Chuck Heads to Wondercon!

This just in: Chuck will be at WonderCon! The Chuck Special Presentation and Q&A will be Sunday, April 4, 2:30 – 3:30PM. The event will include a special screening of exclusive footage, plus a Q&A with co-creator/executive producer Josh Schwartz and co-creator/executive producer Chris Fedak and stars Zachary Levi, Joshua Gomez and Adam Baldwin.

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  1. How come no Yvonne? Didn’t she go last year?

  2. It is odd that the show has used Yvonne little to none this year for promotional activities. I know she has been doing some work back in Australia, but it is becoming very noticeable. I wonder if there is an issue not being reported???

    • Not only that but she is not being used in the show as much either. Its like she has been demoted from a lead to a supporting role. There have been no “Sarah-centric” episodes at all this season (like Cougars and DeLorean). I don’t like this trend at all.

  3. Guys, there is no conspiracy here. Schedules dictate who is able to attend and this is the group they could confirm at this point. Last year they started with just Schwartz & Fedak, then added Zac and Yvonne, then Gomez and Baldwin to round out the panel.

    • My comment was based on the season as a whole not just Wondercon. Yvonne was used more last year for promtional activiites than this season. That is why I wondered if there were any issues not being reported. It feels like either the network doesn’t want to use her (Pushing Gomez) or some other reason.

  4. I will so be there!!!

  5. I understand that Yvonne has been added. Is this true? She doesn’t seem to speak up much at these panels, as Zac seems to dominate. I hope we hear a bit from her this time. She’s a cool gal.

  6. Wait a sec… Why is it on Easter?

  7. hey im sort of new to this but i was wondering, do they sign autographs?

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