VIDEO: Yvonne Strahovski Channels Katy Perry, Lady Gaga & Ke$ha

We’ve seen Yvonne Strahovski stretch her comedic muscles on Chuck in the last year, but who knew she had THIS in her repertoire? In the latest video from College Humor, Yvonne channels pop stars Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Ke$ha in a hilarious mockery of current “love songs” and the shallowness celebrated by a lot of pop music. Warning: NSFW!

Updated: For reference. 😉
noun \ˈsa-ˌtī(-ə)r\
Definition of SATIRE
1: a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
2: trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly

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  1. Um……………………..
    Words fail.
    Definitely a different side of Yvonne than we see on Chuck though…

  2. It’s hard to believe that is Yvonne. It is so different than we’ve seen. I think I’m in love though. I loved the Ke$ha (is that how you spell it?) spoof. It was exactly how someone would feel in real life after a bottle of Jack. Maybe she isn’t the perfect angel she protrays on Chuck?

  3. Hmmm…okay.

    Not my kind of humor, but at least it shows that Ms.Strahovski can be versatile… LOL

  4. You forgot the channeling of The Biebs

  5. Well my bubble just popped. I think Yvonne really needs to have a talk with her career handlers…… 🙂

  6. Ah we all know Yvonne’s got more talent in her little finger than those other 3 ladies combined.

  7. I don’t think comedy is her thing. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

  8. I think it was a great representation of what is wrong with popular music and its stars today, it was satirical and in the vain of pink’s stupid girl’s song. Yvonne is a person who is quoted as saying she prefers a quiet night, and I think she was making fun of those idiotic singers with little talent.

  9. I had to stop watching after ten seconds because I felt embarrased for her. That was bad.

  10. The womans an actor. But I’ve got to think at this stage of her carrer she’d manage things a bit more carefully. I’d bet money she was advised against this but went ahead to try something new. What the heck, I still love her.

  11. that was australian, poking fun at others by having some fun and yeah making urself look foolish

  12. HOLY COW! That was like…I’m speechless

  13. wakakakakaakak, it sooo fuunnyyyy, hillarious !!! she such a great actress…

  14. I thought it was awesome. Think of it as satire, atleast thats how I view it and it makes it much more enjoyable. This doesn’t stray too far from what is done on SNL so maybe we will see her on SNL some time soon?

  15. Pulling for Sarah!

    It was departure from how we know her Chuck but remember, Sarah is a character, not the real Yvonne. I thought it was funny. Most music on your Top 40 stations are so shallow, it’s only purpose is make as much money as soon as possible and I think this video is a mockery of that.

    You go Yvonne!

  16. This show’s you how dangerous The CIA’s Sarah Walker is, aka Yvonne. We All Took it for granted when ever Sidney Bristow took on an Alias, So it’s No Surprise for me. Well This is What an Actor does!

  17. I thought it was funny but can’t figure out if she is really singing or was it is dubbed.

    • That was Yvonne singing.

      • From the College Humor Site, in the credits:

        Vocals Angela Ingersoll


      • My source was an article in, which refers to her singing in a naggingly off-key manner:
        I’d be curious to know what their source was.

      • Another source ( that Yvonne is doing the singing, albeit probably with heavy production and auto-tuning:

      • College humor made the video, so if their site says that it was dubbed, probably safe to believe it. Still, Yvonne did a great job in it

  18. very funny, also shows what a good sport Yvonne is, she is able to have a laugh and not take herself too seriously.

    Good satirical look at the rubbish that makes a success in the music business these days, but the best was saved till last….Yvonne as Bieber was just too awesomely funny for words.

    If possible I am an even bigger fan of Ms Strahotski than I was before.

  19. Creeeesed at the end of this :P! crazy video :’P

  20. That was awesome. It gets better every time I watch it! At first I was dumbfounded, but once I got over my preconceptions of who Yvonne Strahovski is, I started to enjoy it. Frankly, its about time she showed us something else. Besides, the sites called “College Humor”, a key demographic for TV viewership, but not exactly one that is known for its love of subtlety or sophistication.

