The Official Chuck Support Group


We’ve come to the end of our five year journey. JEFFSTER! are off touring Germany; Casey is doing dangerous stuff with Verbanski; Alex and Morgan are moving in together; Big Mike is working for Subway/Buy More; Ellie and Awesome have awesome new jobs in Chicago; and Chuck and Sarah are restoring her memories and falling in love all over again while .

Most of us have been moving through the five stages of grief for the last week or more. Maybe you’re all the way to acceptance, maybe you’re still on denial. Maybe you just want to reminisce with fellow Chucksters. This is the place to do that.

By the way, stage 2 is “Anger” and stage 4 is “Depression”. Just sayin’. 😉

Please remember to be courteous to each other. This is an emotional time for all of us, and this is a place of support.

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  1. I’m feeling a bit better after my initial viewing of the finale. I’ve watched it 3 times now, both episodes. The first hour still really bothers me to watch, I do not like that Sarah at all. Although the part where she’s chopping the chicken and getting a massage is kinda funny. The rest just hurts my heart to watch as Chuck realizes she’s not the Sarah he loves. I cry for him, I want so badly for her to remember him. Ok, I just made myself cry thinking about it, such a sap.

    The second hour is not nearly as heart breaking, but I’m still not completely happy with the ending. With each viewing I’m able to convince myself a little bit more that she remembers and they’re going to live happily ever after. Maybe I’ll just have to keep watching it until I’m completely convinced, I don’t know.

    I love this show so much and am grateful they were on TV for five years and not canceled after two. I am thankful for the amazing cast and crew, I don’t know if I’ll ever find another show like Chuck, I almost hope I don’t. It makes it that much more special. Also, thanks Mel, Liz and Gray for all that you do on this site, its a great place!!

    • That´s just it, you want her to remember so badly and when you don´t get that it couldn´t feel complete. And it´s hertbreaking.

      And funny is that the scene on the house is one of my favorite because although Sarah hits him it´s also a scene where she has most feeling towards him with seing the names.

      But I´m thankful for these seasons and Chuck always remains my favorite series despite the end.

    • There was something good about Sarah becoming evil Sarah. In the last couple seasons, Sarah had lost some of her appeal as the kick ass CIA agent. Some of the best scenes in the first 2 seasons was Sarah kicking someone’s butt. It sucked that it was Chuck that she was attacking, but her stunts were vintage Sarah Walker from season 1. I don’t think that they could have cast a more perfect fit for her part, and Yvonne supposedly performed all of her own stunts.

      That being said. The last 30 minutes of Chuck hit me like the final episode of MASH hit me; it just doesn’t feel right being over. Those characters and actors/actresses just fit so well together, and were a part of the family for the past 5 years. When my kids have friends over, they either watch hours of Chuck Seasons 1-3 on DVD or Harry Potter marathons. I just feel like the show, and the diehard CHuck fans got sold a little short by being on NBC instead of USA, SyFy, or the CW; where shows with a loyal audience stay on the air forever (How long was Monk and One Tree Hill on, yet they don’t have huge ratings either). Hopefully Warner Brothers will find a way to appease the fan base in the future.

  2. I’m in the camp that loved it, my girlfriend loved it, my cousin loved it but my cousin’s boyfriend and my other cousin didn’t like it but they also came into the series late because they weren’t with us when the show started.

    So for the three people that have been there since day one we felt like it was an amazing and fitting ending, since we were there since day one we saw these characters grow that someone who might have come in much latter wouldn’t get the gravity of some scenes.

    Like so many have said before me I truly do believe that Sarah has started to remember and in time (maybe even in that last scene) will return to the Sarah before her memory was erased.

    And hey they could always pull a Firefly and make a movie years down the line, if there was ever a cast and crew that would come back in a heartbeat to do more it would be this one.

    • One thing I forgot to add. From the first episode down to the very end Chuck imo has picked the best music and used it in the best situations.

      Using Rivers and Roads in that last scene was simply beautiful.

  3. My husband and I trully enjoyed CHUCK, we dropped everything we were doing to religiously watch chuck episodes. Every year CHUCK was rumored to be cancelled and we were so happy when it was picked up for another season. We are trully sad that it came to an end abruptly. After watching 10 times the last 5 minutes of Season 5.13 I`ve noticed that Sarah and Chuck will always be together, they will always be in love, unfortinutally we will not be able to share the love that they potrayed on the screen and that makes us hearth broken. Like so many viewers we will miss CHUCK – the characters and having them be an integral part of our lives

    A special episode (reunion episode) would be something nice for all the chuckster all we need is 1 hour with no missions, no shooting, just the cast sitting around a table laughing and sharing where the last year has taken them. Many a red door with white picket fence, and possibly baby Bartowsky…

    A special thanks to Mel
    sorry for all my typo`s my first and second language is not english

    • You said it beautifully, Maria. how lovely that you and your husband were able to share your love of Chuck all these years.

    • They did an episode like that for the first season of Ice Road Truckers. The conversations would probably be a little different though.

  4. I thought that the 2 hour series finally was amazing. Yes it perhaps will never satisfy all the fans and former fans of Chuck. But we have to keep in mind the history of the show – how it had to fight tooth and nail to stay on TV year after year. That is a tribute to not only the fans who fought hard for it but for those on the show who also had to sell the show to NBC year after year know that the ratings were never stellar (for whatever reason – the ratings system, the timeslot etc. It certainly has thrown out there the discussion about the current ratings system!)
    Chris Fedak wrote an amazing script that continued what I liked best in the show – the emotional roller coaster between drama and comedy and the interaction between the main characters. The editing was spot on and made us viewers so connected to what we saw on TV. I have to say Vik Sahay nailed that A-HA song and Tim Jones’ soundtrack was spot on and made the tears flow so often throughout the series and particularly this finale.
    Knowing that these would be the “last scenes” of the TV series (I have eternal hope that there will be more of Chuck in some format in the future as it should be for this one of a kind amazing show! Which was not afraid to try something new – example the first TV show to have an episode in 3D.) you could see the emotions in the actors particularly Zac and Yvonne in that last scene. I had to watch it again on my laptop to see the tears forming in their eyes as they spoke those final words. Having the scene flip between the montage of their relationship over the past 5 seasons to them on the beach, made Sarah’s request for that kiss so poignant, so filled with hope. And that is what the show Chuck was and is about. Hope.
    So thank you to the writers, the crew and of course the best cast Adam, Sarah, Ryan, Mark, Vik, Scott, Bonita, Joshua, Julia, Mckenna and of course Zac and Yvonne for making the last 5 years a wonderful experience. Forever ACES! Chuck! ACES!

