler here:


    And apparently Chuck fans ROCKED Comic Con.

  13. @ Old Darth, No great loss with Milbarge not in the picture. IMO, he added nothing to the show. In other words, the show would not have suffered any if that character had never been written into the show.

    @ Alexg & Robert H, Unfortunately, neither JS or CF give a rip what the hard core fans care about or want. Those two are going to do exactly what they want. They are, after all, brilliant Hollywood producers/creaters/minds.

    I’m really getting tires of all the BS that comes from JS. His utterances are begining to turn me off Chuck completely.

    I probably should just stay from any thing Chuck, including ChuckTV.net until next March. Then take a look at the “new” Chuck as I would any new program and then decide if it’s worth continuing to watch.

  14. I’m in COMPLETE and TOTAL agreement with everyone who has commented about the situation with Chuck and Sarah. If they keep dicking around with this, trust me – it WILL turn off the fans.

    If producers/writers of a show think that even we die-hards won’t get frustrated enought to turn it off, then they are due for a reality check. I learned how to completely turn off and never watch again a show that I LOVED during its first season – HEROES – after it just got totally stupid. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

    If they don’t move this forward somehow and instead just play stupid games with it (and again, that should become apparent in the first few episodes at the most), then I’ll join with the crowd that just “Chucks it” and starts watching DWTS (God help me!).

    I watch Chuck to be entertained – not frustrated. The show holds so much promise – and thanks to the die hard fans and to Subway, there will actually be a Season 3 for the writers to play around with- but you can only play this on again off again theme for so long. But, it that’s what the “boy geniuses” behind Chuck think is appealing to the fans, then they can consider it writing their own “pink slips.”

    A Chuck/Sarah wedding? NO. But a Chuck/Sarah “relationship?” Yes. And if it doesn’t happen in Season 3, the likelihood of a Season 4 will be less than it already is. I love this show too much to see it go! So don’t blow it guys – give the die hards at least A LITTLE of what we want. That’s not asking much, considering how much we’ve spent on DVDs, Subs, Tee Shirts, and everything else we’ve done to help this show survive.

    O.K. I’ll shut up now. 😉

  15. At this point, any attempt to put a wedge between Chuck and Sarah in the form of another man can potential kill the show. Too many viewers are sick of that type of drama, leaving fewer fans to watch the show, and that won’t be enough to keep it competitive in the ratings. That’s just reality. With the progress that was made in the last couple of episodes of season 2, any romantic retraction will read like the producers never meant for that progress to happen and wished they could erase it. That wouldn’t be good.

    To me, season 3 should purse a growth in the emotionally closed off Sarah, possibly forcing her to show her feelings with the threat of losing Chuck, going in hot pursuit of him and becoming more expressive in the process. Chuck has hid nothing and expressed everything. This would be a good time to have Sarah start expressing herself more (e.g. more of what we saw in “Break Up” with her being unable to shoot out of fear of hitting Chuck).

  16. I tried posting on this earlier, but for some reason it didn’t post – so I’ll try again.

    To those who have commented with the “enough of the on again, off again Chuck & Sarah realtionship thing, I’m in TOTAL agreement.

    Whether or not the powers that be behind the show realize it, for a good number of fans, one of the appealing aspects of the show is the Chuck and Sarah relationship. If it doesn’t develop, but keeps stalling and going back and forth, a lot of fans will be less than pleased. Fans, by the way, who worked very hard and have spent a good deal of money in various ways to show their support for the show (including yours truly).

    There are so many good things that could be explored in upcoming episodes as to how them having a “real” relationship. Some of the best moments in the show have been those moments where they learned things about each other. To not move forward with that would be a shame – and truthfully, a waste of time, especially if there will be only 13 episodes.

    I watch CHUCK to be entertained. If it turns out to be an experience of frustration rather than joy, it may be time to change the channel – or just watch reruns of Firefly on DVD!

  17. Odd. When I posted at 10:56 p.m., the post I made earlier (around 2 p.m.) appeared at the same time. Oh, well. Must be a cyber glitch. I guess if version 2 of the Intersect can have it’s glitches, so can posting on a CHUCK web site!

