Friday Five: Actresses Who Should Be Mama Bartowski

Earlier this week I fell down a bloggy rabbit hole and landed at a blog for a woman who has adorable twin boys. I read a few entries and realized that this “woman/twins mommy” was in fact Heather from Go Fug Yourself, a snarky fashion site I’ve been a fan of since early 2005. “How delightful,” I thought. “Now I can get her insight on things other than fashion.” As I continued to read, I noticed references to “Kevin”, a mysterious entity I later identified as her husband. Read a few more entries and there’s a photo of the twins wearing wee matching Captain Awesome sweatshirts. “Aw, they must be Chuck fans.” Then, after an embarrassingly long time, the pieces fell into place, I smacked my forehead and sent an email to Heather at GFY HQ (I can do that, we’re totally BFFs now) asking if her Kevin was in fact this Kevin.

He is.

A few witty emails – most of the wit coming from Heather – later, and she’d agreed to be our guest writer for this week’s Friday Five. As she notes, she gets zero spoilers, so this list is all in fun. And that’s the story of how we landed a Friday Five from one of the most consistently funny women I know. Without further ado, I give you Heather:

Being married to a Chuck editor hasn’t come with any of the obvious perks: I don’t have a shirt that says “Wienerlicious” or “Jeffster”; Adam Baldwin doesn’t show up at our door with five-dollar foot-longs, Diet Coke, and a growl; and above all, I don’t get spoilers. My husband Kevin is a vault. So I’m as curious and in-the-dark as anyone else when it comes to the motives of Chuck and Ellie’s mother, Mama Bartowski, and whose face she’ll be wearing when she steps out from the shadows. Fans are clamoring for Lynda Carter in the role, but in the event her famous baby blues are deemed too genetically inappropriate (and of course the ubiquitous Betty White is booked), I have a few suggestions of my own:

Heather from Go Fug Yourself reveals her choices for who should  play Mama Bartowski on Chuck

  1. Rene Russo. Anyone who’s seen Russo in The Thomas Crown Affair knows she can wear leather as well as Sarah Walker herself. Like, she could give John Casey night sweats. Plus she’s smart, sarcastic, sexy, and let’s face it, don’t you kind of miss her? Where did she go? When Thor comes out in 2011, it’ll be her first job since 2005, and she might be in demand again — so swoop now, NBC. You might even get her on sale.
  2. Sela Ward. Because nobody doesn’t love Sela Ward, and yet, her last gig was in the woeful Stepfather remake starring Penn Badgley. Chuck would be like sorbet for her career palate. Ward’s gentle beauty is usually associated with heart-of-gold roles, making her a perfectly unexpected choice if Mama Bartowski takes an evil swerve. She’s also quite the tearjerker at times, and since I’m already emotional imagining Chuck’s face when he finds out his mother is alive… well. Buy stock in Kleenex.
  3. Geena Davis. She’s another former bold-face name who isn’t doing much these days, but her last foray into TV won her a Golden Globe (it wasn’t her fault that Commander In Chief fell into managerial disarray). She can do comedy — that acceptance speech was memorably snarky — and most importantly, she’d provide the writers a chance to bust out many a Beetlejuice joke. And that Alec Baldwin connection would pave the way for my dream Chuck-30 Rock crossover, in which Morgan romances Liz Lemon, Jenna joins Jeffster, Jack Donaghey shows General Beckman the cut of his jib, Team Bartowski takes Kenneth on a mission to stop terrorists from infiltrating The Girlie Show, and Captain Awesome spends twenty minutes in the company of Tracy Jordan (no further writing required).
  4. Jamie Lee Curtis. I love her, and also, someone has GOT to stop her from sitting around eating Activia all day. Nobody’s pipes need that much Drano.
  5. Joan Collins. Yes, she’s totally age-inappropriate, but she’s also JOAN F’ING COLLINS. There is nothing she can’t do. People the world over would tune in to see John Casey go sneer-to-sneer with Alexis Carrington Colby, Etc. (not to be confused with Underpants, Etc.). Seriously, Chuck’s learned to be a spy; now it’s time he learned to eat caviar and champagne for breakfast and his rivals for lunch.
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  1. Hello! Awesome choices but where is the lovely Mary McDonnell?? How about a cameo for Intern George too?

    • Mary McDonell signed on to do “Scream4” just a couple of days ago. It has a release target date of Feb.2011. Is it possible she could do both?

  2. Sela Ward would definitely be best. And really, Joan Collins? You’ve gotta be kidding.

  3. Amy Irving, Kate Jackson, Mary Steenburgen, Carrie Fisher, Karen Allen

  4. I love the idea of a Chuck/30 Rock crossover…best proposition ever!

  5. Joan Collins? Not a chance as Chuck and Ellie’s mom, but maybe Casey’s mom and Alex’s grandmom… there’s a possibility. I like Carrie Fisher, Star
    Wars references are always welcome.