    • I get your point and it would have been great episode ending or season ending but a conclution to the story just hope is not enough. Even tough it was one of the most beautiful scenes on the series.

      Then it would be different if there was a movie or something coming after that.

  5. I loved it. I can´t thank Chuck enough for being part of my life. I would never, ever, think that one summer day of tediousness would lead me on a search to find something to watch, and then recalling a quite funny show that I´ve only watched a few episodes on TV. It was Chuck, and for me it began that way. Sadly I´m no where near the US so I had to download all the episodes, but I made damn sure to support Chuck whenever I could.

    Watched all seasons, Chuck and cast related videos, episodes´ reviews, all of that several times. It were precious times. Now that we´ve reached the end and I appreciated the magical moments beetwen those same characters who made the show what it is one last time, I expect to keep every single minute of the 91 episodes who made this.possible stored in my heart.

    I am probably writing the last comment I ever will regarding Chuck, but I want it to be clear: I am thankful.

    From the other side of the Atlantic, it´s hard to say goodbye.

  6. Count me in with the initially disappointed. Was prepared to cry, did not, but just stared incredulously as the promo for the other show rolled. But as I’ve watched the show now a few times over the past two days, I am warming up to its brilliance. How many of us jumped up and cheered “Jeffster!!” as “Take On Me” begins? And they gave us Chuck and Sarah falling in love all over again and a new beginning as opposed to what, a baby being born? Them walking into the dream house and looking around, really? Really?

    As a separate and very important aside, Mel, is it possible to begin to organize a pledge for a downloadable movie Chuck? Either 5 bucks a pop or a choice of more? Right now is the time to begin to get the word out. If we can get 50% of hard-core Chuck fans to pledge 10 bucks we might be able to get to a couple of million quick.

    Oh and Mel and Liz and Gray, a very warm and special thanks from this Chuck for being a big part of organizing us and keeping the show alive for it’s FULL run! Take a bow!

    • We address the movie idea in our podcast, coming out today or tomorrow. It’s a little too early to do anything right now, but we have some ideas.

  7. Allison (will love Chuck forever!)

    So here I am. Writing my reflection on Chuck. If you were to ask me about this as I walked into Warner Brothers Studios on April 5, 2010, I would have no idea what you were talking about. I probably would have said something like, “Chuck? Do you mean like Chuck Norris? No? Oh, well then I have no idea what you’re talking about.” And walked away. Little did I know that when I woke up that morning in our rental beach house on Huntington Beach on a Monday morning during spring break would I be sucked into the fandom of Chuck. My family was to see Warner Brothers studios, my sister and I hoping to be able to see that set of Full House, not Chuck. We started in our tour, seeing multiple “Friends” sets and comic book heroes sets. Then our tour guide said the first thing I had ever heard of the show Chuck. “The set of “Chuck” is open, we’re gonna go take a look at that.” We walked in and were in a sort of little plaza with a fountain in the middle and walls with doors in them. Can you guess what I was standing in? Yup, outside Chuck’s apartment. He explained to us this scene, what it was and how they muted the Fountain with foam, how they made light like the sun and so on. Then a few guys walked through the set. I may be wrong, but I’ve now identified them as probably Josh Schwartz, Chris Fedak, Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahvoski. (I’m probably way off) We got to see the cage, Chuck’s apartment and some back drops and he told us that Chuck was on tonight at seven on NBC, we should check it out. Our tour later ended, I gave the tour guide a friendly smile and a thanks. If I were to know what he started for me, I would’ve given him a hug, kissed him on both cheeks, thanked him a million times and told him, “You are a wonderful man” and given him an enormous tip. Too bad I only remember his first name now, Bob. Well you can guess what happened after, I watched Chuck and was hooked. I was obsessed, instantly. Once I had finished watching the first episode I ever watched, “Chuck vs the American Hero”, I downloaded the pilot on my iPod. And then the next episode and the next. The plane ride home I watched Chuck the whole time.
    I continued to watch Chuck. Then after two weeks, I looked up Chuck trying to find when the next new episode was. I stumbled upon After finding the date, I found an article about saving Chuck. It was in jeopardy of a fourth season. There was no way I was gonna let it end. I found what I could do, and did all of it. I even convinced my parents to let me skip part of school one day to go to a Chuck gathering at the Bean. I was super excited to meet other Chuck fans. I had a great time. Then a few weeks later, I found out that Chuck was renewed.
    Then I campaigned even harder for season five, desperately wanting another season for the show that meant everything to me, no matter how much my dad said, “Allison, it’s just a TV show. You can’t revolve your life around a fake life.” But there was also the loyal fans who were just like me. I couldn’t let them go. I heard Chuck was renewed, I was even happier then last year, my love for Chuck only growing. But then I heard the bad news, this was the last season.No matter how much we tried, this season was goodbye. Sure, that was sad, but it was better then nothing.
    So now, Chuck’s over. And here I am, crying as I write this. I’m gonna miss it so much. People have been telling me that it’s a show, you can watch reruns. Yeah, I can and I will. But what about all the friends I made because of Chuck? Everybody’s gonna go their own ways. I won’t have the show and friends that made it all okay to be nerdy and made me feel better when I got chronic back pain. My best friends and favorite couple just disappeared into thin air. Even though I have a nerdy boyfriend who’s like Morgan, it’s not the same as Chuck and Sarah’s relationsip.
    So what did I learn and take away from Chuck? I learned that it’s okay to be yourself. Because of Chuck, I became a nerd. I no longer was an athlete. Sure, part of it was because I started to get chronic back pain. Once I was told that I no longer could play sports, I was devastated. What would I do? If it weren’t for Chuck, I probably would’ve spent all my time just moping around. But because of Chuck, I found more nerdy things that I loved. Sure, maybe I had some interest before, but now I loved them. If you were to ask me what I wanted to be when I grow up when I started watching Chuck, I would’ve said an athlete. Once I slowly started to accept my nerdiness, I would’ve said a book editor. You ask me when I started to have chronic back pain, I would’ve said a doctor, probably a pain specialist. You ask me now, I’ll say a TV producer, like Chris Fedak and Josh Schwartz. I want to be able to start a show like Chuck, inspire another teenager like me to become a TV producer too. I want to be able to geek out when I hire Josh Gomez, Adam Baldwin, Yvonne Strahvoski and Zachary Levi as guest stars. Someone’s gonna tell Zac “aces,” Adam’s gonna grunt and Josh is gonna be a lovable little kid no matter how old he is. Maybe I’ll even make a Chuck spin-off.
    So anyways, Chuck made me a nerd. If I had never gone on that tour, I probably would have been running in twenty degree weather. But because of Chuck, I’m sitting at a desk listening to songs from Chuck, (some of my favorite songs of all time)wearing a t-shirt that says “Canis pensum meum comedit,” (The dog ate my homework in Latin)a monkey hat and black high top converse. I wanna thank Chuck for all the great memories, from the time I freaked out when Sarah was struck with the norseman, to when I cried when Stephen Bartowski died, to when I had one of the best laughs of my life when Chuck said, “I’m thankful that Bryce Larkin is dead and not currently in my room making out with my new girlfriend.” You made me the great person I am today. Maybe one day I will find a new favorite show, but you’ll always be the show I fighted for, the show that was more then a show to me. I don’t know how I can thank you, Chuck and everyone who was a part of it. The cast, the fans and the crew, I love you all.
    You’ll always be in my heart. Eventually I’ll probably get over Nerdfighteria, but I will always, no matter what, even if I do become an athlete, will be a part of the Nerd Herd. I will love you forever. You really are aces Charles. Goodbye Chuck.

