As part of our plan to support Chuck and, we hope, draw new viewers to the show during the hiatus between seasons 2 and 3, Chuck fans are invited to join Chuck Me Mondays beginning June 1st.

Chuck Me Mondays: Watch Chuck From the Beginning

As part of our plan to support Chuck and, we hope, draw new viewers to the show during the hiatus between seasons 2 and 3, Chuck fans are invited to join Chuck Me Mondays beginning June 1st. Thanks so much to Richard for coming up with the idea for the viewing parties, Wendy Farrington for coming up with the name, and Magnus (aka DarthRazorback) for leading the charge. Here’s the lowdown:

We’re watching Chuck from the beginning as a group.

Mondays @ 9PM ET beginning June 1st with episode 1.01 for Americans (North and South). Europeans are invited to watch Mondays @ 8PM GMT. (Not sure what time to watch where you live? Find out here.)

Up to date details on the plans for the week can be found at CMM HQ as well as here at

If you have Season 1 on DVD/Blu-ray or iTunes/Amazon download, then you’re all set! If not, then has you covered (as long as you live in the U.S.) with their streaming episodes of Chuck. We are waiting for season 2 to be available online before we begin watching it as a group.

That’s the gist of it! Now spread the word, invite your friends, and we’ll see you on Chuck Me Monday!

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  1. this is a great idea!…let’s all get CHUCKed :p

  2. I can honestly say I have never been involved with a better more dedicated TV show support group.

  3. Operation Pineapple

    Count me in; but I don’t know if I can watch just one episode.

  4. Great idea Mel. With 35 episodes that will take us through January 25, 2010. All we have to do is get through the month of February before the beginning of season 3. Hopefully the Olympics with be “chucked” full of promos for Chuck.

    Chuck Me!

    PS. When does production start on season 3?

  5. Just wondering… If we’re watching at our houses and whatnot and commenting with everyone while we do it–there will be some that don’t. Just want to know how/if you guys can find out how many participate each week or are we just trying to get the word out? Numbers might be interesting to and if they report it that would be a bonus. See you on Mondays.

  6. @Mike B: As far as I know, the production schedule has not been confirmed yet.

    @wasatl24: We’re going more for “buzz” than exact numbers here. 🙂

  7. One more thing…Why aren’t we watching at 8pm ET like the real timeslot next March?

  8. @ Mel
    Word. I’ll let people know. Hit the message boards people!!!

  9. @wasatl24: Because this timeslot allows more time zones to watch at once, which in turn provides more buzz.

  10. Will the Season 2 DVD set be out in the UK round about the same time as you guys get it?
    BTW count me in! 🙂

  11. I’m there. Starting from the beginning is ‘awesome!’ Hopefully the season 2 DVD’s will be out by then. I ordered mine back in April. Seems like us Chucksters have to wait for everything, but by God, it’s worth it.

  12. i’m in! see u then!

  13. Oops I could not wait until Jun 1st. I started watching Season 1 again on the weekend. But since I have been watching about 2 or 3 episodes a night, I imagine I will be able to start again on the pilot – I don’t know how many times I have watched season 1 now, but I never tire of it.
    Do I need therapy?

  14. Gord…you don’t need therapy…at least not while you have a whole group of enablers here to support you 🙂

    Count me in…now I have to get a twitter account…crap! FYI Mel and Co…whoever designed that banner in the forum page for ‘Chuck Me Mondays’, AWESOME. Is it okay to snag that for my LJ page and to post on the Facebook Save Chuck page?? (Mel, if I need to credit someone in particular, please let me know so I can give credit where it’s due.)

  15. @Wendy: Grab it and go with it, girl! No need to credit, but it’s nice to know that you like it. Creating something to follow all of Chad’s brilliant designs for the renewal campaign was a little daunting. 🙂

  16. ah. Mondays can now be a happy time again!
    I’ll crosspost to my facebook account

    btw remember Addicted to (Chuck) where you could autodonate your status to the new ep each week? anyone know who runs that? It would be cool if we could “look forward to ‘rewatching Chuck vs Whatever\'” every week, automatically

  17. I’m sorry, is 9PM ET around 10 or 11PM MT? I think it’s 11, right?

  18. @Kacey: It’s 7PM MT. You can also use the link provided in the post to find out what time to watch in your time zone.

