The end to what is an instant classic for many Chuck fans delivered an intriguing twist at the end. Watch the promo below, then vote in our poll and sound off in the comments: whose baby is that?
[polldaddy poll=5786643]
(Seriously you guys, watch that promo again. It’s not Sarah’s baby.)
Agree. No way it’s Sarah’s. My guess is she stumbled upon her on a mission.
For one thing, if that conversation with mom was 5 years ago, she was working with Bryce. No time to have a baby.
If it was Sarah’s she’d probably care about her baby being six inches away from blasting machine guns. Talk about going deaf.
The promo is too set up to make us think it’s hers, that it can’t possibly BE hers. After five years, I’m onto your mind games, Schwedak…. Kind of… Not really.
Yep, I was stressing over whether or not they’d actually give Sarah a daughter we’d never heard about, until I saw the promo. Classic red herring construction. Definitely not Sarah’s baby.
I am just glad that NBC didn’t spoil it in the promo like the past few weeks with the whole Shaw thing. And during season 3 (episode 3) when Awesome was possibly dead and two seconds later the promo shows us he was safe. NBC finally made a trailer where we can question whats going to happen and actually be surprised!
Now, I’m no expert when it comes to babies, but I’d swear that kid’s much less than five years old. Someone as lean and fit as Sarah can’t hide that bun in the oven.
Agreed on the ‘not Sarah’s baby’ front as it just wouldn’t really make sense. I think it’s either a baby she found.. or an asset’s or both somehow, and she had to protect him/her, so she sent it to live with her mom so it’d be safe.
Still.. a nice hook to pull us in for next week.
Agreed.It wouldn’t make sense. But lets remember its chuck we’re talking about. awesome show but the writers don’t exactly have a reputation for making sense.
i dont know wat to think. im tryin not to hurt my head thinkin about it :p
It is Sarah’s sister…
Wouldn’t her mother have known about her then?
It’s not Sarah’s Baby. Oh God…
but why isnt sarah able to talk to chuck about this if it isnt her baby. I mean the baby wasnt around, ill guess sarahs mom had it so why is it such a big deal?
i really dont have a clue, super excited !
That’s what I’m waiting to find out, Kev. What danger would that baby be in if her existence was revealed? It must be bad if Sarah had to cut off all contact with her mom.
When I first saw the promo my jaw hit the floor and I was furious that they would give Sarah a baby and I actually thought at first that it was Shaw’s making it 10 times worse. After thinking about it there is no way it could be Sarah and Shaw’s. If it was Sarah and Bryce’s baby I think Bryce would have fought a lot harder for her to go with him. I can’t imagine that it’s Sarah’s baby as it doesn’t seem like her having this secret child some other guy that she never told Chuck about fits into the series finale very well at all. Looking forward to seeing who’s baby it is.
Probably Sarah can’t discuss the baby because Sarah murdered the mother? Maybe it is Shaw and Eve’s baby?
Oh man, that would be HUGE.
Well…in that case…maybe this baby has an Intersect? 😛
i rewatched the promo and maybe its possible that sarah cant talk to chuck because she’ll put him in danger if he knows about the baby?
damn, i cant wait :/
the baby is too young to be Shaw and eve’s just sayin.
If it WAS Sarah’s baby, that would be the most dishonest and sloppiest writing I’ve ever seen outside a soap and I would personally go to LA and slap Chris Fedak in the face. And it would’ve altered the way I have viewed Sarah’s character irrevocably, since it would mean that she not only kept a HUGE secret from Chuck but also seems to have a DEFINITE issue with sleeping with every spy partner she has had.
But I don’t think it is. It’s probably a baby she’s been protecting, in which case, it would add a noble side to her character which would be good to see.
That said, I hope they don’t make Chuck mistakenly think it’s her baby in an attempt to create false tension.
People Sarah has slept with since she met Chuck: Shaw (probably), Chuck
People Chuck has slept with since he met Sarah: Jill, Hannah, Sarah
Just sayin’.
Agree that Sarah doesn’t have to apologize for whoever she has slept with before her and Chuck became a couple. At all.