  8. I just watched the finale, and it is really hard to sort out all the emotions that are invading my mind, thus making it quite difficult to write a clear and well organized comment. To be honest, I haven’t been very attentive to ‘Chuck’ lately. I watched new episodes every week but they just seemed somewhat different, lacking something. But in the 2 hour finale, it all came back (thanks to the flashbacks). The last 2 episodes is truly an emotional ride back in time,reminiscing the incredible journey of the past 5 years. Each flashbacks brought back the original feelings and thought that occurred the first time I watched the scenes; many are from years ago. I hate the writers of the finale for doing their job too well. I choked up at the flashback of the ‘Vicky Vale’ scene and thought “wow, it’s been 5 years already? and now the show is ending!!!” :(((( It made me want to take out the DVD’s and watch the entire series again from the pilot but I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold myself if I did that. I owe my sincere gratitude to the entire cast and crew of ‘Chuck’ for making the past 5 years so (I don’t even know what superlative to use) and for bringing all those great memories back in the finale to remind us of what make ‘Chuck’ great: full of heart and humanity. The show changed the way I watch TV, now without ‘Chuck’, it won’t be the same. Also, thank you to all the fans and the site for all that you’ve done to make ‘Chuck’ much more than just a TV show. Viva BuyMoria !!

  9. I rewatched the pilot yesterday and chuck said ‘Working on a five year plan. I’ve just got to choose the font”. Looks like that five year plan worked.

    Long live CHUCK!!!!!!!

  10. All though I have mourning the possibility Sarah isn´t getting her memories and that we don´t get to see that. I´m grateful for 5 amazing seasons full of memories and good times. So here´s a link to youtube video I think really sums their relationship

  11. January 29, 2012

    I loved Chuck but hated the finale. By taking Sarahs memories of all the great moments that made Chuck and we the fans love her it was as if they killed her off. Even if they fell in love again its a DIFFERENT Sarah unless she gets those memories back. A disconcertingly mean spirited ending to a show that always ended on a high note before.

    Yes It would be a “cheesey, predictible happy ending” but you know what? That’s what I want. I don’t want a risk at the end, Chuck took risks all along, this was the payoff. For 5 years of loyalty and subway snadwiches I want my happy ending and you know what? They could have done it.

    Keep everything the same but as the kiss ends Sarah says “I remember” thats all, two words. It even leaves the ambigutiy of WHAT she remembers but gives the fans the happy ending they deserve.

    Chuck is at it’s core a fairytale so I would have liked the fairy tale ending. Chuck was the nerd who became a hero, in the process he won the heart of the beautiful princess. So why not give us the snow white moment and have the kiss bring back the Sarah Chuck and we loved?

    • I wasn’t sure where to put this final comment, but Partisan’s post reflected my sentiment from my earlier post.

      I’ll tell you right now, I’m 66 years old and not much brings tears to my eyes anymore, but reading this blog has done it. I don’t post on blogs, I don’t belong to Facebook, and I don’t Twitter…but the feelings shared here have brought me to my keyboard.

      Like I said, I haven’t read elsewhere on the subject of the Chuck Phenomenon. I have no idea what ideas maybe in the works with the actors or creators of one of the best stories ever on TV.. But I did glean a few hopeful crumbs from the finale.

      Everyone’s been getting all mushy about the ‘romance’ line of the story and ending, especially C & S’s relationship, and how it was left.. So I’ll throw these elements into the mix:

      As Team Bartowski is sitting around, saying goodby to General Beckman, she says, “If you ever feel the need to ‘save the world’ again, you know where I’ll be.” (or words to that effect).

      Chuck put on the glasses and got one final download of the Intersect in order to defuse the bomb. Regardless of all the bitter-sweet emotions surrounding his and Sarah’s love, he was left with the Intersect. Hello?

      Casey gave her the Bartowski File on CD. She was emotionally moved by it. She listened to Chuck’s story of their exploits. She reflected deeply (even during a fight scene) on Chuck’s comment that not ever ‘pulling the trigger’ on a bad guy was what she loved about him. She heard the ‘crazy’ idea of the Fairy Tale Kiss given to Chuck by Morgan, and asked to be kissed. Okay! Of course she’s going to fall in love with Chuck all over again! Duh….

      I agree with Partisan that having C & S walk into their Dream Home, and start planning a family would have been just too dopey. That’s NOT who they are. Chuck has the Intersect, Sarah is still a spy, they know where to find Beckman, and Casey is teaming up with the toughest female version of himself ever imagined! Hope springs eternal that the story doesn’t end here.

      Even X-Files made a successful movie from a series that also had a “non-ending”.

    • You just nail it. I have all day think exact the same way. And watched on youtube the ending many times trying to get a closure but I don´t just get the feeling from it compared to the scenes on bullet train all before that.

      • Couldn’t agree more. Its been days since I watched the ending and I am still as bummed out as when Season 3 started with them being split.

        If only Chuck had showed her the picture he drew on the bullet train of the two of them with the baby. Sarah said that she could never forget that…

  12. do like me, set this page as your homepage and spread the site!