  21. Yvonne is hysterically brave in this satire. It is a riot. Yvonne is so warm and beautiful and caring and thoughtful on Chuck. Now we can add pop star comedian to the list. I thought Yvonne and the video were outrageously great.

  22. WTF? That was……..WoW! lol

  23. This will impact what I have thought of her up to this time. Thought it was a stupid career move for her–just gross not funny and I do think a lot less of her and her career choices. She was truly disgusting. If this is a sample of her values then I will not vote for her on anymore polls.

    • I wont go as far as to say that it was disgusting. I just think it was a bit too wacky. I can also say I’ve lost a little bit of respect for her and that I wont look at her the same way again.

      Especially since that I respect both Kety Perry and Lady Gaga as artists because they are both influenced by my favorite band Queen

    • its called fun. i felt it was rather clean for a college humor video. i realize that this isnt what most of the negitivly commenting people watch but it doesn’t reflect her values. Again, it’s called fun. she is just enjoying this stuff while she is still youngish and can without a lawsuit. if she was married with kids my view of the video would be different. Also as a person that hates all three of those people that she spoofed (four if you count, dare i say it, the biebs). Way to go Yvonne!

    • That’ll show her…

  24. yvonne this is not cool!

  25. Perry, Gaga, Kesha and Bieber all suck mightily, beyond the shadow of a doubt. Kudos to Strahovski for putting these Lame-o’s in their places. A brilliant bit of satire. And she did her own vocals, too! She and Zac should do a duet.

  26. If that`s really her singing I must agree with her when in some interview she said that she can`t sing ort sth like that.

  27. i dont know about everyone else but i loved it and i thought it was really funny 😀

  28. Why are people taking this so seriously?? It’s a parody people….meant to be funny. I doubt that Yvonne was putting these outifits thinking she was going to win a Grammy. She’s having fun. I love that she is willing to get all silly.

  29. That was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen! Love Yvonne doing this.

  30. Satire or not she still went through the motions and the verbage–it is easier to watch the second time when you are not burdened with the respect you had for her prior to the first time watching it. Whether condoned by the people over Chuck or not it reflects poorly on the show. No season 5 will now be easier to take.

  31. Quick note: This may be rated not for young people–on the net nothing is truly restricted and something like this will draw young people like bees to honey. I am sure 12 year olds will appreciate the satire. Good work Miss Strahovski!

    • If you’re going with that logic, Larry, then we need to hold every single person who puts anything inappropriate for a 12 year old on the Internet responsible for, what, corrupting our youth? As we’ve already discussed, I find this satire amusing and a welcome condemnation of the shallowness perpetuated by pop music. (Full disclosure: I like a lot of Katy Perry and Lady Gaga’s music; they’re good for working out to but there’s no way I’m letting my young nieces and nephews listen to it.) Humor is subjective. I’m sorry you’re offended.

      • No one person is responsible for changing a culture–we all have to be responsible for what we do–good or bad. When I think of Yvonne now I will associate her with this video, squirting breasts, condoms, herpes and eating a penis (I guess it is okay to say these things here since they are on the video). Kind of a satire on Sarah Walker. It makes no difference to anyone other than myself that I have lost respect for Yvonne or not but it certainly will make cancellation of the show easier to take–if indeed it is not back for a 5th season. Have the people over programing at the network voiced their opinion on the video–they have nothing to do with the video but I would be curious to hear what they think of the video and if there is any negative impact on the show—just curious.

      • Larry, I’ll post this response here as well as answering your email since you want to make this discussion public:

        I hate to disappoint you, but the network and showrunners are probably happy for the extra publicity and congratulated her on showing another side of her acting ability.

        As for the content, clearly you’ve never watched a video or listened to their music by any of the pop stars she’s skewing. Those are iconic images and metaphors from Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Ke$ha that Yvonne’s video is poking fun at and ridiculing for being cheap, crass and shallow.