    Anyway, keep up the good work of promoting CHUCK, everybody. And hopefully the Chuck and Sarah thing will move forward!!!

  18. To ChuckTV admin people,

    I begggggg you to somehow flag down our Chuck producers and warn them against continuing this “angst” between Chuck and Sarah. I seriously believe that the way they handle the Chuck and Sarah relationship this season will determine whether or not this great show continues or dies.

    I’m really really really concerned about it. That’s why I’m begging.

    No relationship is perfect. But the way they’re talking, there won’t be one. Nothing even remotely solid. More triangles, more love interests, more Intersect Interference.

    I don’t want to see that. I’m afraid many feel the same. And the way Zach has talked about the tension, he seems to think we LOVE it and want more. I don’t think anything is further from the truth.

    I think it’ll kill the show that we saved.

  19. I do not have a problem with Charah not being allowed to be together in a physical sense for a while longer…but what is completely unrealistic is that their emotions ‘reset’ each week back to square one to the point that they see other people as ‘potential love interests’.

    If they cannot be together for now to avoid the much discussed Moonlighting/Friends ‘stigma’ than fine, but their relationship needs to be treated with RESPECT. They don’t need to be kissing other people. And that kind of tension does not make us happy, it makes me not watch some episodes with Jill,Cole or Bryce in it. I thought the Lou triangle was actually the one and only time that it worked in a fun way.

  20. By the way, Season Three sounds like it has a lot of excellent stuff going for it. I am warming up to the whole intersect with new and dangerous powers plotline and the return of Corina and just a lot of stuff. The part about Sarah being chuck’s Kryptonite is comic gold and a very natural way to keep them physically apart but allow them to still care for each other.

    I am not going to just give up on Charah. If they insist on doing more triangles with Charah, I will skip those episodes like I skip most of the Bryce/Jill/Cole stuff and enjoy the other episodes.

    Chuck is still the best TV show by a mile, IMO. I tried Burn Notice and Supernatural and some other shows lately and they are all flat and one-dimensional compared to Chuck.

  21. There is a poll run by NBC on their new website www.chuckmeout.com. “Who is a better match for Chuck” Right now Sarah only has 37% of the vote. So those of you who want Chuck and Sarah to be together let your voices be heard.

  22. I found an amazing spoiler which should make people relax a little.


    Sounds like the season starts with Chuck going to spy school and having some hard knocks in boot camp and then he and Sarah are on an assignment for Sarah to seduce the French guy with Chuck having to be there. So that is sort of a harmless love triangle I suppose.

    Anyway everyone is all up in a frenzy and when everybody calms down the show will still be awesome.

  23. DON’T STOP WATCHIN CHUCK BECAUSE CHARA ARE NOT TOGETHER> IF you do how the hell are the rating for Chuck to go up and how the hell are we to eventually actually see them get together. I guarantee after Chuck learns to control his new abilities they will get together (FIANALLY!) and we Chara fans can be VERY HAPPY! But we need to keep watching anyways and beside the tension only leads to better make out scenes between Chuck and Sarah. 😉 Also, I still think there relationship is moving forward. Though I agree with all those that say sending in another man or woman to tease their relationship is just too much. Though not enough to keep me from watching. REMEMBER: IF WE KEEP WATCHING WE WILL SEE THEM COME TOGETHER! I really want to see them together and I just want to watch Chuck period. Such a great show!

  24. Theres more to the show then just Chara (though they do play a big part in it).

  25. I totally don’t think this helps but I hate the fact that I have to wait till what? March 2010 for the 3rd Season to come on?

  26. The frenchmen should be Leubou from Hogans Heros
    i bet none of you have seen this show look it up on youtube
    Here is a link
    Leubou is the little frenck men in the redwhen inside or in the brown when out side

  27. Why not make the story with Chuck & Sarah having their real relationship secret even from Casey & then as the show progresses, Chuck will accidentally get Sarah pregnant with his baby & when Casey discovers this, he will say to Chuck,”of all the stupid things you did why did you knocked up Sarah you Moron!”.-Just an idea.

