City TV (Canada) has a spoiler-riffic promo up for “Chuck vs. the Other Guy”, airing Monday, April 5. WARNING: This preview has some major spoilers, so if you want to be surprised by some important plot points, look away!
As some eagle-eyed fans have pointed out, in one sure-to-get-fans-excited snippet, Sarah is wearing the same shirt she wears in the “Sarah, do you love me?” snippet from the promo we saw a few weeks ago that covered several episodes. Plus, Morgan makes a big decision.
Yeah!!!! cant´wait!!!
Lol Casey spying on Morgan with Jeff and Lester. Has it become that bad for him? Poor guy, I want Casey back on the force please.
Everything else; SQUEEE!!!! Can’t wait 😀
Sorry to be replying to my own post, but the promo said ” Keep your friends close, yet your ‘Enemies’ closer” Only confirms my suspision that Shaw is indeed Team B’s enemy now.
Now thats sounds heavenly inspiration.
I love that these stories you post, provide contemplative thought and inspiration!
Look at their shirts when they kiss! It’s the “do you love me scene?”!!
What do you love me scene? I keep seing that question posted everywhere. Does chuck ask her if she loves him or something? Where is that on the prome and how come ive never heard of him ask that
Here’s the clip you’re asking about, ‘Sarah, do you love me?’ It’s at the end of this trailer that came out to preview CHUCK’s March 1st return after the Olympics:
“You killed my wife, did you really think that I’d be ok with that?”
“Sarah just activated her locator, she’s in trouble”
sounds promising…can’t wait
Hey who is Shaw kicking in the promo? I can’t tell…
I think Shaw is kicking Sarah… The frame is a little blurry but it looks like long blonde hair.
No… I take that back… I’ve got no idea!
Thank you for your post today. It offers us wisdom in so many ways. Thanks also for that tiny thread!
Notice 0:14 – Sarah has a tranq dart in her shoulder. I assume Shaw kidnaps her.
hello kate!
excellent! that may explain why sarah is crying on the firt promo of episode 13, because of the jacket she´s using is red.
all the luck for chuck from portugal!
very perceptive, i didnt notice that, wonder were he is gonna take her
I could definitely be wrong, but that kind of looks like the place where Sarah killed his wife. The signs in the red test video looked European, so it doesn’t make sense if the DYLM scene takes place in Chuck’s pad.
I’m probably way off.
at 0.05 i wonder whats going on in castle,looks like either chuck is angry at sarah or concerned that she just got an order that she won’t be able to handle i.e killing shaw
and yes i think the scene where sarah kisses chuck is the same as the ‘DYLM’ scene
I think that is worry. They likely got an order to help Shaw in Paris and he’s worried for Sarah’s safety.
Again, It’s Monday Already????
I love the line from Casey “get me my suit” LOL.
in 0.05 i think its rather a look of worry, i dont think he knows that sarh was actually going to meet him at the train station thats why there was the DYLM scene and we all know sarah’s answer by now
You know how people keep saying she’s wearing the same shirt???? I don’t think they look too much alike, do you?
it is the same top, and if you can see that chuck is wearing a white top, the same as the one in the ‘dylm’ scene. Also in the ‘DYLM’ scene chuck looks a bit sad and under the influence, and from the sneak peak we got from the bonnie hunt show, you see chuck wearing the same white top with a bottle of alcohol
I think shaw dies. I think chuck kills him on accident, and re-sets the chuck/sarah relationship status.
I also think morgan may be hooking up with anna again, or joining the chuck/sarah/casey team.
I could be wrong… I think episode 17 or 18 is CHUCK vs the undead. i think bryce larkin, or shaw returns from the dead. (possibly both ring agents now) I dont know, cant wait for the episode tonight. this seasons been a crazy one.
Correction it’s Chuck vs The Living Dead and it could be the one where Casey runs into his daughter again, as we know from the Tic Tac, he’s been presumed dead in their minds for years. It would be appropriate and it could mean the father coming home from exile, in a way, back to his family. I personally can’t wait till that episode when that happens.
I just realised that (after watching 3.13 twice) the kissing scene between sarah and chuck is not passionate or hot like previous season 1 & 2. Sarah kiss Bryce, Cole and Shaw is more hot. Is it possible that Zachery Levi and Yvonne does not have good relationship off screen?