Matt Bomer at Comic-Con 2010

Matt Bomer Talks Chuck at Comic Con 2010

We got to chat with Matt Bomer in the White Collar press room at Comic-Con yesterday, and of course, we asked him about coming back on Chuck. He confirmed that nothing is in the works now, but had wonderful things to say about working on the show and Zachary Levi in particular. Check it out:

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  1. It would be a hoot if Bryce came back..again! I hope The writers do something along those lines!

  2. Bryce-Orion flashback!!! Please!!!!!!

    • Absolutely. It would be interesting to see a flashback to compare the Chuck/Sarah relationship to the Bryce/Sarah relationship. In the Pilot epsiode we saw vacation pictures of Sarah and Bryce. Imagine an episode where Chuck and Sarah go away together on vacation and we see some comparisons in the form of flashbacks. Maybe from Sarah’s point of view of how much more real her relationship with Chuck is compared to how things were with Bryce.

      As for Orion flashbacks – that goes without saying. I could see Orion leaving behind a series of videos to provide Chuck with information and sharing his wisdom with Chuck on the life lessons and spy lessons he learned. He could be an element for Chuck similar to what Jorel was for Superman.

      • Wow that would be cool if orion coul bee like a jorel to chuck would Be kinda Funny coonsidering the whole brandon routh thing 🙂 ivee always like the bryce/chuck/sarah triangle rather than any other triangle. I would defintely love a flashback maybe a chuck dream? Would work I guess. I know the dreams weere supposed to stop when he got da governor but what if he could still get those dreams.

      • or what if he took off his governor and forgot to put it back on?

  3. Great to hear such nice things about Zac and the cast. They always seem like such cool folks when you see them in interviews, and that goodness seems to show on the screen when we see the finished product. Maybe that’s why “Chuck” fans are the most emotionally invested fans in TV land. We’ve fallen in love with the characters and the actors. You just can’t fake that stuff so convincingly.

  4. Totally agree with Doctor Bob – we love Zac Levi and Yvonne, Josh and Adam – makes watching Chuck a love fest!!

    • I agree the whole gang, just watching them all gives me the warm fuzzies, I think of them as my favorite TV family to watch and hang out with, they’re so fun.

  5. The Ghosts of Christmas (past, present and future?) = P

  6. if you’re a big Chuck fan, check out this video – Chuck vs The First Time – at “”

  7. Thanks for that interview Mel. Always been a Matt fan, since his days on GL. I love his new show, and loved to hear him voice what I already suspected, that Zac Levi is a special individual. It’d be cool to see some flashbacks of Bryce and Chuck’s friendship at Stanford, before Bryce got him kicked out.