MUSIC: Chuck Episode 4.10

We’ve added the song list and download links when available for “Chuck vs. the Leftovers” to the season 4 Music page.

Updated 12.1.10: Many fans inquired about the song playing during the charades game, so we asked Tim Jones for the scoop. He confirmed that it is Edward Grieg’s “In the Hall of the Mountain King”, but he remixed the song specifically for this scene to make it more menacing by adding “a dash of NIN”. Alas, it is not available for download.

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  1. hi, does anyone know the name of the song that is playing during the living room scene with volkof playing charades and sarah&chuck giving each other those strange looks?

    • Yes! I also like to know.. it’s a well known classic but for some reason i cant remember and could really need help here 🙂

  2. Found it!

    Grieg, In the Hall of the Mountain King

  3. This version is more like the one in the Chuck-episode but i still havent found the one that it actually is.

  4. wow, thank you 🙂

  5. Is there any chance of getting Tim to make this version of the song available as quite frankly it rocked like a motherf&*ker lol 🙂

    Pete 🙂

  6. This doesn’t have anything to do with the music from this episode, but does anyone know if the song “Uprising” by Muse has ever been played on Chuck? I have just recently discovered the song and love it. It sounds like something that would be played on Chuck.
    Also, the composer of “In the Hall of the Mountain King” is spelled Edvard Grieg. He was from Norway and the piece is from Peer Gynt Suite No.1