  13. I usually don’t post comments on forums that often but watching my favorite TV show of all time I felt that this website was the best place. Since 2007 when Chuck aired I immediately became a huge fan. I loved the premise of a nerd who gets a government secret and then finds a out of this world hot chick. Every Monday I watched and then when it moved to Friday I watched. I signed those petitions on line to bring Chuck back and they did. I was really hoping that there would be a Season 6 even thinking that maybe a cable network would pick the show up. None of that happened. So here I am feeling like I just lost my best friend.

    I am now 40 years old and have had two children during the Chuck years. I have all the seasons of Chuck on DVD and one day my kids will watch this great show.

    Just like most people I loved the season finale but was hoping to see Chuck and Sarah together with her memory back. After a few days of thinking I think the ending lets up imagine in our own minds what there life would be in the future. It also leaves the possibility that if the writers and cast ever get back together in the future they can pick up where the show left off. That is my wish that someday in the future I will be watching a Chuck movie.

    To the cast, crew and writers of Chuck I want to say thank you so very much for the best show I have ever seen on TV. I will greatly miss sitting down on Monday or Friday and watching my favorite show. Good luck in your future endeavors and I will follow your progress.

    To Mel and this website although this is my first post I would visit the site weekly to check on Chuck news, etc. This is a great website for Chuck fans and I hope you continue to keep it running. Maybe not so much Chuck news but a way to follow what the actors are up to and possible Chuck rumors.

    A fan who is very depressed.

  14. I too have been a CHUCK viewer since the pilot episode. CHUCK has been such a bright spot in my life for the last 5 years. I lost both my mother and father during these 5 years and CHUCK was one hour a week when I could just let go of all the stress and sadness and just get lost in a great episode each week. CHUCK is the one show my husband, daughter and I always watched together. Even after she got married we still would talk and laugh about the episode.

    I for one have no doubt that Sarah got her memories back, since they were suppressed and not erased. I think the kiss brought them back too. When you think of CHUCK versus Phase Three CHUCK’S memories were about gone then Sarah kissed him and he knew her. Also things were starting to come back to her on their own. So I loved the ending going back to the beginning. What a beautiful final shot. I am just so sad that this wonderful show had to come to an end.

    It is hard to let go of CHUCK, because it is special beyond words. There will never be another show that will make me feel like I was part of their family every week. Thank you to all the cast and crew for letting us go on this wonderful ride with you for 5 years. There will always be a special place in my heart for CHUCK.

    Thank you Mel, Liz and Gray for this wonderful site and the podcast.

  15. Still in mourning and still have some issues with the final two shows but its been so great to tune in for five years and watch a show that entertains over and over again. So I’d like to use these lines to send a gigantic thank you to the entire cast and crew of Chuck for what they’ve done and to Mel, Liz and Grey who’ve given so much to the Chuck Universe. And to my fellow Chucksters, thanks for sharing all the emotioins, opinions and hopes for the show and let’s hope we can finagle some way continue the saga!

  16. Just a thought…What if Sarah is “rebooting” her memories? Remember at the end of season 3 when Chuck had to reboot when he was fighting Shaw? Since she remembers the beach, the order of the cups, the sign… Perhaps it will click into place (all she needs is another Jeffster song playing like Chuck did- haha). Chuck just needs to be himself til that day…The she’ll realize she’s twice in love- for the past and the present.
    Also, wouldn’t it have been kinda cool if they ended with Chuck “flashing” forward in 1 of 2 ways…
    1) He flashes on their future and knows they’ll be ok (they wouldn’t even have to show the future- just a close of Zac Levi’s eyes, with a knowing smile
    2) The whole journey was a giant flash (or dream) from when Sarah walked into the store and he’s still at the Buymore…And the journey begins again.

    I’m sure I will adjust to this show ending (and ending the way it did), but right now, I seriously feel the loss. It’s the not knowing if Sarah and Chuck are really okay that is the sucker punch of this series ending.

  17. Chuck is more than just a show. You really connect with the characters in a way different from any other series, even if it’s not the best show on television. I wouldn’t consider myself in denial, but I don’t think the series is going to end here. There is too strong of a fan base for there not to be some sort of continuation to this show in the future. But with that said, I’m still really bummed that I can no longer tune in every week to see new episodes. But I will do my part and buy all the seasons of Chuck on DVD or Blu Ray to support the show.
    Also, the ending is a perfect setup for when they do continue on with the show. I would have liked more concrete evidence that Sarah would start remembering everything, but I still liked the series finale overall.
    And I must comment on this fanbase. I’ve never seen a stronger following of a tv show. In a way, Chuck being on the bubble was an experience of it’s own for me. I got to watch everyone come together and really support the show. I am mad that this show didn’t get the ratings it deserved, but it’s NBC’s loss. I feel this show is going to become similar to how Arrested Development turned out, like a cult following.
    Goodbye Chuck I’ll see you soon.

  18. hello every body

    it’s the first time for me to write here,even though i know very well this site,
    now seriously what’s been going on this series finale??
    is this poor fellow really cursed?? never been and never will be happy in this life??
    really i am a real big fan of chuck, it is just like it was a part of me, but seriously this tragic!!
    i can bear it!, after being torn in this intersect project, lost his father, discover that his father, colege girlfriend , his roomate, and his mother was spies, been betrayed, pushed and pulled, to finally loose the only thing that really imports to him? the love of sarah?! even if morgan say the little hopful thing about kissing and recovering memories and that the end is on the kiss, but seriously they should have ended with a clue that sarah recovers her memory such as:
    ready for one last mission?
    or: you’re my chuck
    or : nice to meet you Mr Sarah Walker, or Mr Charles Carmichael (as they didn’t mention it since she lost her memories)
    or: she ties something on his finger just as they did for their wedding rehearsal
    or: she shows him the charm bracelet that he gives to her at christmas two times
    or: she has a tiny eiffel tower as a key chain
    or: what sarah hide when they were on mission in the sub urb

    no seriousely they could have ended it much more romantically and less harmfully than what they did,
    i’m sorry but for me chuck just finished on season 4 episod 13 Chuck Vs the Push mix , or even earlier in chuck Vs the other guy , what cames after even if it was somehow pleasant was mostly so painful, and so not realistic (morgan got the intersect, then sarah, jeff becoming smart, chuck being a billionaire then CIA just frost every thing,shaw coming back again, the omen thing that is just forgotten, sarah’s got a step sister) i will erase “from my memory” all what happens in season 5
    i will never see a show with the same eyes i did with this one, unfortunately i was really desapointed with this end.