  19. DarthRazorback

    9PM ET = 8PM CT = 7PM MT = 6PM PT.

  20. Dylan Anderson

    wait, i’m comfused
    do we watch it on or do we watch it at home??????????
    i think it is a great idea though.
    lets keep it up chucksters.

  21. Thing is I am already watching seasn 1. I always end with part 2 of the 2an seaon finally. Love when Chuck kicks butt and Sara and Casey watch for a change. That last Chuck???? from Sara is great! I may be able to watch on Monday at 8pm in lieu of 9pm. Does that cause a problem for this or not?

  22. In fact, a little more detail is going to be necessary, if people are going to be snarking in real time.

    My perception of the plan is this:

    DVD: press play at exactly 9pE, 8C, 6P. Pause for 30 seconds at each break. navigate to the proper episode, wait for commercial to play, then click POP-OUT *after the counter has ticked one second*. Pause, and wait until exactly 9p/8/7/6: those 30 second breaks we’re taking are for your benefit. 🙂

    If you got it from Somewhere Else, keep your mouth shut about it, and follow the DVD plan. 🙂

    This will run til about :45, giving us time to chatter about it afterwards.

    I would recommend that we agree on a twitter hashtag for this, and all use just that one; either #WatchChuck, or just #Chuck. Personally, I prefer the former; no reason why motivated tweeters (read: those with keyboard macro programs) couldn’t use both.

    Someone to remind everyone about it over each weekend would not be a bad idea either — anyone got a twitterbot?

    (Yes, I’ve been a Ham radio operator for 20 years; communications and coordination are my specialties; run a bunch of nets in my time…)

  23. @grcommander
    I think as long as you’re watching, and maybe get some others interested, it’s all good.

  24. How do you get to the podcast and is there a way to watch them from the beginning?

  25. Oops. Looks like I was a little premature. I watched Season 1 in its entirety this weekend and handed the DVDs off to my Grandparents to check out. They maybe a well out of the Nielsen range, but I think they will enjoy the show.

    Any rumors as to when Season 2 is coming out on DVD/BluRay in the US. And will the BluRay have good picture quality. I read reviews that Season 1 looked better on DVD then BluRay.

  26. Mel, this is a great idea! And I was thinking, how cool would it be if you invited someone like Ali Adler to talk to everyone on Twitter when one of her episodes aired? I think Scott Rosenbaum is on Twitter too. In fact, maybe an invitation to Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak, Zac, Yvonne, Adam, everybody.

    They can log on to Twitter easy enough, maybe even just to tweet some trivia about their favorite episode, or whenever their schedules allow. This campaign is going to be going on for a year, it’ll be easy enough for them to all log in at their leisure, or maybe even submit some episode information to you guys and you could tweet it during the episodes. And if enough joined in it would be like a cast commentary, exactly like you get on the DVD’s, except this would be live. I don’t think that’s ever been done before. In fact I’d also invite Alan Sepinwall and Maureen Ryan to join in too!

  27. DarthRazorback

    Watch it however you want (though, watching it on would be great), but TWITTER during that time, mentioning “Chuck Me Monday” or “Chuck Me Mondays.”

    We will also be on Skype discussing the episodes in voice chat, while TWITTERING. So, if you have Skype, you can contact me directly (DarthRazorback) and I will pull you into the room, provided we have space.

  28. What if you can’t twitter? How do you get involved?

  29. Great idea! Definitely count me in.

  30. DarthRazorback

    Why can’t you twitter? It is free and worldwide.

  31. Should we have eaten Subway sandwiches before viewing?? If we want to get into the “full habit” of CHUCK for when Season 3 premieres – and I’m assuming that will involve regular Monday Night Subway Sandwiches (after all, if we want a Season 4, we want Subway to see that their investment in the program is bringing them a return). And if/when you do go to Subway, wear any CHUCK gear you might own (hat, tee shirt, etc.).