        Again, humor is subjective. I’m sorry this has knocked Yvonne off the pedestal for you.

      • Both with this response and the one you gave just before this one, you took the words right out of my mouth, Mel!

  32. When people sing parody songs making fun of other people – they don’t sing their best. So don’t criticize anyone’s voice based on a parody video. Moreover, her parody of Katy Perry sounds better than the actual Katy Perry (note: not a significant compliment.)

    Although this is also noticeable on Chuck, it’s amazing how easy it is to make her face look like completely different people – one could easily think this wasn’t just one actress.

    If you don’t think it’s that funny, I’d argue that it’s just not that funny a joke, but that she delivers quite well. For what it’s worth.

    • I agree. I must admit the humour was crass, but look at the audience it was intended for – hint the website is called college humour. The first time I saw the video I have to admit I was in utter shock as it is such a departure from how we normally see her. I didn’t realize that she was doing all the parts, I just thought she was the drunk with the wierd makeup. Then I watched it again and realized, that was her doing everything but the guy’s part.

      Even though most of it wasn’t my kind of humour, I still found it amusing, and I was impressed by her range of voices. I can’t comment on how close her voice was to the originals because I don’t make a habit of listening to their music. As a 50 yr old white male, I’m not exactly in their demographic.

      For those of you who say you are less impressed with her now, I just want to say I am more impressed. I consider this her trying to stretch her acting skills, and regardless of the content, I thought she did an amazing job.

      I can’t help but think that she would do extremely well as a guest host for SNL. So Lorne Michaels if you are readng this – book her now.

  33. Mel thanks for posting this Video. I have to say that i am proud of your courage to do this. and if you think this is bad, how is this worse then her being in a movie with less the a respectable amount of clothing on. i would rather have her do a college humer video then that. and this does extend her acting talents.

    • Why do either one? I will now quit bugging you guys–I am curious to see if the network programing peope have anything to say about how the video might impact what people think of Chuck.

  34. Put me with Gord and Mel. And, I am a 66year old male that watches both Jay Leno and SNL and Jimmy Fallon and Most of All “Chuck”. My comment yesterday (Paul Wilson, April 12, 4:06pm) was all bravos for Yvonne. The more I watch it the better it gets. Yvonne’s bravery and talent should be applauded. This video shouldn’t incite social value comments that demean Yvonne.

    • I’m with you Paul,and Gord and Mel too. I am not a fan of any of the “artists” she parodied but my 9 year old loves Katy Perry. So far I’ve been able to keep her away from that annoying Bieber kid. Ugh. So I thought it was hilarious and I thought Yvonne was brilliant. I covered my eyes during the vomiting part, but I do that anytime I see bodily fluids spewing. I really liked seeing use her talents in a new venue…she’s not going to be Sarah Walker forever. She’s a really versatile actor and dancer, and apparently she can sing as well. As for the humor, it’s target audience being College students…I’m sure they loved it.

    • Yvonne demeaned herself. It may be satire but it is her video.

  35. Some people might be looking more into this than they really should, CollegeHumor isn’t really known as the most upstanding site in the world, it’s satire for a reason. Either way, this video has been passed around on so many Twitter and Facebook accounts of people my age that I think it’s got more people talking about Yvonne (and not in the bad way people here seem to think of). A lot of my peers who have never heard of Yvonne or might not have seen Chuck before have heard of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, etc. and they are talking about this video.

    I think it’s nice to see actors not take themselves to seriously and be able to make fun and joke, as an actor Yvonne is playing a character both on Chuck and in this video.

  36. I’m kinda disappointed by all the negative comments on here.

    Man you people are so dramatic, it was just a bit of fun ffs.

  37. I thought it was funny. Not the funniest thing ever but not embarrassing to her. It was a joke performance nothing is supposed to be taken seriously.

    She’s supposed to be a funny (something we don’t always see on Chuck) person, this just validates that. I mean naturally CollegeHumor goes for crude jokes and this is just that.

    Nothing more nothing less.