  19. I don’t know if I have ever felt this sad after a show ending. I have watched the last scene with Chuck and Sara like 10 times. I’m disappointed they didn’t have a fairytale ending but know that would have been boring. All day yesterday and today I have been going through videos of them and the last season. This one is definitely going to be tough to get through. Thank god for Netflix.

  20. After many times rewatching I have come to conclusion that Sarah´s feelings are back after seeing their names & her log even tough she claims otherwise to Chuck. You could just see that when watch her watching herself telling how she loves Chuck.

    So really the question was on the ep 13 does she have courage to gave in to these feelings when she doesn´t remember anything. And that´s also the reason to her coldness like at the beginning of season 3 when she was hurt of Chuck not running away with her.

    Still I hope to have knowledge whether she gets her memories back or not and they stay together. But at least now I know for surtain that the love is still there and was all along even when she didn´t remember it.

  21. What does it take to get this show picked up for a few more seasons? Maybe a TV Movie, Movie, etc…something.

    I am not a TV watcher and before Chuck the only showed I watched weekly was Seinfeld…yes I’m hard to please. My wife and I enjoyed this show together and saw every single episode from the beginning.

    I have mixed emotions because the finale was so emotional and well acted, but it left me wanting more…I guess the writers did their job, lol.

    Thank you to all that had a hand in this terrific show!


      hey william we are trying to figure that out now, there is this petition and i am one of many on the cbs facebook page just trying to push. please sign the petition and spread the news.

      there is a chuck petition still going on people we need help picking up steam. we don’t know if we can force a movie or what, but we need to make more noise!!! just an e-mail address is required it takes 10 seconds. more jeffster is possible!!!

      • Ultimately, what will count is $$. If there is demand via DVD sales, if people still are talking about Chuck years after it’s gone, and it gets a decent syndication deal, there may be hope. Otherwise, a petition won’t mean much, unfortunately.

  22. I was definitely one of the ones who came down negatively on the finale initially. Given how much I’ve watched the series, and particularly how much emphasis the writers had been putting on a storybook ending – the house with the white fence and the red door, quitting the spy life and moving into computer security, the picture of Chuck, Sarah, and a future kid – I was really upset to see something that didn’t match that. Yes, it would have been terribly sappy and cliche (although is that true? I feel like most shows on TV that have meaningful relationships don’t get that kind of ending), but it’s Chuck, and that’s what I expected. It didn’t happen, and I was pretty distraught about it initially.

    Thing is, having slept on it a couple nights now – I’m more okay with it. I think the pacing was a bit off, because Sarah hadn’t given any real sign of warmth prior to the beach, and then she’s asking him to kiss hiim? It feels a little rushed. But I’m okay with assuming things are fine. She may not have her memories fully back (although, despite the ridiculousness of the theory, I choose to believe Morgan was right about the kiss), but she’s already falling again for the same guy that she fell for last time around. And even if her memories aren’t back yet, the feelings – which Sarah said were gone at the end of “Chuck v. Sarah” – are definitely still there.

    I know the 2 of them will be together in the end, but I do just wish there was some small confirmation – whether it be that Sarah ‘flashed’ her amnesia away during the kiss, or that she pulled back mid-kiss with a warm, recognizing smile – that indeed, her memories are still there. I’m surprised that ZL and YS have even mentioned doing some kind of TV or online movie down the road, because God knows it’s hard enough to get people back together for a show (I still can’t believe it happened for Arrested Development, more than 5 years after it ended). But never say never, I guess…this cast clearly enjoys each other’s company, but, as always, it’ll come down to if the money is there.

    Thanks to the cast and crew for an amazing 5 seasons’ worth of top-notch dramedy. The quality may have been uneven at times (post-season 2 in particular), but it was a great ride, and really the last show that has been must-see TV for me the past few years (I caught up before watching season 4 live). Thanks for the great music (the last song was so damn poignant). It was a heck of a ride, and I hope that the cast (particularly Zac and Yvonne, who were fantastic leads) go on to fantastic careers.


    there is a chuck petition still going on people we need help picking up steam. we don’t know if we can force a movie or what, but we need to make more noise!!! just an e-mail address is required it takes 10 seconds. more jeffster is possible!!!

  24. I have been a Chuck fan for the past 4 and 1/2 years. Mondays were always looked forward to because it was “Chuck night” and I got to sit down and relax for a while and watch my favorite TV show. Even my grandma was a big fan, and we would usually call each other after to discuss the episode and talk about our predictions for the next week. I am so glad that we got to enjoy 5 whole seasons of this show, and I am proud to be one of the MANY loyal Chuck fans who fought and fought and fought and fought to keep this one on the air.
    The finale episode left me a little disappointed at first, because I felt like we were not told enough about Chuck and Sarah’s future. But after watching it a few times, I realized that they are going to be just fine, and that they are going to live happily ever after, just like the other characters. I firmly believe that the house with the picket fence is going to be the home of the Bartowski family in the near future, and that Sarah will get all of her memories back.
    Overall, I am happy with the run that Chuck had, considering that people thought that it would never get yet another season. But it did. And we proved them wrong. Just like Chuck did. Nobody thought he could be a good spy and get the girl too, but he did. And everything turned out okay for him in the end. And really, that’s all we can ask for in life. That everything turns out okay.
    Now that I have seen Chuck vs. the Goodbye and watched my favorite TV show end, I will not only miss my most-looked-forward-to-hour every week. I will miss the people that we have fallen in love with for the past 91 episodes; Casey, Ellie, Awesome, Big Mike, Jeff, Lester, Morgan, Sarah, and of course, the very best nerd ever, Chuck. I am not even embarrassed to say that I cried as “Rivers and Roads” played and the camera panned up to view the Burbank sunset. This show has actually been a part of my life and always will be one of my favorite shows and have a special place in my heart.
    Thank you so much to all who made Chuck possible and wonderful. Give yourselves a ginormous pat on the back, and a bow. You all deserve it. It was, and always will be, a great show.
    And as I finish this novel of a comment, I leave all of my fellow and incredible Chuck fans with the words of Dr. Suess:
    “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”


  25. I loved the ending, i was on the edge of my seat the whole time!!!!! i am just so saddened that it is over. It truly is my favorite and the best show on tv. it will be surly missed by all who loved it.