  28. The question raised early in this thread but never answered was whether the term “Cast” for Giles means something different than “Guest Star”. I suspect it does, and if so, this may be more than a couple of episodes. We may get a whole year of this guy. What bothers me is not just the will they/won’t they contrived mess it will create, BUT, this will result in less Casey scene time. He was, in my opinion, under used in Season 2. Adding a fourth spy will not help the situation.

  29. Hello Everyone:

    I do respect the fact that there should be some type of relationship eventually, but I do feel it is realistic that Sarah might need to heal from Bryce’s death. That could be possibly 5-7 episodes before a possible relationship for Chuck and Sarah.

    She had real feelings for Bryce and she might also feel some guilt from Bryce’s death because she was not present with him at the time of the Interset upload. She might feel if she was there that maybe Bryce wouldn’t die. That grief and guilt could make her even more of a tough agent and emotionally detached. She might even pull away from Chuck for a while to deal with her grief.

    Chuck might even feel some responsibility to suppress his feelings for Sarah out of respect for Bryce. Chuck knows that Bryce did not betray him, Sarah or the country. Bryce is actually a hero for all the sacrafices that he made as a agent. I am sure that will play a role into Chuck’s decisions for the immediate future.

    I could see these examples playing a role in the upcoming season. They seem reasonable considering the situation. There are other barriers beside love triangles that impact Chuck and Sarah’s relationship.

    Now that Chuck is an asset again the reason that Sarah has always stated they cannot be together comes back to the surface. She has stated “it is unprofessional for them to be together.” Sarah has always stayed true to that belief, even when Chuck attempted to move the relationship forward.

    If you remember episode three second season, Sarah did become a less effective agent when her emotions for Chuck were extremely strong. The fact that she could not take the shot to kill the enemy agent is a perfect example. Bryce, Casey and even Chuck could tell she was not as effective.

    I do think a relationship should eventually happen, but I do see some other barriers that could derail it for a while.

  30. Hello Everyone:

    I do believe that a relationship between Chuck and Sarah should evetually happen, but do believe that it might take a while.

    Remember, Bryce just died and Sarah had real feelings for him. It would be reasonable that she might not be ready to just jump in a relationship with Chuck. She would need to heal from Bryce’s death. I would even believe that she might feel a little guilt since she was not there when Bryce was escorted to the site to get the Interset upload. She might feel that if she was there, that Bryce might have lived. She could even become more of a tough and emotionally detached agent due to her grief. I think this could potentially impact 4-6 episodes.

    It is even possible that Chuck might suppressed his feelings for Sarah out of respect for Bryce’s death. Remember, Bryce did not betray Chuck, Sarah or the country. He might feel that he needs to carry on being a spy in memory of Bryce.

    I don’t think love triangles will have to play a role as much this season because they have other barriers to derail their relationship. Beside the one I mentioned above, there is the issue of the Interset in Chuck’s brain again.

    Sarah has always stated that they could not be together because, “It is unprofessional for them to be.” She has always been true to that belief and I don’t see it changing now that Chuck has accepted his role. Even when Chuck attempted to move the relationship forward, she always resisted. Chuck is still the asset and she and Casey are responsible for his safety. I don’t see why she would change this belief unless she is not protecting him any longer.

    They even alluded to the fact that Sarah was not as effective an agent when her feelings were very strong for Chuck, in “Chuck versus the Breakup” as an example. Bryce, Casey and even Chuck noticed that she was not as an effective agent. The fact that she could not take the kill shot in Chuck’s life was in danger seem to support this idea.

    I do think a relationship should happen eventually, but I can see non love triangles barriers already in any potential relationship. I think we have to be patience and let these barriers play out.

  31. i luv this show and will neva give up on it, but i want charah!!! full blown and all, no love triangles anymore. i would like jill, bryce and cole if they were’nt there to keep them apart. they need to be together cos thats how they keep viewers.

  32. So is Gilles pronounced like “Jill”?

    If so…LOL!

  33. I’ve really enjoyed this show, and I hope Jeff and Lester are still here in Season 3. If Chuck and Casey quit the Buy More at end of Season 2, what will their cover be? How can Grimes still be Chuck’s wingman if he and Anna are in Hololulu? If Capt Awesome knows Chuck’s secret does that mean he has to lie to Ellie?