But I agree that her having a secret baby would be horrible and dishonest writting and would make her character pretty unlikeable. That’s not something that you hide from your husband. And it would make Cubic Z become pretty silly.
That’s the main reason I don’t believe it’s true.
I am a little disapppointed that she can’t tell Chuck. But maybe there is a good reason.
I still think this episode ends with Chuck and Sarah deciding to start a family.
I mean in a sense of proving Casey in season 1 right….that she has definitely has an issue where she develops feelings for every partner. Not in a direct comparison with Chuck.
Kevan, she didn’t develop romantic feelings for Casey. And he was her partner.
There has always been a double standard with Chuck and Sarah when
It comes to sex. Sarah was roundly condemned by fans for ( possibly )
having an affair with Shaw. Chuck slept with Jill, strongly implied he
had sex with Lou , cruelly seduced then dumped Hannah and not one
peep of criticism from anybody. I personally find it impossible to believe
Sarah had gone three years without sex before she hooked up with
I can’t remember, did he also get down with Lou the sandwich girl?
Something happened in Hungary on a mission perhaps something went wrong and mother was killed and Sarah felt responsible. Brought it to her mother and let her believe it was hers to care for. This might lead to them discussing family maybe adaption is mentioned?
Whoa whoa whoa – take a look at the house Sarah’s mom is standing in front of.
It’s the dream house she described to Chuck in the season premiere. White house, red door, picket fence.
MEL,i dont think sarah and shaw have slept together,there werent together that long
That’s why I said (probably). We never had confirmation of that they slept together. So if they didn’t, then she’s slept with 1 person since she met Chuck. And that 1 person is Chuck.
PEOPLE,IT WAS REVEALED IN THE PROMO IN MY OPINION!!!sarah was on a mission in hungary (like shaw said ),n she wasin a palace or mansion,of some sort,the parents got killed by bad guys,who were still in the house,she strapped the baby to herself,and blew them all to smithereens,with too big guns,in the flashback in the promo
Almost. It’s spelled “genius”. 😉
whoops,well im still young,im only 16 years old and my brain is still growing 😛
I think Sarah found the baby while on a mission in Hungary.
look at her hair in the promo while she’s with the baby, her hair in the current timeline is shorter than that.
Well, it’s fairly certain that it ain’t Shaw’s; only reason he knew was because of the Intersect, which makes me think the baby is somehow related to a mission Sarah had before she met Chuck.
Also, I doubt that the baby’s actually hers, that wouldn’t make a lick of sense, and it wouldn’t have been something she would hide from Chuck. While Sarah has her secrets, I don’t think her being a mom is one of them.
In other words, I’m clueless :p
Whoooooaaaaa, this looks super intense. Okay so possibly it has to do with her handler, because he is guest starring. Maybe it was like his baby that was unsafe with him for some reason so she stole it for its own good and brought it to the mother for protection, but when her handler found out, he bacme furious and that’s why he is after her mom…. maybe?
still wouldn’t really explain why she wont tell Chuck.
And I agree that it would kinda ruin her character if the baby was hers.
There are some things that we’ve been told.
Sarah hasn’t seen her mom in about 5 years. I think we can assume the “I can’t ever see you again.” is from that last meeting. So that would put it just before meeting Chuck. That also lines up pretty nicely to the girl I’m assuming was cast to play the baby today. She looks about 5.
So that rules out Shaw and Eve’s baby. No way it’s Shaw and Sarah’s. No way. We’ve known her for the past 5 years.
I’m a little confused on the First Handler timeline thing and why he is involved. Because I’m assuming that would have had to have been her handler much longer than 5 years ago. We know she spent a year in the Secret Service, multiple years with CAT, and some amount of time with Bryce.
and also a year in a president personal security or something like bodyguard, she said that i think at season 1.
Agreed, the baby is not Sarah’s. Unfortunaetly this leaves many options. I believe that Sarah was on a mission in Hungary, a.k.a the palace she is shooting in. Shaw knows of this because he has the intersect 3.0, but that can’t be certain because Chuck uploaded the omen into it. The man is obviously her handler and personally I think he was trying to kill the baby and Sarah did it to protect her and thats why he says you almost protected her. Whatever happens, I am super excited for this episode and it was a great idea for this hook.