  26. Okay. if you saw the finale, go back to the beginning….a lot of the finale has links to the pilot/1st show..even Sarah’s escape moves in the finale were used by Bryce in the first show (sliding under the table).., which could also mean she still had the intersect, leading us back to the beginning….and you know what I am going to do. I am going to watch, all 5 seasons again in dedication to Chuck. If I can’t get any new. I’m going to relive all 5 glorius years (without commercials) every moment of it. Long Live Chuck!

    • Scott, we have a list of those callbacks posted here:

  27. I have always thought of Sarah Walker as this amazing women who fell in love with nerdy guy named Chuck. What a great ride it was to see them go to just working together to being in love. I love the ending because we get to see Chuck just being himself win the heart of this amazing women (Sarah Walker) not once but twice. If you do not believe that I urge you to go back and watch the ending one more time because you will see a loving Sarah Walker falling in love with a great man called Chuck. I will miss this show so much it hurts.
    PS I believe Yvonne and Zac both deserve some kind of award for their performances in the last two eps. simply amazing. Bye Chuck will miss you.

  28. Well here it goes; I will do my best to not cry and have feelings of angry as I write this post.
    Back in the summer 2007 I decided to leave my job and go back to college, it was a life changing decision for me. Also I heard about this comedy spy show called Chuck. It got my attention because two years before that was Alias, a show that I watched from start to finish and my brother and I loved. So I thought to give Chuck a try, what a great choice! I watched the pilot episode and fell in love at first sight. Everything came together on the show, the writering, directing and acting were great. The moment I heard of Chuck’s story of being a nerd that lived with his sister and had heart break and failures as I had I was hooked. That week I went to my first class, accounting, and low and behold my professor loved the show too. From then on I found people that loved the show.
    I even had my girlfriend,now my ex two years removed, liked it.
    Who can forget when Sarah first came into the Buy More and seeing Morgan and Chuck go nuts over her.
    How can anyone not respect a man that feared nothing and loves his country, a man named John Casey.
    And of course the best friend anyone can have in Morgan. And two goof balls in Jeffster. Big Mike, Ellie, Awesome, and every guest star and Buy More Nerd Herd, and Gretchen lol.
    I said all of that so I can lay a foundation as I am emotionally attached to this show, as it helped me realize that its ok to be a cool nerd, to trust people and family and friends are always there for you.
    This ending was hard to grasp, as how can Chuck be that loving to fight for Sarah and then be willing to let her go?!?! Love that is unconditional…Omg this is hard….to here Rivers and Roads again and again as I reply it, I can here Chuck tell their story and watching Sarah laugh. I guess the writers had to make it seems that everyone had to go out on their own, but why not make it a happy ending? Why make it tough on us fans? If only to hopefully make a movie or really move it to USA or SyFy like they should have. One can only pray and hope.
    I know I am writing in fragmented sentences, but I can’t help it right now. I am hurt.
    I am tempted to buy a Toyota Yaris and make my own Nerd Herd car. I want to live in Echo Park and work in Burbank and marry a hot sexy smart blonde, can you blame me?
    As for the music of Chuck; I don’t think any other show made better use of song selection than Chuck, from first episode to the…gulp sniff sniff last episode…
    I am buying each song that I can find and make a Music from Chuck CD/playlist.
    And come on don’t you think that the opening tune Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake is all about Sarah? Go listen to the full version of the song and the lyrics fit her character perfectly lol.
    Zachary Levi and Yvonne and Adem and Josh and Ryan, Sarah, Scott and Vik, all of them, are a great team that gel very well together. I hope they all make it big and or do what they want and are successful in their endeavors.
    Thank you NBC, WB, Fake Empire, Wonderland, writers, producers, actors, crew for five awesome Chuckster years full of Chuckness. God bless you all.
    Thank you for this great fan site and letting us fans vent, cry, and cheer our all time favorite TV show, Chuck.
    Long live Chuck!!!!

  29. Just thought of the perfect ending…Maybe the show should have been called…”Chuck vs the Kiss”.

    When Sarah and Chuck closed thier eyes to kiss….thier lips touching…. the TV screen starts to fill with intersect images of thier past five years…

    the kiss ends….Sarah’s eyes are still closed…contemplating what she has just seen…Chuck knows Sarah has experienced..something…(looking at her inquistivily) she opening her eyes…and smiles…knowlingly….

    Okay…when I get through the DVD’s again this time…in my mind…this is how it’s going to end…I think a lot of other Chucksters out there would have made peace with this ending..still sad to see it go, okay I’m lamenting with my fellow Chucksters. I do love to hear others memories of what made Chuck so near and dear to all our hearts. I have come back to this site over the past couple of days, it is Chuck that has brought us together and made us, part of it’s family and it part of ours.

  30. I don’t know if this has been brought up before, if so , I apologize…

    Does anybody know if there will be / or was any sale of CHUCK props ? It would be really cool to have some memorabilia from the show?

    Thanks for any or all HELPFUL answers to my questions. And my thanks to the cast and crew of CHUCK, for 5 memorable years of television during a time when standard cookie cutter shows of cop and hospital dramas did nothing but to bore me and make me lose interest in television. I don’t know what I am going to do now that I don’t have CHUCK to look forward to, and I still hope that somehow, someone network will pick it back up.


  31. Thanks Mel, appreciate you putting in the time on this site and giving us a place to put our thoughts. I’m on season One,,,reliving season one as we speak.

    One other show…that made me care for it’s
    characters as much as Chuck (almost as much as Chuck). Was a show called “Space above and beyond” It ran for 23 episodes, in 1996 and is available on DVD . It was the first show that actually made me feel something for the characters, as it fold the stories of 5 future marines (men and women) how they came to be where they were and how these 5 misfits became “The Wild Cards”.
    My favorite episode was…the angriest angel. It too ended with questions,. I awaited another season, that didn’t come and was shocked with the cancellation. I’m stating this, because this was going to be another show, like Chuck was. It made you care about the characters, and I’ve got to say the Pilot with the drill instructor was one of the most comical scenes I have seen. The Drill Seargent is so dry at being funny, he’s funny. If anyone wants to see my favorite clips that are intense and well acted I will post a couple of clips…rare to find shows like this.
    Colonel McQueen about to take on Chiggy Von Richtoven (Alien Red Baron) by himself.
    Best Sci-Fi Dog fight of all time…
    “This is for you Winslow….”
    Sorry to get off topic, but this show could have, for it’s Genre been one of those great shows like Chuck, that people will talk about, and obviously like me, will not forget.