  34. I have to agree with some of the other posters—I want comedy and adventure–NOT HEARTACHE. Sarah and Chuck should have a solid romantic relationship.
    The episodes I enjoy most have been with Sarah and Chuck caring about each other. I hope Sarah finds a surveillance tape of the Bryce and Chuck conversation leading to Chuck’s break up with Sarah to protect her.

    I have a regular dvd and a blue ray dvd of the first season–I have preordered a regular dvd and a blue ray dvd for the second season and I have downloaded the second season from amazon.com–If Sarah and Chuck are going to have love problems–THAT IS NOT FUNNY and I can concentrate on being depressed by reading the newspaper. If Chuck and Sarah go away so will the show—and I will find my entertainment elsewher.

  35. Having watched the videos from ComicCon and read some of the articles about the upcoming show, it is clear that we are going to continue to be teased by Chuck and Sarah not coming together as they both want. Now it will be because of new conflicts, rather than history (Bryce and Jill) because Bryce is gone off to spy heaven, and Jill is stuck in prison (I see it awkward at best for Jill to have another reason for being released – why would she do it? – anyway Jordanna Brewster is very pretty, but a little overmatched against the cast when it comes to acting). So fans, GET USED TO CHUCK AND SARAH NOT GETTING HOOKED UP, ’cause it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

    Anyway – my wish list for the future:

    1) More Casey/Chuck interaction
    2) Sarah having more to do independent of Chuck – she needs to be more than his love interest, I think
    3) Sarah working in Subway (I think Chuck handles product placement as well as anyone ever has)
    4) Less Jeffster – beginning to wear on me
    5) Scott Bakula recurring guest role – what happened to Mom, anyway?
    6) Awesome and Ellie – married life is challenging when Awesome knows Chuck’s secret
    7) No more Chevy Chase – he was awful

  36. Personally I am hoping that there will be more actual truth-telling and trust between Chuck and Sarah in Season 3 regardless of how quick it will be before they get together for good. For example Sarah telling Chuck that she was the one who trashed his computer and both he and Morgan in the pilot of the show. Also more honest conversation about how they feel without always getting interrupted by some crisis or another person. After all in “Chuck vs. the Predator” we were led to believe that they have missions going on that we don’t always know about. Wouldn’t it be plausible that they also spend time together talking in between missions?

    I am particularly interested in knowing why Chuck uploaded the new Intersect. Obviously Sarah’s definition of Chuck being a hero is different from Chuck’s definition or is it? What will Sarah’s reaction be to Chuck’s decision? What will his dad’s reaction be? Will the new Intersect make subtle changes to Chuck’s character or personality and will Sarah be urging Chuck to get this out of his head sooner than Chuck will want?

    I have come to the conclusion that Sarah sees Chuck as being a hero not because of his routinely reckless decisions with regard to their missions (which always turn out for the good) but because he makes his decisions on the basis that people are more important than the mission itself. I’m thinking that Sarah has been drawn to Chuck because the kind of life and love he has for people and that this is what she herself has lacked not only because of her disfunctional family life but also because of her life as a spy.

    Thanks for keeping up our interest as we await the start of Season 3! And to correct FunChuck27 Jill is not in prison but was freed by Chuck after she helped Chuck find his dad.

  37. The way that the writers have potrayed chuck and sarah and the way they interact, they cannot possibly keep them apart any longer. They most definately cannot create another person in the middle of chuck and sarah it will kill the show and people will stop watching it. A lot of chuck fans worked really hard to keep the show for another season and it would be stupid if they blow this chance. Chuck has so much potential and i think we can now stop with the will they wont they. My hat goes off to all chuck fans who helped get a 3rd season you people rule!