P.S. If its Sarah’s baby, Im quitting watching Chuck.
Shaw didnt get the Intersect 3.0 😛 his was actually removed by the Omen.
Impossible for Sarah to have a baby in the 5 years of Chuck. If its 5 years old now then possibly before the Pilot, but with flash backs with Bryce it wouldnt make sense and as someone said above he would have fought harder 🙂
It’s Bryce’s and Daniel Shaw’s baby because the Intersect can do anything…
…but why would that prevent her from telling Chuck about it?
My take on the “Baby”.
In flashbacks: Sarah is protecting this baby from bad/corrupt people (including her handler) and in the end she leaves her with her mom and cuts all ties so that they can be safe. She can’t tell about it to anybody ever.
In present day: Because of the intersect Shaw now nows her secret and puts her mom and the girl in danger. Sarah once again resolves the situation and her mom and the girl have to go into hiding, but before that she lets Chuck into this secret because she trusts him.
Parallel story: Chuck is babysitting Clara.
I don’t thing it’s Sarah’s baby. I agree with Rex. I think her handler was trying to kill the baby and she took it to save it from him. And I think she didn’t tell Chuck about it for his safety and the baby’s.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait a week, this is an awesome twist!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter what this will end with a conversation about having a family!!!!!!!!!
Chuck should have a 6th season…this is the reason why we love chuck…the twist…
Shaw knows, because he said, he studied Sarah and all her previous missions – she doesn’t catch throwing stars anymore – she can’t tell Chuck because she obviously wants to protect the baby, the more people that know the less safe the baby and it’s whereabouts are. And the reason she cut off contact with her mum is so that no on link’s Sarah and her mum together and thus can find the baby. Who’s baby? well you can only hope not Sarah’s because that would just be a bit too stuffed up, like seriously not awesome. =D
Could the baby be Chuck and Ellie’s sister?
I don’t think the baby is Sarah’s. Sarah probably found the baby abandoned and had her mother take care of it. What I am more interested in is why, from what we’ve been told, Sarah did not live with her mother when she was a little girl. Seems as though she was with her dad and her grandmother (from what side of the family we don’t know). I hope they exlpain this.
It’s a test tube intersect baby made with Ellie and Casey’s superior DNA forcing them to run away together. Ellie dumps Devon and Casey dumps Gertrude (causing Gertrude and Devon to hook up,) Chuck and Sarah raise the baby until Casey/Ellie settle in Switzerland. Once they are settled, the whole gang moves in with them in their Swiss Chalet Love shack. Everyone has babies. Alex/Morgan, Chuck/Sarah, Jeff/Lester adopt and Casey and Ellie have another one the good old fashioned way AND, they get a St. Bernard. Oh, Beckman shows up at Christmas with Roan and they all live happily ever after. Chuck, Sarah, Casey and Beckman all retire while Morgan, Alex, Ellie and Jeff become the active NSA/CIA participants. Spin off anyone.
Is it just me or does that look like Sarah’s Lotus in the background?
I actaully think that something went wrong with the mission in Hungry and this caused the parents to get killed and there is some reason why the baby is still valuable so that is why they are trying to find her.
How About this…….Sarah was on a mission which turned out to be killing the baby’s parents (like Shaws Wife) Sarah finds the baby crying in the room after completing her mission only to discover she has just killed the baby’s parents. Devastated by this she is protecting the child and has not spoke of this due to the guilt. This could also be linked to Sarah’s ex partner who put her up to this.
well, its just secret about her mom and handler, the baby is side part, probably babysitting clara and working in a mission at the same time so yea not sarahs baby!
“If it WAS Sarah’s baby, that would be the most dishonest and sloppiest writing I’ve ever seen outside a soap and I would personally go to LA and slap Chris Fedak in the face.”
I agree, “Pink Slip” prevents me from completely trusting the writers here, though.