  38. This is one of the few times I’ve seen Yvonne outside of her regular acting gigs where she wasn’t trying to save the animals… or earthquake victims… or get our kids to eat better… and now we’re questioning her values… *sigh*

  39. I can’t believe the negative comments regarding this video.

    Larry1234: Restricted? I suggest you view the real Perry, Ke$ah and Gaga videos …. believe me, you’re in for a shock! (If you watch the Bieber video you’ll be ill but that’s for another discussion)

    This is good for “Chuck” if it makes new people aware of Yvonne.

    For those of you who think the content is in poor taste have a look at the beginning of the sanitized script I am writing for S5E01 which I will forward to Schwartz and Fedak as soon as I am done:

    Chuck vs. The Running Shoes

    Narrator: See Chuck run!
    Sarah: Run Chuck run!
    Narrator: Sarah runs too.
    Chuck: Run Sarah run, see Sarah run!

  40. DeanJohnsonsays: You have said more with your post than anyone on here-including myself. It is just hard for me to get a grasp on a used condom, leaking boobs and eating a penis coming out of the mouth of a decent person regrdless of why she did it–I will concentrate on the actions you mentioned–maybe I can cope-if not it is only a TV show.-and now off for a workout (5 times a week) really screws up my schedule–if I put myself through enough pain I will not think about any videos.

  41. Just under 400,000 hits on youtube already, and it hasn’t even been 3 days. I would guess the video at least makes some people who are not regular viewers watch this week, or think about it. She did nothing wrong in the vid, it is meant to be a satire. She is an actress. She didn’t pose for Playboy for gosh sake. Reality TV has females, and males, doing much worse things.

  42. this is amazing!!

  43. is she really singing?

  44. She was not a centerfold for Playboy–No big deal but I hope it does not jeopardize the support of family oriented sponsors–advertising dollars are critical. It does make me want to check what kind of meat is on my sandwich at Subway.

  45. This was a perfect skewering of the entertainment industry manufactured pop icons of today. Yvonne totally captured the utter ridiculous measures these performers go to create their “persona”. Katy Perry always making sure her “cup cakes” are always the center of attention, Lady Gaga being a walking cliched self promotion, Ke$ha making trailer trash skank chic, and Bieber just being his creepy self.

    I’m over 40, and I see this as nothing different than what Mel Brooks or National Lampoon did back in the day. It’s poking fun at the shallow entertainment business who put garbage like the Jersey Shore out for consumption. Plus, they were far more graphic, stereotypical, and crass than this video will ever be.

    • I agree completely, Sarge. I respectfully suggest that the reason some fans are reacting so negatively to this video is simply because they had a specific, rigid mental image of the kind of actress Yvonne is and are having trouble reconciling that with the fact that this video is completely unlike anything she’s done before.

  46. Sarge-87 says: Good! Then we have nothing to worry about!

  47. Can you buy this video–if so where?

    • Larry – you don’t like it. Everyone gets that. If the WB or NBC had a problem with it, she would not have done it. They didn’t, just like the majority on here. Laugh or don’t. I would be absolutely stunned beyond belief if a sponsor had a problem with it

  48. SARGE-87 has it down. And, it looks like he may have actually brought Larry 1234 around. As I have said in my two previous responses, Yvonne’s talents in this video shine, and her bravery at taking this on is applauded. Maybe CHUCK will get the “fifth” afterall.

    Larry, it would seem whoever owns the “Three Love Songs” would get it to video but I do not know when or where or how.

  49. I contacted College Humor and they did confirn it is Yvonne’s voice and they do not know yet if it will be put on sale.

    • Wrong Larry. College Humor says on their site that Angela Ingersoll sang the song. Don’t make bs up. And they aren’t going to sell the video either. Fail on both parts by you, and neither was comical.

  50. I heard that there is a rumor that the last scene of the seasom may be Chuck running out the door in the middle of the night screaming with Sarah being heard in the background saying”I told you it was not sexual, gulp”. Not sure if there is any truth to it.

    Now that would be funny.