  32. I forgot to say it Aces Charles Aces.
    Gosh darn it this stings like a you know what….all I have is Rivers and Roads playing over and over in my head and seeing Sarah and Chuck on the beach. Maybe that’s what the writers and Josh and Chris wanted, for us fans to know that there always will be Chuck and Sarah making Hungary work like hey always did and do.
    Ugh God help me, why and how did I become attached to a TV show? I never cried at Alias. That’s how good this show really is. I am a 28 year old male, Hi my name is Justin and I am a Nerd Herder, a Chuckster for life.
    I am going to miss Zachary Levi say to me on Monday’s and now/then Friday’s
    “Hi my name is Chuck….”

  33. Hi guys!…I’m still very sad about Chuck ending and very grateful to have this site to share with all my fellow Chucksters.
    Right.. I’m not that great with words and especially when it’s not my first So I apologize before hand if I make some mistakes..
    Ok here goes…I can’t really find the words to express how much Chuck means to me but I know that they’re not necessary because as Chucksters I know u know and share these feeling, that sometimes the rest of the world doesn’t…
    This is a show that changed my perspective on tv..I’ve always been a tv fanatic and had my favorite show…until Chuck!…Chuck is indeed an incredible tv show.Fresh and innovating..different from anything else on tv; that told a story never told before. Filled with action, suspense,comedy, music,romance and Heart. So much Heart.. But Chuck isn’t just a tv show, it’s a FAMILY. A family like no other I’ve ever seen before..This is a family formed by an amazing cast and crew but also fans. The FANS!!..I never stop getting surprised by the way this cast and crew take care and include their fans..and let us know how much they appreciate our love for them..and I’ve never seen such incredible fans unite the way they have to save the show they love so much..A community based on respect and loyalty not only to the show but to each other..
    Chuck was always something to look forward to. Something that filled my heart and just made me laugh so hard my face hurt from it…Chuck helped me accept the fact that I am a nerd and can be proud to be one. It helped me forget and even get threw whatever was going on in my life.
    So how can I not be sad, when its over? I’m very sad to the point that tears come down everytime I think about it. But its a sadness that I embrace because it just represents how happy it made me, makes me..if it makes any sense..
    I am a proud Chuckster for life.I’ll admitt that maybeI’m not as worthy as other Chuckster to be called that because I didn’t start watching Chuck since day one and maybe couldn’t help as much i wanted to save it, but I LOVE this show/family and everything that it represents and will forever be grateful and thrilled to have it in my life…
    Ok..sorry if it’s to sappy guys..did my best to kinda write how I feel. 🙂

  34. I can’t believe the show is over 🙁 I would definitely be more than fine with a season 6 😉 so yeah, I suppose I am in denial :/

  35. I don’t really know what to say. I’m certainly not enthusiastic about the way the show ended, but at the same time I am happy it ended on its own terms. I’ve read some comments of fellow viewers that say that the more they watch the ending, the more closure they get. I think this will have to be the case for me. I would also really like to see more Chuck: in a movie (although, unlikely imo), web series (possible), and graphic novels.

    I think I may rewatch the whole series slowly again and make a timeline of intersects and stuff. If I do, i’ll post it in the forums.

  36. I have been depressed for 3 days now. I feel emtey somehow. knowing i will never get to see a new chuck adventure again. it sux. i miss them all. Casey, Sarah, (by the way, did we ever get to know her last name? we know her real first and middle-name, sam lisa but then what? ) morgan. even jeffster, whom I never really liked. most of all. i miss Chuck. the geek we all come to love..

  37. I personally feel it was the perfect ending to a perfect show. The cast had a magical quality with each other and their acting was first rate; they were all completely believable in their roles and relationships. And although the last season reused many twists that had been used before, they were done in a fresh and original way.

    I got something in my eye at the end, when the team went their separate ways. But it was really the right way to go. Although everything’s changing, everyone is going to a better place. Sarah is showing signs of a recovering memory, and we’re all given hope of a happy future for all. And finishing it with Rivers and Roads was clutch. I’ve listened to it again and again, it’s so powerful – we can all relate to moving on and leaving your best friend, knowing they’re out there and not with you but it’s for the best. Dang, I got something in my eye again.

    The show and its cast has entertained me and inspired me for the past five years, and I will cherish it forever, and make my kids watch it when they grow up 🙂

  38. Chuck is one of the best tv show that i have ever see. i start watching chuck 3 years ago and from then my life have completely changed.i have learn so much things from this show. I learn about how a friendship should be, how you must support your family and friends and do anything to make them happy and safe and of course i learn how when you love someone with the whole of your heart you do anything for that love, you don’t give up.
    I love how the relationship between chuck and sarah had grown and how the love should be. Chuck and Sarah is my favourite couple and really really love them. And of course i love everyone else in this show. Morgan, Casey, Ellie, Devon, Lester, Jeff, Alex, nad everyone else that had been appeared in the show.
    Every day i came here and read the news from chuck i read the recaps, the spoilers and other things. It’s been 3 days from the series finale and i still haven’t realise that it end. I still thing that when the friday come i stay awake all night to watch chuck but that will not happen again. When i watched the finale i cried. I cried a lot. After the end i cried even more because i will never see again my favourite characters and there stories, i will never get the chance to hear again and learn great music.
    I want to thank everyone who make this site because seriously this site means a lot to me. So thank you for eveything you have done and for the hard work to give us the chance to learn everything about chuck. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
    P.S. I love how the show end and i’m sure that sarah fell i love with chuck all over again and that someday her memories will come back and they are going to have the future that they have dream.
    Oh god i’m going to cry again :\'( :\'(

  39. Wow, end of last week was exciting over the finale, and the weekend was digesting it. but I admit today it is really hitting me that Chuck is gone. No new episode to look forward to next week, no next season. Didn’t think I would be this depressed. I rewatched the finale last night and the end when Elle says “aces Charles”, made me tear up. Sarah was awesome in the one moment.

    Scott, I was hoping for the intersect like flash at the end also, even if it went black afterward.

  40. Wow, didn’t realize how invested I was in these characters until this weekend. The intensity & heartbreak of the finale was draining. Monday is going to be hard. But am left with a great sense of love from the cast and fans and many great memories that we get to relive whenever we want. 🙂

  41. Sad to see the show go.
    I completed the survey today and it made me realise how much I loved the finale (I marked every aspect or scene that was mentioned).
    Farewell Chuck, your airtime may be over (or not you never know and because I’m a person who is clearly affiliated with this show, I’m gonna stay optimistic for like EVER!) but I will continue to reminisce about the great characters, great plot lines and twists, your humor and all the emotion an other show has never brought out in me like this before. The things I have done to get people to know about this show!