I’m not going to comment on if it’s hers or not (even though personally I think its not hers, just a baby she saved on a mission.) What I will comment on is the Charah Shipper side of me that realizes what this could bring up in following episodes. This would set up so nicely for the next stage of Chuck and Sarah’s relationship, and in the words of the great Devon Woodcomb… That would be awesome.
Maybe the baby belongs to some rich people, who got killed.
Sarah just picked up the baby and didnt have the heart to send her to orphanange. (I probably misspelled it)
And the baby is on the top of inheritage list.
But anyone didnt know about the baby, so someone else got the inheritage.
But when it comes out that there is a blood related baby, sb else will loose their inherited empire, so they are doing everything to stop that happening, even if it is nessesary to take a life from sb.
That is the typical and common storyline in many movies 😀
“Sarah just picked up the baby and didnt have the heart to send her to orphanange. (I probably misspelled it)”
That’s not a huge secret though.
TV Guide said: “There’s another (secret) that will change the dynamic of their relationship forever.” Of course, TV Guide can be highly mis-leading and over-dramatizing.
Still, I hope the writers had enough smarts to not give Sarah a secret child.. that would instantly kill my desire to watch the rest of the final season.
The secret will change the dynamic of their relationship forever. Sarah wants a baby. Trust me, nothing changes your relationship quite like that. 🙂
Well Bill think your right perhaps adaption is also mentioned ?
Did anyone notice the lightening shaped scar on the baby’s forehead in the flashback?
Ah ha! Mystery solved!
Look – I think we’re all forgetting a pertinent thing that happened in season 1.
When Sarah asks Casey if he ever thought of married, having a family. If she had a child that comment would not work at all. It very much implied a wistfulness about the abstract idea. Not that she had a kid and gave it to her mother. There would have been a very different vibe to her question.
Backtracking here would just be a really lame thing to do.
So really, unless the writers are so stupid there’s puss leaking from their ears, the kid is not Sarah’s.
The big change here is because of Sarah returning to see her mother – and Chuck meets her.
the baby it Sarah sister isn’t it obvious
Yeah agree is not hers, either she killed someone and the baby is caught in the crossfire, or it’s her handler’s illegitimate child, but let’s make this wilder, it’s her sister!!! Mom and handler shagged together …..uhm you know what, no let’s not go there lol!
no way sarah would bring a baby on mission…
i guess…
but omg…
Do not believe it is Sahra’s. She is protecting it against a bad guy Dad. Not sure why she cannot tell Chuck. By the way the Shaw episode turned out better than I thought it would–I still hate Shaw and wanted him dead–of course that is how I like all killers treated.
So her mother knows she is CIA? I mean, if Sarah saved the baby during a mission, she has to, right? One more question: if her relationship with her mother used to be so solid that Sarah trusted her with the baby, then why was Sarah raised by her grandmother? And why, when her father was arrested, didn’t she return to her mother’s custody, but was handed over to the CIA instead?
Questions, questions… I really hope we will get some answers in the remaining episodes.
P.S. About Shaw, has anyone thought that he may be a decoy (sorry if I misspelled it)? Maybe the writers want us to think he is behind the conspiracy, so as to surprise us with a twist.
I think I need to try Shaw’s trick to prevent my brain from overheating…;-)
Some off the wall suggestions:-
The baby of Volkoff and Mary Bartowski
The baby of Stephen and Mary Bartowski [maybe they found each other somehow whilst undercover]
Sarah’s younger sister
Shaw and Eve’s baby
Casey & Ilsa’s child
The view of the baby was soft focus. At first I didn’t catch it. So this is a memory and we don’t know how long ago. There were only a couple of times after being with Chuck that she was separated from him long enough to have a baby. (if it is his) Very curious plot development.
😛 I think the writers know that if it his her baby, then fans would be pretty annoyed and even though the shows ending i dont think they want that.
This is supposed to be a thankyou to fans, not a slap in the face, so dont worry it wont be hers…..
But if im wrong then the writers are really not very clever or just possibly evil 🙂
When I saw the promo i have all these questions:
One question keeps going around in my head
If Sarah did have this baby was before or after she met bryce?
Awesome writing, talk about good cliffhangers. Cant wait till next week.