  38. i agree with most of the people here. I want to see Chuck and Sarah together in season 3. If F&S try to mess with the Charah relationship in season 3, they will be playing with fire. Especially if they do more Charah love triangles. Most fans are downright tired of the love triangle and will they won’t they theme because it’s been used so much during the first 2 seasons. And with what happened in the last 2 episodes of season 2, it’s time to make them an official couple. If F&S do want to keep them apart for a little while longer, then they need to do it a different way from now on. I hope that F&S know these things. While the Charah relationship isn’t the only reason I watch the show, it is the main reason I watch it. More Charah love triangles are going to make a lot of the fans mad and it would lose viewers as a result. And that would not help the show at all, let alone helping it get a full 3rd season or a 4th season.

  39. I forgot to mention this my above post. That emotional and traumatic thing sure as heck better bring Chuck and Sarah closer together. If it doesn’t, then God help the show.

  40. I am tired of the creators messing with the Chuck/Sarah relationship. You can’t tear them apart after what happened in the end of S2. The whole fact that they can’t be private together (‘cept in Sarah’s apartment and even then Chuck’s GPS would be active) is enough to keep the whole sexual tension thing going. Chuck should start playing up the scenes when they have to be together, like the “we have to sell it” kisses and hugs. There had better not be a love triangle. I already couldn’t stand the whole Jill thing last season and how Chuck just flippently went back to her and trashed Sarah. Man, I hope Jill never comes back!

    I love the show and think a great deal of romance can be accomplished by the current situation of the new intersect and how it will redefine Casey and Sarah’s roles. A great deal of comedy can be accomplished by Chuck’s new unreliable abilities and Awesome’s protecting Chuck’s back so that Ellie doesn’t find out. Ellie and Awesome’s relationship is solid and should stay that way.

    An interesting “love interest” in S3 would be if Casey and Sarah have to work with a new agent that is gay and has eyes for All-American Red, White and Blue Casey.

  41. To tell the truth, by adding all the hints they gave for season 3, I think this “dramatic” thing or whatever thats supposed to happen to Chara will bring them closer together. And I have a feeling that Sarah’s going to finally admit her feelings. About time somebody made Chuck shutup. Though he is cute when he rambles. 😉
    not to mention more Chuck-fu action. YE 🙂 Chuck for eva!

  42. Chuck Fan, I hope to God your right. The best thing to do would be to have whatever’s supposed to happen make Chuck and Sarah an official couple. That way, they will at least be able to trust each other if other potential love interests enter the show. What I mean by this is what happens in Chuck vs. the Delorean when Sarah’s dad visits her. Chuck goes into the Orange Orange to invite Sarah to a cover date and she tells him that she can’t because she has personal plans. And, since they are not together yet, Chuck can’t take a chance and spies on her. F&S need to know that by messing with Chuck and Sarah’s relationship, they will be jeopardizing the show’s future. Another Charah love triangle is the worst thing they can do for the following reasons: 1. the love triangle device has been used so much in the past 2 seasons that the fans are sick and tired of it. 2. It started to get ridiculous with the Cole love triangle because by that point the fans could tell that F&S were doing it just to delay and stall Chuck and Sarah’s relationship. And now that they finally have revealed their feelings to each other and fallen in love, another love triangle would be wrong because it would be like they were cheating on each other. 3. The way they ended the 2nd season (killing off Bryce, who was by far the biggest threat to their relationship, and by them falling in love), to keep them apart any longer would just be insanely ridiculous. Also, I read a spoiler on another site that said that Chuck’s decision to put the Intersect back in his head was going to make Sarah mad enough at him to run into another man’s arms. Well, truth is, this would also be ridiculous because if Sarah was willing to break his heart in the beginning of the finale by choosing to continue her spy life, it shouldn’t be very hard for her to accept the fact that she’s going to have to keep saving the world if she wants to be with him.

    People watch TV to be entertained, not to be frustrated. I’m afraid that if F&S do more Charah love triangles that the fans’ frustration with that will unfortunately overshadow everything else.

    The bottom line: if they have more Charah love triangles in season 3, then they are going to lose a good amount of fans and viewers. Then, they won’t have the whole ballroom at Comic Con 2010 because they won’t have any of the ballroom because they won’t be there because the show will be canceled. If they frustrate the fans like this in season 3, I’m afraid the fans are not going to be willing to campaign again, and the rest will be history. I hope F&S know this for the show’s sake and are smart enough to avoid disaster. I want to see Chuck survive for a 4th season, but because of the way season 2 ended, whether or not the show gets a full 3rd season and/or a 4th season will depend on whether or not Chuck and Sarah become an official couple in the beginning of this 3rd season.

