SPOILERS: Chuck and Sarah Aren’t Breaking Up

This isn’t really a spoiler, but since E! Online wants to act like it is, here you go:

Lianne from Forest Hills, NY: I just read that the powers that be are considering splitting up Chuck and Sarah on Chuck. PLEASE, please tell me this isn’t true?
What?! Split up one of the cutest couples on TV? The couple that just got married? And heading into their final season? That would just be cruel! Never fear, because when we chatted with Yvonne Strahovski at Comic-Con, she had much different plans for Sarah and Chuck (Zachary Levi)…and it involved procreating. That’s right, Strahovski is hoping for spy babies! “If they put [the pregnancy] in, it’ll be near the end. I can’t imagine the spy thing being pregnant, right?” Yeah, you might need to bubble-wrap that bump before getting into fistfights.

Where in the world did Fedak say Chuck & Sarah were splitting up? Unless he meant they might split up to work on different missions, they aren’t, plain and simple.

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  1. There is something about this fandom that can spin every single quote by virtually anybody into “Chuck and Sarah are breaking up.” We heard it before almost every single episode last season.

    It’s… odd. 🙂

  2. Where is all this coming from, its totally laughable. Our favorite couple just got married after a season in which we saw Sarah risk her life to save Chucks in Thailand telling Casey she needs Chuck and isn’t the same without him. And Chuck went to Moscow to beg Vivian for the antidote offering his life for Sarahs. Sarah telling Chuck that he has always been her home, that she feels safe with him. Chuck in his proposal telling Sarah he wants to spend the rest of his life by her side. Please. And they expect us to believe that this couple would just split up.

  3. That doesn’t exactly mean they’re not splitting up. Yvonne is *hoping* for spy babies and then says it will be put at the end. Never once did she say no.

    • E!Online’s coverage doesn’t say “no”, but all of my sources say “no”. As in no way, no how, nuh uh, not happening.

      • I can’t see how it could happen now, quite frankly. All the obstacles that would prevent Chuck and Sarah to be together as a couple (PLI’s, communication problems, spy life problems, their relationship getting more serious e.g: betrothal, wedding) have been swept away.

        That doesn’t mean that there won’t be some more bumps in the road (I’m thinking Chuck being kind-of jealous that Sarah is away with Morgan and Casey on missions, or that Sarah is scared that something may happen to her Chuck because, according to her, he can’t defend himself without the Intersect.

        And now that they are married, the next logical “relationship” step is children, but Ms. Strahovski is right in saying that if it’s not put at the end of the show, how the spy part can happen?

        I’m very curious to see how the show will evolve.

      • Well in the slight chance the writers do somehow manage to screw up this last season, I’ll be ready with my torch and pitchforks… Who’s with me? ;P

      • Besides that, it would be horrible, horrible storytelling. Four years of wt/wt building to the climax of finally a wedding, and the marraige only lasts a few months? It would be contrived and clearly manipulative.

        We all know exactly where this is coming from and why.

      • We do?

        (Apparently that is too short a reply, so here is an extra sentence for padding. And I thought brevity was the soul of wit.) 😉

  4. Say whaaatt?! Chuck and Sarah?? Splitting up?!? Nope. No way. I don’t believe it.
    Who would even suggest such a thing?! This is madness, MaDNeSS, I TeLL YoU!!! @_@

  5. well i see how spy babies would fit did u ever watch undercover blues with Dennis Quaid

  6. I thought this at one point when a vague rumor suggested there would be a break up in season 5. Seems that it will be Jeff and Lester though. Jeffster splits.