    Here’s a side note, and this is not an advertisement for any company – but I took my laptop to Best Buy and to the Geek Squad so that I could upgrade my RAM. Well, I got to talking to the Geek Squad guys and they’ve heard of CHUCK, but only two of them said they’ve watched it – and each of them said they only saw one episode. I said, WHAT. You guys are GEEK SQUAD!! How can you NOT watch CHUCK?? I tried my best to recruit them by pointing out the “wallpaper” on my laptop was the photo of Sarah pointing a gun in the direction of the camera (featured recently on I figured, if the idea of Nerd Herder Chuck Bartowski wasn’t appealing to them, maybe Sarah Walker would be!! (Hey, to help “GROW” CHUCK, I’ll try most anything!!)

  32. Just joined up! I am onboard with “ChuckMeMondays”! This is the FIRST website that I have ever felt compelled to register for. Don’t know what it is about “Chuck” (yes, I do) that has caught me from the pilot episode. Love the show: great writing, great actors, great stunts and alot of laughs! Didn’t think that there were other fanatics like me out there. I stand corrected! Oh, and the vs. the Podcast…well, Wow! Great job by all three of you! Can’t wait for the next installment.

  33. Folks, this is the “general information” post. As stated above, each Monday’s post will contain details on where to watch, who to follow on Twitter, where to comment, etc. Don’t worry, we won’t leave you high and dry. 🙂

  34. Why Does start Chuck at the 12th Episode? Be nice to see all the shows onthe site.

  35. I do not know how to get in nor do I know if you need additional items for my computer

  36. One correction:
    Europe will watch at 7GMT which now because of Summer Time is:
    8PM in UK/Ireland/Portugal
    9PM in Spain, France, Germany,Belgium, Netherlands,Italy, Sweden,Norway,Poland (and in the rest of previously unnamed Western and Central European countries)
    10PM in Greece,Finland, Baltic Countries, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey
    11PM in Russia

    For reference see here:

  37. DarthRazorback

    Are you speaking for all of Europe, tenelilli? Because 8PM GMT sure seems to work for most people.

  38. @DarthRazorback
    I don’t know if for whole Europe, but for the group centered around @ChuckMeEurope yes.
    There has been some confusion with times/ time zones but let me clear it up:
    8GMT was the initial idea because it was considered to be the same as 8PM in the UK. And during the regular part of the year (end of October-end of March) GMT truly equals UK/Ireland time. Upon closer inspection it turned out though that during Summer Time part of the year (end of March-end of October) UK observes GMT +1 time change.
    Basic GMT time remains the same, but most of Europe adjusts and switches to Summer Time, which mostly is local time + 1.
    So 7PM GMT is 8PM of BST (British Summer Time) and the rest of European times can be observed accordingly, thus sticking to the original time of starting viewing Chuck at 8PM in UK.
    So the current idea is as I mentioned above, and people tweeting me seemed to agree with it (although I can always ask them again of course).
    Going with the 8GMT scheme would mean:
    9PM in UK
    10PM in Western&Central Europe
    11PM Greece,Finland, Baltic Countries etc.
    12PM Russia

    which upon discussion was thought a bit late for the Russian people if any would like to participate (I’ve heard no voices from Russia so far but still).

    It hasn’t been thoroughly discussed yet but I was thinking of suggesting that we stick with the local times after the time switch at the end of october, still doing it according to :
    8PM in UK/Ireland/Portugal
    9PM in Spain, France, Germany,Belgium, Netherlands,Italy, Sweden,Norway,Poland (and in the rest of previously unnamed Western and Central European countries)
    10PM in Greece,Finland, Baltic Countries, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey
    11PM in Russia

    scheme, only from October on 8PM in UK would actually equal 8PM GMT.

    Sorry for any confusion that arose due to the fact that the first idea indeed was to watch at 8PM GMT. If there are still European people who’d like to watch and tweet simultanously with the rest of Europe, please follow @ChuckMeEurope and we can clear it up directly.
    If most members would like to return to the 8GMT scheme it is absolutely fine, but we’d have to discuss it first.