  43. So im glad im not the only one who is very angry at the idea of a possible “love interest” for sarah.
    I mean after what happened in vs. the colonel, we cant just go back!
    it was one thing in the beginning of season 2 to just go back cause all they did was kiss and they got over it,
    but when they “almost” slept together and talked about how he loves her and that she WAS going to leave her job so that she could be with chuck they threw that possibility out the window.
    If they try to go back to how things were before they will be MAJORLY upsetting the fans and i mean if you really think about it, its because of us that they all still have jobs so shouldn’t they try to give us something?
    and as for the possibility of that “giles” being the new sarah guy, it seems like its juts a cover because of how sarah just regards chuck as, “an old ex”
    hopefully they will get together (chuck and sarah) but we all know that it wont be a conventional kind of way
    anyone else thinking what im thinking?

    bown chicka wow wow

  44. you know what the more i read other peoples responces the more i realize that they are totally right!
    i have been a di-hard chuck fan from the beginning and ive put up with them through hell and highwater but i dont know how much more back and forth i can take!!
    i dont think id ever leave the show completely but i would definately make it less of a priority.

  45. I would be willing to deal with Chuck and Sarah having some understandable relationship issues because of his decision to put the Intersect back in his head, etc. But, if they do have these issues, a few rules need to stay in place: 1. The issues have to be small enough that Chuck and Sarah will have gotten over them, reconciled, and become an official couple by the middle of the 3rd season at the latest. 2. The issues CAN NOT cause either of them to go running to other love interests and form love triangles. If either of them does go running to another person, this could very easily and would very likely kill the show. If F&S had wanted to do more Charah love triangles in season 3, then they should have had fewer of them in season 2 so that the fans would still be able to tolerate them and they also shouldn’t have had Chuck and Sarah fall in love as much as they did in the Colonel. With the Colonel episode, F&S committed to making them an official couple in season 3 in the eyes of the fans and viewers. And ending the season by eliminating all the love interests and by making their romance the center of attention, the future of the show now depends on what happens in the first few episodes of season 3.

    Also, does anyone know if F&S read these comments? If they’re planning to tease us again then they should read these before it’s too late.

  46. A little note: I meant to say what happens BETWEEN THEM in the first few episodes of season 3.

  47. It is funny because I asked for people to find a constructive way to bring up these points at comic con and I am not sure that anybody did. And then the day after comic con half the fans want bezerk with worry around the internet.

    It would be good if we find a way to communicate our point of view to Josh and Chris. It would be REALLY good if somebody that actually has the ability to interview Josh tells him what is going on with the fans. As in maybe somebody that runs one of these websites about Chuck…

    I see a ton of crazy negative comments all over the place about Chuck, but none of the clever organizational skills that we used to get the show renewed. It has been really really ugly on the internet lately, just when we all needed a real Chuck fix.

    I think this is all that Josh needs to know: We get it that Charah might not get together immediately and they may have issues to work through. What we simply do not accept is that Chuck and Sarah are so shallow towards each other that they become attracted to other people.

    Morally, they don’t love each other much at all if they love everyone else that stumbles into the room. Perhaps Josh is using ‘Hollywood’ ethics to judge their relationship by, and I think that is a huge mistake. It totally cheapens Charah.

    What I would like to see if Chuck and Sarah are broken apart as planned is for them to be unable to be interested in others because their relationship is still haunting them. That is angst and not cheap contrived angst. I love you, I love you not, is contrived.

    I certainly hope that somebody in the ‘Chuck’ media finds a constructive way to pick up on this huge backlash. If we believe half of what has been said around the internet, the fan base is in at least some jeopardy, not just from fans quitting the show but fans being incredibly negative about the show in general. It is mostly the hardcore fans who got the show renewed that seem to be freaking out.

    It seems that this issue should be brought to Josh’s attention.

