Friday Five: Morgan Moments

With Mel traveling this week, it was my turn to take on the Friday Five, focusing on my favorite Morgan moments. Morgan has had some memorable scenes throughout the three seasons, but these are the five that stand out for me.

  1. Morgan and Chuck – Of course there were many great scenes between Morgan and Chuck over the three seasons, but my favorite has to be Morgan’s reaction to Chuck when he reveals that he is has this other life that he’s been living without Morgan. Instead of being angry that Chuck has been keeping such a huge secret from him, he is as excited as a 9 year-old boy with a new toy. What a loyal friend!
  2. Morgan and Ellie – Teaming up because they were both concerned for Chuck made my list of Morgan/Ellie faves.
  3. Morgan and Anna – Being a romantic at heart, nothing pleased me more than seeing Morgan literally sweep Anna off her feet, last season, and carry her out of the Buy More.
  4. Morgan and Casey – I hope to see many more Morgan/Casey moments like when Casey played Morgan’s bodyguard at the Buy More.
  5. Morgan and the Sexy Spy – Morgan and Anna together was so sweet and Anna was adorable, but Carina telling Morgan he was sexy enough for her was priceless.

What were your favorite Morgan moments?

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Cay's family thinks that her obsession with pop culture is "not normal". Yeah, well, normal is boring!

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  1. Season 1 on the “Black Friday” episode when Morgan jumps from the desk after the “Pineaple” call from Chuck… SO great!

  2. Morgan looking after a drunk Ellie and being a gentleman about it.

  3. I liked the scene before he jumped. It actually gave me goosebumps how Morgan started to ask everyone to please exit in an orderly fashion.

    I got excited when Chuck told Jeff the magic word but it was Morgan who brought it home:

    Morgan: Anna, PINEAPPLE.

    For the win!

  4. Liz, I love all your choices! It’s difficult for me to choose–I love Morgan….Since CHUCK vs THE BEARD was probably my favorite episode this season, (or maybe of even all 3 seasons!) it would have to be the scene when Morgan informs Chuck of his discovery of the CIA base under the Buy More, Morgan letting Chuck know how awesome he is after the fight (& poking the Ring Agent to make sure he’s out), and his exit from the freezer with the giant grin. I had to re-watch those scenes several times, they were priceless. I would love to have someone as loyal as Morgan as my friend!

  5. I always go back to the first scene of the pilot, where we hear Morgan and Chuck go back and forth about escaping Ellie’s party.
    And of course Ellie walking in on them:
    “Chuck, I’ve invited real, live women for you to meet so come outside. Morgan you stay here.”

    • I think this is in my favourite lists too. It really set the tone for the show to see this fellow struggling as if dangling from a ledge and yet, as Chuck resigns to his fate of going back to the party, Morgan stands up showing the dangling was for show.

      Setting a seemingly serious ‘escape’ attempt with a sense of humour is what defines the show well in those first moments we are introduced to the two best friends.

  6. Morgan moments involving Sarah are few and far between, so they seem to stand out. An “Evening of Morgan” in the “Sizzling Shrimp” was fun, and the scene in “the Ring” where she tells him to delay the wedding at all costs was an implied trust: she trusts Chuck, and if Chuck trusts Morgan, that’s good enough for her.

    • My favortite Morgan/Sarah moment actually comes from a deleted scene from the second or third episode of season two. Chuck and Sarah are have a private dinner when Morgan arrives and sits down and says “Sbarro and red wine. You know what goes with this? Me!” He the looks at Sarah and asks “Why haven’t you accepted my freind request on Myspace?”.

      • I love this scene as well! I wish they hadn’t cut it. They should work it in via a flashback. It’s one of the best scenes they’ve ever done. It perfectly sums up why Chuck loves both Sarah and Morgan all at once.

        One of my favorite Morgan scenes is when Chuck is calling Sarah after Bryce returns and he’s hunched over in the Buy More and Morgan runs up and asks if he got back together with her yet because he’s been acting full-on stalker crazy since they split up. And of course that gets recorded onto Sarah’s phone because Chuck hadn’t hung yet.

        Morgan locked in the cage in Chuck vs the Tango was also great comedy- when he called the hotel to find Chuck.

        I’ve officially decided that Morgan is my favorite character– Morgan rules. 🙂

  7. Morgan w/ Captain Awesome: “There comes a time when every man must decide “Am I a tucker?””
    Morgan & Chuck: “Worm! Worm! Worm! Worm”

  8. There were several in season 2. For example, Morgan sleeping naked on Ellie’s couch (“talk about low hanging fruit”) or Morgan finding out that Big Mike was dating his mother (“you’re banging my mamma”).

  9. Gringo Chuck Fan

    1. Morgan shaggin Carina… “I’ve had better…. but not many”
    2. The very first EP – when Sarah walks into the Buy More –
    to introduce herself to Chuck – Morgan in the Background is priceless.

  10. Morgan and Awesome circling each other… “Do you know?” “Do you know?” and just a little later Morgan saying “Wait, you’ve been on missions?”

  11. I also forgot about the time Morgan was digging through the trash looking for one of Ellie’s discarded test turkeys and he mentioned Jill returning and she grabbed his face and squished it for details.

    Also- when the that Mighty Jock lifted Morgan in the air and he looked so tiny! Or when he grabbed that bomb in the 3D episode and ran through the Buy More with Casey after him. Too many good Morgan moments!

  12. I also loved the ‘pineapple’ scene – it would be great if they brought it back at some time 😀
    Morgan has so many hilarious moments, kudos to Joshua Gomez!

  13. 1. Morgan saving the day from the Fulcrum agent in the Christmas episode.
    2. Morgan finding out Chuck’s secret.
    3. Morgan saying “no” to Carina.
    4. Morgan staying with Ellie when she was drunk and Awesome arriving at home, not bothered at all with the fact that he stayed the night with Ellie.
    5. Morgan receiving help from Awesome to become more mature.

  14. He the looks at Sarah and asks “Why haven’t you accepted my freind request on Myspace?”.