    I’m putting up a blog page for Chuck Me Europe, explaining the general idea
    (and obviously crediting it to you:) Still kudoz for the idea ) and where I hope to explain the time zones and watching times thoroughly and then leave a space for discussion if everybody is as fine with this as they so far seemed.
    I should finish it today or tomorrow, and then I’ll post the address on the forum and Chuck Me Europe’s Twitter account.

  39. I look forward to sitting down with a footlong from Subway and watching the series from beginning to end with the rest of you. Even though I have season one on blu-ray, I will watch episodes that are available online. That way, and Hulu/NBC notice that we’re all watching — and collect revenue from the hits, usage.

  40. I thought Chuck was going to be on Sunday nights next year (2010) starting in March, and no longer on Monday nights. Personally, I don’t care which night the show is on, as long as it is on. I’m a little old, and I haven’t read all of the comments yet, so I am not exacty sure what everyone is doing. I don’t twitter, mostly because I don’t understand it either. Hopefully, they are not dropping COL Casey. I haven’t seen who they are keeping, and only twelve shows is not much, but better than nothing.

  41. Matthew. Your are RIGHT my friend. That is the way we should ALL try to watch if we can. All of those “hits” at NBC.COM and HULU are important to them for ad revenue – and every little bit helps in our attmept at keeping CHUCK around for MORE than just Season 3!! So, everybody, take Matthew’s advice and view online if you can!!

  42. @tenellili

    As I explained on the forum, the 7PM GMT only makes sense if you’re willing to change watching hours between summer and winter time. For example, by the way you explained, in the UK people would now watch Chuck at 8PM Mondays and when we enter winter time, it’s 7PM Mondays. I don’t think this makes sense.

    Saying “watch Chuck at 7PM Mondays” just like that will have lots of people watching Chuck in the UK and Portugal at 7PM, add another hour for GMT+1, and so forth, a it’s putting quite some faith into everyone to remember that they have to add an extra hour because we’re currently in Summer time.

    For the sake of simplicity, it’s better to keep the 8PM GMT and forget about Summer or Winter time altogheter. In UK time aka Western European Time, we’ll be watching Chuck always at 8PM, central europeans add an hour, Eastern Europeans add 2, Russians add 3. Simple as that.

  43. I’m definitely in. Twitter is good for making it a trending topic. Excellent idea! I also like the idea of everyone buying Subway on Mondays. I’m sure there is a lot of fandom who don’t visit here regularly, or at all. I didn’t know about this myself until I asked on another site. Are there plans/ideas for how to spread the word around so that more fans join in?


  44. @Emerald: The plan is for fans to spread the word through whatever channels possible. You asking about it on another site and coming here to get the scoop is exactly what we’re hoping will happen. We are working on a few other outlets as well, but for now, it’s word of mouth.

  45. One question about twitter – I thought that was done using black-berry, which I don’t have.
    Can you twitter from a PC?

  46. @Gord – Twitter can be done from any mobile phone, or through their website. For ongoing commentary, it’s easier to do through the website.

  47. wow that’s a great ideia! I’ve watched season 1 and 2 twice but how am i going to survive so much time without chuck?! i HAVE to be a part of this. count me in! chuck me mondays rule : D I just wish i could help more in this campaign.. but i live in portugal and there’s not much i can do. but i’ll definitly try to convice my frinds to watch it and i’ll buy the 1st season (because season 2 isnt availiable here yet).

  48. I just put the word out on the Chuck Season 3 board at NBC, although I imagine most people that go to that site also visit

  49. Forgive me for my laziness and stupidity but what time is this US Central? I have already started watching ’em all over for like the 18th time but I’m in because the show is that amazing.

  50. I already own Season 1 on DVD. I just pre-ordered Season 2 on Amazon. It’s due to be released in late June, so I’ll have it in plenty of time.

    I’m on board with Chuck Me Mondays starting this coming week. I’m going to get a $5 footlong from Subway each Monday as well.