  48. From what I’ve read on chuckmeout.com, which is where the majority of the discussions are taking place, it seems like there are going to be Charah love triangles in season 3. But, I don’t think they’re going to be played out in the same way as the ones in season 1 and 2. In the 1st 2 seasons, Chuck was in danger of losing Sarah to other men and vice versa. From what I’ve read, it seems like the love triangles are going to be there so that Chuck and Sarah can use them to intentionally try to make each other jealous. I think I would be able to tolerate this, but I must warn F&S that they must play these love triangles out with extreme caution. One wrong move ( like one of them starting to get serious with the love interest via a kiss or something) will result in disaster for the show because the fans will be very angry and upset. I know that I will have to turn the TV off or change the channel if I see anything like that because I won’t be able to handle the pain, sickness, stupidity, ridiculousness, and disgust of watching it. And I believe many other fans feel the same way. Especially since Sarah was willing to break his heart and continue her spy life as well as telling Chuck that “he is that guy” during their dance. For those 2 reasons, she shouldn’t get mad enough at Chuck to run into another man’s arms because she may not have expected him to do that, but they can’t say that it totally shocked her to the bone and made her angry enough at him to do something as stupid and unrealistic and ridiculous as that.

  49. I agree with u Tyler on the whole Chara making each other jealous. Kind of childish though. Dont u agree? Its like there both pretty much saying “I’m going make u jealous b*tch.” wtf?

  50. Yeah, Chuck Fan. I see what you mean. Trying to make each other jealous sounds more like what some teenagers in high school would do to each other in a situation like this, not adults. Adults would discuss the problem together and get over the issues as a boyfriend/girlfriend team. Also, now that I think about it, I’m not sure I would be willing to tolerate this kind of a storyline, partly because the reason you mention would just make the situation all the more stupid, ridiculous, and sickening. F&S would have to have it play out in a very strictly comedic way. They would have to somehow assure us fans and viewers that nothing serious is going to happen or develop between either of them and these new love interests, for the sake of the show’s future.

    In addition, I read that article on E! online about the interview with Schwartz. You know, the one that was titled “Chuck and Sarah: 3 Steps Back, 2 Steps Forward”? It’s also on chuckonline.net. I could barely bring myself to read the whole article in the first place. I think one of the writers better warn him to change that ideology before he ends up pis*ing all the fans off and killing the show. If the writers allow the stuff in that article to be put on the TV screen, then they can kiss the show goodbye. You know, it’s funny. At the bottom of the article, the reporter asks about the 2 steps forward and Chris said to trust him in that they love writing about Chuck and Sarah being together. Do they really? If they do, then why the hell do they even want to put MORE stupid love interests between them just to delay and stall the relationship that they really love writing about? Seems they like to torture themselves for some weird reason. What that article should be titled is something like “C&S: 1 small step back, 1 or 2 steps forward”. Of course, to cap all of this off, there’s also the fact that if the stuff in that article gets put on the screen, then it will completely undo the Colonel episode in the eyes of the fans as if F&S had never wanted what happened in that episode to happen, and that would just make things all the worse.

    Lastly, I’m afraid that the renewal campaign might have given Schwartz a false sense of confidence and security with the fans. We worked so hard to get the showed renewed that we may have given him the wrong idea in that we will watch the show no matter what we see happening on the screen. If that’s what he thinks, he couldn’t be more wrong. After your fans worked so hard to bring your show back, it’s not the best idea to reward them for their hard work by giving them the one thing they can no longer tolerate, nor stand, nor accept. If they had wanted to do these love triangles in season 3, then they should’ve had Sarah agree to Chuck’s vacation offer as well as telling him what Chuck’s dad prevented her from telling him during their dance so that he would have really broken her heart at the end of it. If that had happened, then I would understand her running to another man. But since it DIDN’T happen and instead the opposite occured, it instead serves as good reason to believe that although she didn’t expect Chuck to re-upload the Intersect, she wouldn’t be so heart broken and mad at him enough to run to another man. In the eyes of the viewers and fans, she should be upset, but only to the point of causing minor relationship issues that her and Chuck could get over by the middle of season 3. So, in the end, Sarah running to someone else would just be all the more absurd and stupid in the eyes of the fans.