  6. All terrible choices…..Linda Carter…..nuff said

  7. Sela Ward bigtime…she has the look of Chuck and Ellie. Sela would be a convincing mother.

  8. Rene Russo!!!! What a great choice. She has the Police background also from her Lethal Weapons movies.

  9. How about adding Jaclyn Smith to the list. Although if not Linda Carter I thought Kate Jackson might be appropriate – with her links both to Charlie’s Angels and Scarecrow and Mrs King. Just think if they were to do an episode with both her and Papa Awesome in it they could publicize a Scarecrow and Mrs. King reunion.

  10. I have loved Sela Ward ever since her performance in Nothing in Common with Tom Hanks. Oh, yeah, and the role with Harrison Ford in The Fugitive. She plays sophisticated and caring so well. She would also be a nice visual contrast with Yvonne–gorgeous brunette with short cut hair.
    (Just as a matter of information, should this decision have already been made even if the show is keeping it confidential?)

  11. I could totally see Rene Russo as Sarah Walker’s mom and Sela Ward as Chuck and Ellie’s mom!!

  12. Andie McDowell is the right age and hair color, but I do not know if she could do action.

    So Rene Russow

  13. Normally, it’s not very important to me if there’s any kind of resemblance between actors playing relatives, but during the finale I was struck by how Scott Bakula just did not look much like ZL at all and I immediately thought, if they’re going to bring Mom Bartowski into this, they’d better get someone who looks a hell of a lot like ZL. And TALL. Put her on stilts if they have to. [/mostly kidding]

  14. I cannot believe that no one is jumping on the Geena Davis bandwagon! I realise I am so od at 37, but has no one seen “Earth Girls Are Easy”? She is PERFECT for this part – totally wacky and smart, just like Chuck. Seriously, that would be GENIUS casting!!!

  15. Joan Cusack has an off-beat vibe that might work in this type of show.

  16. I think Raquel Welch would be cool as Chuck’s mama.

  17. How about Erin Gray?

  18. Great Friday Five! I was away from my computer for the long weekend and it was nice to come home to this! As to who should play Mama B..I’ve always thought that Connie Selleca would be a good choice. There is the Greatest American Hero connection for one thing and she is still a knock out at age 55! I also really like the suggestion of Geena Davis. I really hadn’t considered her. I totally agree with “rigarmarole” that Mama B needs to resemble Chuck and Ellie, because Papa B definitely didn’t. A tall brunette with a big bright smile around age 50-55 would be just right. Some of the actresses suggested in various places are just too age-inappopriate. Remember that Chuck was born in 1980 (we know this from Chuck vs. the Best Friend when the flashback showed he and Morgan at age 12 in 1992) and Ellie is only a few years older so actresses like Joan Collins, Kate Jackson, Jane Seymour are wonderful but out of the age range. Ausiello votes for Linda Carter, but I remember watching Wonder Woman when I was little (and I’m 42), so she might be a little long of tooth as well at this point. My votes would go for Connie Selleca, Geena Davis, and then maybe Rene Russo or Sela Ward.

  19. Great Friday Five! Nice to come home to after a long weekend at the beach. Love the idea of Geena Davis and Rene Russo too. I also would like to throw in Connie Selleca of Greatest American Hero and Hotel fame. I agree with “rigamarole” that Mama should resemble the kids because Papa B. didn’t. That means a tall brunette with a big bright smile around age 50-55. That leaves out Kate Jackosn, Jaclyn Smith, and probably Lynda Carter too.

  20. Linda Carter would be perfect for this show. Comic fans would have a stroke XD

  21. No worries, I haven’t lost my mind — the Joan Collins suggestion was a facetious one.

    Well, no: It would be HILARIOUS. But also totally not age-appropriate.

  22. I have to say I would not have thought of Geena Davis, but now that she’s been mentioned – I’d love to see her play the part. 🙂 *fingers crossed*

    P.S. Still so SAD at the loss of Papa Bartowski. 🙁

    • One thing I learnt from Bryce Larkin and Daniel Shaw about this show: Never say die.

  23. I love Jamie Lee Curtis. She’s tough, beautiful, & can do comedy. Go Jamie Lee!! She gets my vote 🙂

  24. I don’t know about the casting but Mel is right. Heather is hilarious. Can she write for “CHUCK”?

    Not going to read the fashion blog, but I hope she adds more to this already great website.

    • Amen! She’s got snark elevated to high art. While the season 3 story lines have stayed interesting, the dialogue was not as tart and snappy as in previous seasons. Heather could head up the anti-vapidity squad and take no prisoners.

  25. How about Jessica Walter? Now that Tony Hale is gone maybe we can get a new A.D. alum.

  26. Alberta Watson –Madeline from La Femme Nikita 🙂 She’d be AWESOME, she so can kick as$

  27. Thanks for the blog loaded with so many information. Stopping by your blog helped me to get what I was looking for.

  28. I was recently watching One Tree Hill and I think Daphne Zuniga would be great as Mama B.
    1. Right Age.
    2. Looks almost exactly like Sarah Lancaster(Ellie)
    3. She does look like Zachary Levi(Chuck) a bit.
    4. She may be young but, come on it’s the 21st. century what can we not do now a days?(create an intersect for the government LOL 🙂