    “Not that there will be a spin-off, but if there is, I want Morgan to use that invisibility cloak on every mission.” – Ryan McGee, The A.V. Club

  42. That petition is rocketing over 47000 signatures in just over a day its around 1500-1900 signatures an hour. I’m sorry but something needs to be done about the ratings system in america, yes the petition imay be worldwide but that brings in a whole load of money for warner brothers which means they can reduce the price it is sold to nbc. And it will also probably only be the die hard fans signing it.

  43. Mikael Danielsson

    I cannot belive that it´s finally over. Most of the shows kept you on the edge of the thing you were sitting on most of the time. And why stopping when Chuck finally gets back the Intersect? A bit too exciting ending, if you ask me.

  44. I miss it soooo much already, but thankful for 5 great season of laughs, cries, suspense and general awesomeness!!!

  45. It has taken 3 days of spiraling and a lot of rewatching the scenes. But when I made myself watch even the first scenes of ep12 though they are the most sad. I finally get the feeling that it wasn´t as bad as I thought. It´s obvious that Sarah´s love for Chuck is there whole time. It doesn´t go away even when she is trying to kill him or thinks that all is pretending. And comparing to phase three that kiss might bring her straight back like she brought Chuck back with a kiss then.

  46. Even if there is going to be some kind of Chuck TV-Movie down the road to finally resolve the Chuck/Sarah storyline, breaking them up and ending the series with them still apart, the series finale absolutely killed my interest and love for the show. It was everything I didn’t want and didn’t like from Chuck, rolled up into 90 minutes of piss-poor TV.

  47. Thank you for great 5 years of Chuck and freinds. We hope that you will bring the show back to us. Every one in the show ware great.

  48. So I was watching the finale for the fourth or fifth time (I’ve lost track) and realized one humongous callback they forgot…we didn’t see a shirtless Captain Awesome in spandex!!!!!! OMG. How could they have forgotten that? They gave the men a little of Sarah’s back but no shirtless Awesome for the women:(

    By the way, thanks again Mel, Liz and Gray for the great Podcasts. I can’t wait for the podcast interview with Fedak in the next few weeks.

  49. Well, at the end it’s always hard to see something that was so important for me to end, this show have been in some of the most important moments in the last five years of my life, i actually see the show via Stream live in Portugal at 1:00/ 2:00pm since the 1º season ep 3…regarding to this entire season 5, i was very happy when i learn that Chuck had been set to a final season, in part because the last show that i love(almost this way) had been firefly who ended the worst way possible…I thought that this show and all the fans had a opportunity to say goodbye in a proper way with 13 episodes….looking to this final season i see some great episodes but others that are not só good, no because of the actor (who are amazing by the way) but because of the story…common….13ep and you only bring shaw back…there are so many things that would have made this final season epic….so many bad guys, god guys, unfinished biasness….and you let all the closure of 4 seasons for the last 2 episodes…it’s a shame, i don’t feel sad but kind of disappointed knowing that this was a one of a kind show…but still i like some moments, and of course the last two episodes, all the flashbacks, the suspense, all those feelings that i had watching some of the best episodes, all was there but like almost everybody, at the end, on the last scene something was missing, i didn’t want words or some kind of big closure, for me, when chuck kisses sarah, first he gives her a small and passionate kiss, then she looks at him and takes the initiative to kiss him indicating that she felt something, leaving all the same questions about the future but knowing that the feelings are there….this 5 sec would have made all the difference in my opinion… when I saw this last minutes in fade out leaving all these questions i was very upset, with time i hope to be able to forget what i want for the show and enjoy the reality (that’s already happening)….
    This is my first post on the site but i was a daily visitor and i wanted to thank everyone who made this show a unique experience, from de cast and crew (to whom I wish the best luck in the world) for everybody who made this site possible (thank you for all the hard work that help so many people around the world being more inside this amazing world called CHUCK) and to all the fans like me, who made this run possible supporting one of the best shows ever…
    A special mention for the video tribute, that was amazing!!!
    from a village in northern Portugal to the world OBRIGADO CHUCK

    Sorry about my English

  50. It has been well four days since the Chuck series finale and I am still feeling Chuck withdrawals. I am sure a lot of you can resonate with me. I have gone back and forth on how I felt on the last episode of Chuck (for now). Sometimes I absolutely hate how they ended it. I can’t bare to think that all of that growth that Sarah experienced and all of the funny and awesome things that we saw over these five years were gone from Sarah’s memory. On the other hand there are times that I think about the last episode and go, wow that was so awesome to get to see all of those callbacks that brought back tons of memories of why Chuck was such an awesome show. It made me think of why i watched Chuck in the first place, because it was an escape. What ever was going in the world we always had Chuck to brings us together and to make us laugh. It was a story about a normal guy put into a crazy world with a beautiful girl, and we got to see that guy react exactly like we would react. And through all that we got to see Chuck grow and got see Sarah grow and got to see the two of them find exactly what each other needed in each other. We all lived vicariously through the characters, it gave us hope and it felt real. That is why this last scene with Chuck was so hard for me to see that erased in Sarah and to feel Chuck’s pain which felt like our pain. That’s why we all wish we could have seen Sarah get her memories back, to reclaim what made us keep watching Chuck, to get that happy ending we so desperately wanted to feel with chuck. But alas we didn’t get that. I have to mention though that the entire cast of Chuck made one incredible episode. It was beautiful written and incredibly acted so thanks to all them for giving us five years of an incredible show. But it still left us to imagine, what happened after that kiss and I know for most of us we desperately wanted to see Sarah get a her memories back in a flash but we were left to imagine. So if you need something to wrap your mind around that will cheer you up and remember why chuck was so awesome then here it is. I am a hopeless romantic so this is what I believe happened. Just like when Sarah brought back Chuck in Chuck vs phase three with a kiss I believe that Morgan’s magical kiss idea did worked and Sarah does get a good chunk of her memories back right then and they watch the sunset together as Chuck continues to help Sarah get her memory back. I mean why not, they left it up to our imagining so that is what i am going with. So let’s all start to come out of withdrawal that Chuck is over(for now), lets buy the dvd’s and lets re watch Chuck and remember what awesome show it is and will always be. O and thank you to Mel for putting up this sight. I have been an avid Chuck fan for years and have visited this sight often but have never commented.